Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1935] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY (The divisions into which this budget is divided are for administrative convenience only.) Summary Salaries and Wages $12 325 27 681 5 350 46 246 27 342 10 185 36 046 7 238 (172 413) Other Expense 347 Salaries and Wages Administration Order Department Binding Department Catalog Department Loan Department Reference Department Department Libraries: Urbana Chicago—Medicine and Dentistry Total, Salaries and Wages Expense and Equipment (other than Library Additions): Medicine and Dentistry General Total, Expense and Equipment Total $12 325 27 681 5 350 46 246 27 342 10 185 36 046 7 238 (172 413) J 200 7 115 (7 315) 200 7 115 (7 315) Library Additions (books, binding, and periodicals): Medicine and Dentistry Pharmacy General (all other departments) Total, Library Additions Grand Total, Library $172 413 9 800 9 800 950 950 104 500 104 500 (115 250) (115 250) $122 565 $294 978 Administration 1. P. L. Windsor, Director of the University Library and Salary the Library School B $ 6 400 Professor of Library Science A I 000 2. Mary Lois Bull, Assistant to the Director (C. S.) 3. Mrs. Mildred Jones Piatt, Stenographer (C. S.) I 234 4. , Stenographer (C. S.) DG50 420 5. Edmund Wharmby, Helper (C. S.) I 396 Sub-total, Salaries (11 350) 6. Wages H 975 Total, Administration Order Department 1. Willia K. Garver, Order Librarian and Lecturer in the Library School 2. G. H. Sandy, Assistant in charge of Exchanges (C. S . ) . . 3- Mrs. Dorothy M. Halmos, Assistant (C. S.) 4. Kathleen M. Ruckman, Exchange Assistant (C. S.) 5- W. L. Noggle, Documents Assistant (C. S.) 6. Sylvia C. Gilmore, Assistant (C. S.) 7 Edith S. McRoberts, Assistant (C. S.) 'Subject to approval of Civil Service Commission. $ 12 325 D $ 2 2 I 1 1 1 1 980 coo 1 990 680 575 450 540