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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

14 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [ J u l y II Field, Elbert Edison, Teacher of Industrial Education in t h e University High School, on one-fourth time, for ten months beginning September I, 1934, at a cash compensation of three hundred fifty dollars ($350). (June 20, 1934) Foote, B. R., to give instruction in Music in the Summer Session of 1934, on nine-tenths time, beginning June 18, and ending August 11,1934, at a cash compensation of two hundred eighty-five dollars ($285) for the session (this supersedes his previous appointment). (June 29, 1934) Gay, M. C, Assistant in Economics, on three-fourths time, for ten months beginning September I, 1934, at a cash compensation of nine hundred ninety-three dollars ($993) (this supersedes his previous appointment). (June 12, 1934) Gieseking, John Eldon, First Assistant in Soil Survey, in the Agricultural Experiment Station, beginning July I, 1934, and continuing until August 31,1935, at a cash compensation at the rate of one hundred seventy-one dollars twenty-five cents ($171.25) a month. (June 29, 1934) Goodson, Max, to give instruction in Zoology, on three-fifths time, in the Summer Session of 1934, beginning June 18, and ending August 11, 1934, at a cash compensation of one hundred fifty dollars ($150) for the session. (June 25, 1934) Grant, Mrs. Charlotte L., to give instruction in Botany, on one-fourth time, in the Summer Session of 1934, beginning June 18, and ending August 11,1934, at a cash compensation of sixty-two dollars fifty cents ($62.50) for the session. (June 25,1934) Greshiw, G. S., Laboratory Helper in the Animal Hospital, in the College of Medicine, for one year beginning September I, 1934, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission, at a cash compensation of one thousand dollars ($1000). (July 3. 1934) Gunther, James K., Special Research Assistant in Chemistry, on one-half time, for ten months beginning September 1,1934, at a cash compensation of seven hundred fifty dollars ($750). (July 7, 1934) Habberton, William, Teacher in the University High School in the Summer Session of 1934, beginning June 18, and ending August 11,1934, at a cash compensation of one hundred thirty-three dollars fifty cents ($133.50) for the session. (June 30, 1934) Hagan, Mrs. Mabel R., Teacher in the University High School in the Summer Session of 1934, beginning June 18, and ending August 11, 1934, at a cash compensation of one hundred seventy-seven dollars ($177) for the session. (June 30,1934) Hager, Russell Perry, Assistant in Zoology, on one-fourth time, for ten months beginning September I, 1934, at a cash compensation of two hundred eighty-five dollars ($285). (June 25, 1934) Harnish, W. E., Teacher in the University High School in the Summer Session of 1934, beginning June 18, and ending August 11, 1934, at a cash compensation of one hundred seventy-seven dollars ($177) for the session. (June 30,1934) Hatch, Mary, Stenographer in the Department of Agricultural Economics, in the College of Agriculture, for one year beginning September I, 1934, at a cash compensation of nine hundred sixty-seven dollars ($967) (this supersedes her previous appointment). (July 10, 1934) Hayden, Henrietta Snow, Research Assistant in the Department of Home Economics, in the Agricultural Experiment Station, and Assistant in Home Economics, in the College of Agriculture, on one-half time, for ten months beginning September 1, 1934, at a cash compensation of five hundred seventy dollars ($570). (June 23, 1934) Hiller, E. T., Professor of Sociology on indefinite tenure, and Acting Head of the Department, beginning September I, 1934, and continuing until further notice, at a cash compensation of four thousand dollars ($4000) (this supersedes his previous appointment). (July n , 1934) Hindsley, M a r k H., Assistant Director of Military Bands, on one-half time, and Associate in Music, on one-half time, for one year beginning September 1, 1934, at a cash compensation of two thousand eight hundred twenty dollars ($2820). (June 30, 1934) Hoffman, Abe Lawrence, Instructor in Law, for one year beginning September i, T 934i at a cash compensation of two thousand two hundred dollars ($2200) (July 7, 1934) Hoverson, Emil Theodor, Instructor in Pathology, Bacteriology, and Public Health, in the College of Medicine, for four months beginning September I, 1934, at a cash compensation at the rate of one hundred fifty dollars ($150) a month. (June 28, 1934)
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