Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

T936] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS PHYSIOLOGY 563 Mildred E. Jones, Instructor POLITICAL SCIENCE 266 67 90000 538 33 333 33 625 00 60000 433 33 745 83 666 67 46667 248 33 300 00 128 33 128 33 12500 125 00 745 466 483 125 83 67 33 00 266 67 R. M. Story, Professor C. S. Hyneman, Assistant Professor C. Hill, Instructor PSYCHOLOGY I 771 66 P. T. Young, Professor E. A. Culler, Associate Professor F. L. Ruch, Assistant Professor ROMANCE LANGUAGES 1 658 33 T. E. Oliver, Professor J. Van H o m e , Professor P. E. Jacob, Assistant Professor C. C. Gullette, Assistant Professor (y2 time) A. V. Roche, Instructor J. R. Young, Assistant (Vz time) J. H. Utley, Assistant (Y2 time) J. A. Ramsey, Assistant (J4 time) Dorothy Ralph, Assistant (J/1 time) SOCIOLOGY 2 934 16 D. R. Taft, Professor B. F. Timmons, Assistant Professor W. R. Tylor, Assistant Professor A. V. Houghton, Assistant (Vi time) W. L. Schwalbe, Assistant Professor ZOOLOGY 1 820 83 466 67 THEORETICAL AND APPLIED MECHANICS 466 67 81883 84583 408 33 286 67 150 00 15000 150 00 150 00 50 00 W. Shumway, Professor V. E. Shelford, Professor W. M. Luce, Associate F. A. Brown, Jr., Instructor T. D. Foster, Assistant (i/s time) C. L. Kanatzar, Assistant (Ys time) W. Andrew, Assistant ( i i time) N. T. Mattox, Assistant (^ time) H. B. Roney, Assistant (Ji time) TOTAL 3 009 66 $95 936 39 BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION (0) T h e Constitution of the Athletic Association provides that its Board of Directors shall be appointed by the Board of Trustees of the University at its annual meeting in March on recommendation of the President of the University. I request permission to defer these nominations until a later meeting. In the meantime the present members of the Board will continue to serve until their successors have been appointed. This request was granted. DEATH O F W I N I F R E D B E N N E T T (10) A report of the death on February 29 of Miss Winifred Bennett, Assistant in the Department of Botany, on one-half time. Miss Bennett entered the service of the University on September 1, 1935, so that there is no death benefit payable in her case. This report was received for record.