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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

72 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [November 10 a cost of $1,945.80, f.o.b., Urbana. (Electric weld pipe is better suited to the requirement. Several concerns quoted the same price for standard steel pipe.) Fittings and valves for steam line to Residence Halls from the George B. Limbert and Company, Chicago, whose quotation is low, at a price of $1,891.16, f.o.b., Urbana. On motion of Mr. Barrett, the action of the President in authorizing these purchases was confirmed. COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS (4) The following report from the Comptroller of contracts executed since the last report: CONTRACTS EXECUTED BY THE COMPTROLLER OCTOBER 9 TO NOVEMBER 6, 1934 The Illinois State Board for Vocational Education to pay regular fees to the University for instruction to be rendered as follows: To whom James A. Eaton Joseph W. Elliott R. E. Hendrix Elwood Kendrick Esther Brown Charles W. Beazley Stanley W. Klimek Marguerite Remillard Instruction Law Commerce Liberal Arts and Sciences Law Fine and Applied Arts Fine and Applied Arts Commerce Liberal Arts and Sciences in October 10, October 10, October io, October 10, October 10, October 19, October 19, October 19, Date 1934 1 1934 1 1934 1 1934 1 1934 I 1934 1 1934 1 1934 1 Tenure year from September 19,1934 year from September 19,1934 year from September 19,1934 year from September 19, 1934 yearfrom September 19, 1934 year from September 19,1934 yearfrom September 19, 1934 year from September 19, 1934 Lease renewal executed under general regulations of the Board of Trustees: Leased to Elvin A. Moore Property Sherwood Tenure 1 year Amount to be received by Ike University $20.00 per month Date October 2, 1934 This report was received for record. G I F T S TO T H E UNIVERSITY (5) The following report of gifts received by the University since the last report: 1. The E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, $2,000 for the purpose of employing a research assistant for Professor R. C. Fuson, of the Department of Chemistry. 2. Standard Brands Incorporated, $600, as the first payment of its special annual $1200 fund used for the study of the effect of yeast on the digestive tract. 3. Mr. John Needles Chester, of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, alumnus of the University (B.S., i 8 9 i ; C . E . , 1909; and M.E., 1911), a copy of the first edition of "Lighthouse Illumination," by Thomas Stevenson, the father of Robert Louis Stevenson, a copy of which was at one time in the library of Robert Louis Stevenson and contains marginal notes in the handwriting of Thomas Stevenson, the author. 4. University of Illinois Senate Committee on Unemployment and Relief, $5,356.08 as a continuation of the grant previously accepted by the Board of Trustees (October 21, 1932, Minutes, page 137) establishing an emergency loan fund. The original grant was in the amount of $2,733.50; the additional assets are distributed as follows: Cash $ 997 23 Student Notes Receivable 2 379 91 Participation Certificate No. 3543 issued by the Trustees of the First National Bank of Champaign I 978 94 $5 356 08 This report was received for record. BILL FOR LEGAL SERVICES, CARTER-PENNELL FARMS (6) A bill from Mr. A. R. Hall for services in connection with the tax litigation in connection with the Carter-Pennell Farms, amounting to $695. On motion of Mr. Armstrong, this bill was approved for payment, and the appropriation from the General Reserve Fund was made by
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