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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

3IO BOARD OF TRUSTEES [ J u t y 26 Salary DG95 DG5 DG01 DGo DG50 D DG79 DG21 D 2 950) 150) 3 100) 1 630) 170) 1 800) 840) 2 480 1 600) 430) 2 030) 1 000 1 500 1 720 1 200) 1 126 1 072 720 841 (30 485) 4 486 $ 34 971' io. Anna C. Glover, Secretary of Agricultural Experiment Station and Manager of Publications ( S ) ( F e d . ) . . (See Hatch Fund (See Purnell Fund (Total salary 11. Mabel Deere, Editorial Assistant ( S ) (Fed.) (See H a t c h Fund (See Purnell Fund (Total salary 12. J. Allan Smith, Editorial Assistant ( S ) (Fed.) (See Purnell Fund 13. — — , Associate ( C ) 14. Elizabeth B. Cole, Specialist in Office Organization and Management ( S & E ) (Fed.) (See Smith-Lever Fund (See Purnell F u n d . (Total salary 15. Catherine Davey, Secretary to Dean and Director ( E x empt) 16. Mildred Broom, Secretary to Assistant Dean (C. S . ) . . . . 17. Bess Riggs, Chief Clerk (C. S.) 18. Jean H. Smith, Stenographer (See Purnell Fund 19. Lucy Coe, Stenographer (C. S.) 20. , Stenographer (C. S.) 21. Bertha A. Helander, Stenographer (Student) 22. Mrs. Alice V. Hamilton, Retired Sub-total, Salaries 23. W a g e s Total, Administration Restricted Gift Fund Grasselli—R. & H. Chemical Department, E. I. duPont de Nemours & Company—Insecticide Evaluation Project 1. , Research Assistant (Until further notice) 2. J. F. Alsterlund, Special Research Assistant (Until further notice) Total, Restricted Gift Fund Agricultural E c o n o m i c s D DG80 H F F ($ 2 700) (000) ($ 3600) 1. H. C. M. Case, Professor of Agricultural Economics ( C ) and Chief in F a r m Management ( S ) ; Head of Department A $ 2. R. R. Hudelson, Assistant Dean of College of Agriculture and Professor of Agricultural Economics ( C ) (Salary under Administration) A 3. J. W. Lloyd, Professor of Olericulture ( C ) and Chief in Olericulture and in Fruit and Vegetable Marketing ( S ) (Salary under Horticulture) A 4. C. L. Stewart, Professor of Agricultural Economics ( C ) and Chief in Land Economics ( S ) BG88 (See Purnell Fund BG12 (Total salary 5. M. L. Mosher, Associate Professor of F a r m Management Extension ( E ) (See Smith-Lever Fund DG50 •College, $25,501; Station, $9,470. 5 560 4 459 600) 5 059) ..... 2 125)
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