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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

i8o BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April 27 STATE SURVEYS BUILDING (13) A statement concerning a conference with the Chiefs of the State Geological and State Natural History Surveys relating to their plans to secure Federal funds for the construction of a building for the State Surveys. Action on this matter was deferred. On motion of Mrs. Freeman, the Chairman of the Committee on Chicago Departments, the Chairman of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds, and the President of the University were requested to confer with the Director of the State Department of Public Works and Buildings to promote the construction of the Medical and Dental Laboratories Building from Federal funds. STATUS OF PROFESSOR H. M. WESTERGAARD (14) At a previous meeting of the Board an informal report was made that Dr. H. M. Westergaard, Professor of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, had been offered a professorship on the engineering faculty of a distinguished university. T h e Board had informally agreed that Professor Westergaard's salary should be increased to $6,000 a year beginning September 1, 1935, and I request confirmation of this arrangement. On motion of M r s . F r e e m a n , this action w a s confirmed. APPOINTMENT OF WILLIAM V E R N O N REED TO PLYM FELLOWSHIP IN ARCHITECTURE (15) A recommendation from the Plym Fellowship Committee that William Vernon Reed, 4117 37th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C., be appointed the Twenty-Second Plym Fellow in Architecture subject to the usual regulations and that Jedd S. Reisner, 224 East 47th Street, New York, has been designated as alternate in case Mr. Reed finds it impossible to accept. I concur in the recommendation of the Committee. On motion of Mr. Barrett, these recommendations were adopted. TREASURER'S REPORT March 22, 1935 Mr. H. E. Cunningham, 358 Administration DEAR M R . C U N N I N G H A M : The Secretary presented the report of the Treasurer. W i t h reference to the request of the Board at its last meeting for a report from Mr. F r a n k M. Gordon as Treasurer of the University as of March 12, 1935, I am transmitting to you at the request of Mr. Gordon a statement of his general account from the time of the last report made to the Board July 1, 1933 to March 11, 1935. I have verified this statement and found it correct and have endorsed it accordingly. W i t h respect to the F.E.R.A. account covering the operations of funds for student employment received from the Federal government, the canceled checks are returned monthly to the F.E.R.A. office. F o r that reason, Mr. Gordon has sent a certificate of the balance in that account as of March 11 and I have appended thereto a statement of the receipts and disbursments of that account as shown by my books. T h e difference between the balances of these two statements is represented by outstanding checks as of the date of the report. Because the checks are not returned to me, I have no opportunity to reconcile this difference. However, since the F.E.R.A. office receives reports both from the T r e a s u r e r and from me each month and since it has reported no difference between the two accounts, I assume that they are in agreement. Cordially yours, LLOYD MOREY Comptroller
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