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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

608 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 18 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDERS ON MEDICAL A N D DENTAL COLLEGE LABORATORIES BUILDING (4) T h e State Director for Illinois of the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works advises that the regulations of his office require that the Board of Trustees ratify all contract change orders recommended by the Physical Plant Department and approved by the President of the University under the general authorization of the Board of Trustees, at each meeting following these authorizations. This has been done in each case, and two more change orders as listed below (General Contract Change Orders Nos. 4 and 5) have been authorized and are being reported for ratification by the Board. However, the Federal Emergency Administration of Public W o r k s also requires at least five copies of the resolutions ratifying the changes in all instances and, therefore, the following resolution, covering all change orders authorized to date, is offered: Whereas, The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois on January 24, 1936, authorized the Physical Plant Department to issue, with the approval of the President of the University, such contract change orders as are necessary in the construction of the second unit of the Medical and Dental College Laboratories Building (known as Docket No. 111. 1057-R, Medical and Dental College, University of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois), provided the expenditures are kept within the funds available; and Whereas, T h e State Director of the Federal Emergency Administration of Public W o r k s has requested that the Board of Trustees ratify all such change orders at each meeting following their authorization; and Whereas, T h e State Director has requested that all change orders authorized to date be ratified at this Board meeting; Now therefore be it resolved. That the Board of Trustees hereby approves and ratifies the action of the President of the University in authorizing the following contract change orders on the Medical and Dental College Laboratories Building issued to date: General Contract Change Orders No. 1.—Reinstates the alternates and cash allowances, or an addition of $57,147, which were deducted to bring the total cost of the building within the original loan and grant. This deduction would have eliminated the tower floors together with such other work as rubber tile, mastic flooring, linoleum, etc. T h e increase in the loan approved by the Government makes possible this reinstatement. No. 2.—Provides for substitution of terra cotta for glazed tile at an additional cost of $4,050. This, being the first of the change orders, was submitted to the Board on January 24. No. 3.—Makes certain changes on sash and omits screens, thereby obtaining a credit of $4,796. No. 4.—Cancellation of contingent liability insurance. T h e specifications include a provision for contingent liability insurance in addition to the liability insurance carried by the contractors. T h e University Counsel has advised that it is not necessary to carry both coverages and the change order approved will result in a credit of $563.30. No. 5.—Omission of balance of window screens above sixth floor (an additional omission not covered by Change Order No. 3 ) , resulting in a credit of $764.00. Plumbing Contract Change Order No. 1.—Provides an extra of $3,199 for the reinstatement of alternates eliminated in the plumbing work on the tower floors. Elevator Contract Change Order No. 1.—An extra of $1,204 to provide for ( a ) an increase in speed of both passenger and freight elevators, and (b) gates for elevators. And be it further resolved, That the Secretary of the Board is hereby
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