Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
2IO BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June 15 In the opinion of the Committee several other branches of knowledge not being offered by the University would attract an equal or larger number of students than the Slavonic Languages. Courses in Hebrew, and more extensive opportunities in the Scandinavian Languages are subjects which might well be considered for future expansion. Courses in Archaeology and Anthropology certainly would attract large numbers of students. Illinois presents unusual opportunities for valuable investigations in the latter fields. If any enlargement of our present program is to be undertaken the latter subjects would seem to demand first consideration. On the other hand, the Committee does not advise the initiation of courses in these especially important fields until more adequate support is provided for the present program of the University. In conclusion the Committee wishes to emphasize the fact that its adverse recommendation regarding the Slavonic Languages is not dictated by a lack of appreciation of their scientific and cultural values. It is generally agreed that the teaching of these languages is highly desirable. If a chair could be endowed from outside sources, with the sum of five thousand dollars becoming available each year, the Committee would heartily welcome the addition of these subjects to our present offerings. Very truly yours, E. L. BOGART FREDERICK GREEN WALTER S. MONROE GLENN R. MORROW H. A. RUEHE F. B. SEELY W M . C. ROSE, Chairman On motion of Mr. Barrett, action on this matter was deferred, pending further consideration by the President of the University and the Committee on General Policy. At this point, at 1:15 p.m., the Board took a recess for luncheon. AFTERNOON SESSION, J U N E 15, 1935 When the Board convened after the recess on June 15, 1935, the same persons were present as during the morning session. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES The Board considered the following reports of standing and special committees. A M O U N T OF FEE OF MR. ARTHUR ANDERSEN Mr. Mayer reported that he had held a conference with Mr. A r t h u r Andersen concerning the amount of his fee as a member of the Commission to make an Independent Survey of the University Budget, and that M r . Andersen had reduced the amount of his fee to $4,000. On motion of Mr. Mayer, this bill was accepted and ordered paid, together with the amount for out-of-pocket expenses. FIRE INSURANCE ON BUILDINGS Mr. Barrett presented a report of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds: At a meeting of the Buildings and Grounds Committee, to which the above matter was referred, held at Urbana in the Trustees' Room in the Administration Building at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, June 8th, were present: O. M. Karraker, Mrs. Nellie V. Freeman, Harold A. Pogue, Edward E. Barrett, Chairman, and Charles S. Havens, Director of Physical Plant.