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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

I936] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 535 C. At the conclusion of the experiment any unexpended and unencumbered balances remaining in the funds received under the grant shall be returned to the Foundation, unless the experiment shall have been previously extended by mutual agreement. I recommend that this grant be accepted and that the University Counsel be authorized to prepare such memorandum of understanding or form of agreement, which shall include the above terms and conditions, as may be agreed on between the Foundation and the University. On motion of Dr. Meyer, this agreement was authorized as recommended. HEADSHIP OF THE DEPARTMENT OF SURGERY (14) A report from the Committee on the Headship of the Department of Surgery with three recommendations for consideration by the Board of Trustees. On motion of M r . Barrett, this matter was referred to the President of the U n i v e r s i t y for f u r t h e r discussion w i t h t h e c o m m i t t e e . SABBATICAL LEAVES OF ABSENCE (15) A recommendation that the following sabbatical leaves of absence during the academic year 1936-1937 for the periods and under the terms indicated in each case be approved. These applications have all been considered by the Graduate School Research Board, in accordance with the established procedure for dealing with applications for sabbatical leaves, which has inquired into each case carefully and recommends approval. T h e departments concerned have agreed to provide for the work of the absentees, in accordance with the statute governing sabbatical leaves, without additional expense to the University. Mr. C. L. Allen, Associate Professor of Journalism, for one year, on half pay. Dr. G. M. Almy, Assistant Professor of Physics, for the second semester, on full pay. Professor H. W. Anderson, of the Department of Horticulture, for six months from February 1, 1937, on full pay. Professor E. C. Baldwin, of the Department of English, for the first semester, on full pay. Dr. J. H. Bartlett, Assistant Professor of Theoretical Physics, for one year, on half pay. Dr. Carroll L. Birch, Assistant Professor of Medicine, from April 15 to October 15, 1936, on full pay. Dr. F. G. Dickinson, Assistant Professor of Economics, for one year (or one-half y e a r ) , on half pay. Dr. Louise B. Dunbar, Assistant Professor of History, for the second semester, on half pay. Professor J. A. Fairlie, of the Department of Political Science, for the first semester, on full pay. Professor Louise Freer, Head of the Department of Physical Education for Women, for the first semester, on full pay. Dr. Ruth Kelso, Assistant Professor of English, for one year, on half pay. Professor A. H. Lybyer, of the Department of History, for the first semester, on full pay. Professor O. L. McCaskill, of the College of Law, for the second semester, on full pay. Professor Regis Michaud, of the Department of Romance Languages, for the first semester, on full pay. Professor O. G. Schaffer, H e a d of the Department of Landscape Architecture, for the second semester, on full pay. Professor H. J. Van Cleave, of the Department of Zoology, for the first semester, on full pay. Dr. A. G. Vestal, Associate Professor of Botany, for the second semester, on full pay. On motion of Mr. Pogue, these leaves were granted as recommended.
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