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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1936] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 587 rules has been on leave of absence on half pay under the university regulations in any one of the five years preceding his retirement, or for part of any one of the five years, the full salary rate for the year of absence shall be taken in computing the average of the cash compensation of the five years on the basis of which the allowance is determined. In the case of a member who has been absent in any one of the five years, or part of any one of said five years, without salary, absence having been with the approval of the Board of Trustees, the salary received for the year preceding the year of absence shall be the amount used for the cash compensation in the year of absence for the purpose of computing the average cash compensation for the five years. (c) All members of the staff retired hereunder shall be subject to call by the Board of Trustees for the performance of such specific duties for the University as shall be assigned to them by the President of the University. IV. As the additional compensation in death benefits and retiring allowances herein provided is to be paid to secure the stability and permanency of said faculty and staff; therefore, all rights and claims of any member of said faculty and staff in or to death benefits and retiring allowances, are forfeited, and shall cease, with the termination of service of such member for the University, whether such termination is voluntary or otherwise. F o r the purpose of this scheme of retiring allowances, members of the faculty or staff employed in successive academic years or on other term appointment shall be held to be in continuous employment even though their cash compensation is paid in or for less than twelve months of any academic year. V. T h e Board of Trustees reserves the right to alter, modify, or annul all or any part of the provisions for compensation to members of the staff as provided herein, at the end of any academic year, without liability; all claims and rights of members hereunder shall be subject to such modifications, alterations, or termination. PRIVILEGES OF RETIRED MEMBERS OF THE ACADEMIC S T A F F 31. ( a ) If a member of the staff under retirement is provided with research assistance, he shall, at the end of each academic year, not later than June 1, make a report in at least general terms directly to the President, of the work he has been doing with this research assistance during the year. In no case may a research assistant be granted to a retired member of the staff for a longer period than one year at a time, and such assistant may be continued only if the annual report of work shows progress or promise. (b) With the approval of the department head and dean of the Graduate School, and of the President, a retired member of the faculty may offer conferences with advanced students in his line of work if such member had offered graduate courses before his retirement. HOURS, HOLIDAYS, AND VACATIONS OF THE CLERICAL, STENOGRAPHIC, AND SECRETARIAL S T A F F 32. ( a ) Forty-four full hours a week through the entire year are required of all full-time clerical, stenographic, and secretarial employees, vacations, as indicated below, excepted. Appointment to a clerical, stenographic, or secretarial position is understood to be for full time as herein defined except as otherwise indicated and approved. Allowance for time to take work in the University must be made as deduction from full-time schedule and from full-time salary, unless time allowed for classes is made up in full. (b) Offices will be closed and clerical, stenographic, and secretarial staff excused, except in emergency, on the following legal holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day. Closing of offices at other times when University exercises are suspended will be only with the approval of the President of the University. (c) Persons on the clerical, stenographic, and secretarial staff are entitled to vacation on pay only after one full year of service has been completed. If
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