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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1935] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 40I (3) Improvement of the Boneyard from W r i g h t Street to Cunningham Avenue in Urbana. This project includes the work to be done on the University campus. T h e cost of this project is estimated as follows: Sponsor's contribution $ 15 069 20 Government's contribution 525 750 25 Total $540 819 45 T h e Urbana project includes the work to be done on the University campus. This project calls for the construction of 925 feet of covered concrete section 16 feet wide and 8J4 feet in depth. T h e covered section extends from Wright Street to Mathews Avenue. T h e rest of the Boneyard will be uncovered. T h e reason for stopping the covered section at Mathews is to reduce the proportion of materials to labor in the total project, which is necessary to come within the Federal regulations. I am enclosing photostatic copies of the design which they have used on both the covered and uncovered sections. Cost of the Urbana Project ( A ) In estimating the cost of this project, the following unit costs were assumed: Cement $ 2 80 per bbl. (cloth) Sand 1 50 per ton Gravel 1 63 per ton Steel 03 per lb. No. 16 Wire 03 per lb. Lumber 50 00 per thousand Sheeting 60 00 per thousand ( B ) You will note that the total cost of the Urbana project is $540,819.45. The sponsor's contribution on this project is $15,069.20. In other words, the University has been asked to contribute at least $15,000, which is apparently the total contribution necessary under the whole Urbana project. I assume this is necessary in light of statements that it will be impossible for the City of Urbana to pay any of the cost of this project. (C) There are 6,170 lineal feet of improved section contemplated under the project. Of this total, the following will be on the University campus: (1) 925 feet of the covered section 16 feet wide by 8]^ feet deep; (2) 450 feet of the uncovered section 15 feet wide by 10 feet deep, on which the University owns practically all of the property on both sides of the Boneyard; (3) 675 feet of the 15 X 10 foot section on which the University owns property only on one side. ( D ) On the basis of the unit cost per lineal foot of section, assuming a factor of .3 as the additional cost of the covered over the uncovered section, the cost to the University for its proportionate share would be at least $5,200, as compared with that which the University has been requested to contribute, or at least $15,000. This is, of course, exclusive of the cost of protecting footings of University buildings and changing service lines. It is impossible to check in detail the estimate which has been prepared on this project. It may be of interest to know that the estimators have assumed a 50% efficiency for relief labor. Effects of the Proposed Project on University Property The effects of such a project on University property are best shown by the attached print indicating the profile of the proposed box with relation to the building footings and service lines. It is evident that it will be necessary to protect the footings on all the buildings and to change five service lines. It is difficult to estimate the amount of sheeting necessary without having details as to their methods of construction. It is safe to say, however, that the University might easily be called upon to spend $7,500 additional on this work.
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