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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1935] UNIVEESITY OF ILLINOIS 407 of March 12, 1035 (Minutes, page 147). This additional delegation is necessary because the volume of transactions is now such that an additional person is needed to expedite business. Under the rules of the Board, all persons to whom authority of this kind is delegated are placed under bond. All documents signed by them are also counter-signed by the Secretary of the Board or his deputy. The following resolution is recommended: Resolved, that the President of the Board of Trustees be authorized to delegate to C. C. DeLong the signing of his name as President of the Board of Trustees to vouchers to be presented to the State Auditor, approved in accordance with the regulations of the Board, this authorization to be in addition to authorizations made in the resolution adopted by the Board on March 12, I93S- On motion of Mr. Barrett, this resolution was adopted. AGREEMENTS FOR COOPERATIVE INVSSTIGATIONS (25) A recommendation for the approval of the following agreements for cooperative investigations by the Engineering Experiment Station: The American Society for Testing Materials for an investigation of the effect of speed of testing concrete. This agreement is drawn for a period of one year beginning October 1, 1935, with a provision for its extension and the Society agrees to pay the University the sum of $600 a year, the entire_ amount to be paid upon the execution of this agreement, for the expenses of this investigation. The Canton Stamping and Enameling Company for an investigation of vitreous enamels. This agreement is drawn for a period of one year beginning September 1, 1935, with a provision for its extension and the Company agrees to pay the University the sum of $1,000—the sum of $500 upon the execution of this contract and the remainder in two installments of $250 each to be paid on December I, 1935, and March 1, 1936—for the expenses of this investigation. On motioH of Dr. Meyer, these agreements were authorized. A G R E E M E N T FOR PURCHASE OF A P E R C H E R O N STALLION (26) The budget of the Department of Animal Husbandry carries a provision of $2,500 for the purchase of a Percheron stallion. This provision has been carried for over a year, but the Department has been unable to locate a suitable horse in this country. The Dean of the College recommends that A. L. Robinson, Jr., of Pekin, a horse expert, who plans to go to France in the near future on his own account, be commissioned to purchase an animal for the University, the fee to be determined when negotiations have been entered into with him but not to exceed $400. The appropriation is sufficient to cover the cost of the animal, the fee, and the shipping charges. The University Counsel has approved a form of agreement for this purpose, and I recommend that the Comptroller and Secretary of the Board of Trustees be authorized to execute it for the University. On motion of Mrs. Plumb, this recommendation was adopted. PURCHASE OF BEEF CALVES (27) A request from the Dean of the College of Agriculture for authorization to purchase two carloads ( n o to 120 head) of choice Hereford Steer Calves for feeding experiments from the Producers Commission Association of Kansas City, Missouri, at an estimated price of $4,500, to be charged against the item for beef cattle in the budget of the Agricultural Experiment Station. On motion of Dr. Meyer, this purchase was authorized. PURCHASE O F COAL, 1 9 3 5 - 3 6 (28) _ The Purchasing Agent sent proposals for the purchase of coal for 1935-36 and invitations to bid to approximately 324 operators in August, and bids have
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