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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1935] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS I4I empowered to select an accountant to serve as the second member of the survey commission. ACCEPTANCE OF LEASE BY DR. DAVID KIN LEY T h e Secretary reported for record that D r . David Kinley h a d accepted the renewal for four years, of the lease of the house on Nevada Street occupied by him. COOPERATING TEACHERS APPOINTED T h e Secretary presented also for record a report that the President of the University had approved on F e b r u a r y 19, 1935, the appointment of the following members of the teaching staffs of the Champaign and U r b a n a Public Schools as "Cooperating T e a c h e r s " in the University High School, without salary, during the second semester 1934-35. URBANA PUBLIC SCHOOLS COBB, T. H., Superintendent Urbana High School HADDEN, S. B., Principal ALLEY, EDWARD, Social Studies HAMILTON, ETHEL, Speech, Dramatics HORNOR, A. J., Social Studies MCCLURG, LOLA, Biology MOORE, DICEY, French STEPHENS, LEWIS, Director of Athletics VEACH, BLANCHE, Physical Education for Girls Elementary Schools WILEY, FLOSSIE, Principal, Leal School APPLEGATE, MARGARET, Teacher, Leal School HARRIS, RUTH, Teacher, Leal School RAINS, VELMA, Teacher, Leal School SABIN, MARY, Teacher, Leal School NAGLE, ELIZABETH, Principal, Lincoln School SADDORIS, BESS, Teacher, Lincoln School WEBB, LILLIS, Teacher, Lincoln School ROPER, MARGARET, Principal, Webber School CHAMPAIGN PUBLIC SCHOOLS NICKELL, V. L., Superintendent Champaign High School ALLISON, C. W., Principal BOTTENFIELD, E. O., Social Studies CAMPBELL, WALTER E., Commercial COOK, ELEANOR, French COOK, GRACE, Biology GOODING, CHARLES, Chemistry GRESHAM, NINA, English HIBBS, RUTH, Art HYLAND, FRED, Industrial Arts JENISTA, HELEN, Social Studies MOYER, LESTER, Director of Athletics RUMBLE, HEBER, General Science SCOTT, ELIZABETH, English SIMON, E. J., Industrial Arts SMITH, HULA, Social Studies
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