Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

12 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July II Nothing more was heard until July 5, when we received word from Washington t h a t the Indianapolis station had been given unlimited time on the 1400 k.c. frequency and Purdue had been moved to 890 k.c. Whose time the Commission proposes shall be used to serve Purdue I have not been able to learn at this writing. However, I feel rather certain that the Field station at Shenandoah will vigorously protest this move and, with the permission you granted me this morning, we shall proceed to protect our interest in any manner that our Washington attorney advises. I shall, of course, keep you advised of future developments. Cordially yours, (Signed) Jos. F. WRIGHT Director of Station W-I-L-L This report was received for record. PATENTS OF LOCAL ANAESTHETICS (20) A recommendation from the Faculty Committee on Patents that the University release whatever rights or interests it might claim in any patentable discoveries growing out of certain researches conducted by Professor Roger Adams and his associates in the field of local anaesthetics. Further research work and development can be conducted only at considerable expense. The committee is of the opinion t h a t the discovery, even if successful, will have slight commercial value, although of great value scientifically; and the expense involved in obtaining such patents involving, as it would, several applications, is greater than the prospective returns or the public interest justify. The committee recommends that the Board authorize Professor Adams and his associates to make such arrangements as they themselves see fit for patenting any discoveries which they may make in the course of these researches. On motion of Mr. Barrett, this patent was released as recommended. EXPENDITURE FOR WATER SYSTEM APPROVED BY GOVERNOR HORNER Mr. Barrett reported the receipt of a letter from Governor Horner authorizing the expenditure of $56,400 from the emergency contingent appropriation for the improvements in the water system as appropriated by the Board on May 22 and June 15, 1934. This report was received for record. COMMITTEE ON ALUMNI FOUNDATION President Williams reported that he had requested Mr. Armstrong, Chairman, Mr. Barr, Mr. Barrett, and Mr. Trees, to act as a special committee to consider the Alumni Foundation. This action was confirmed. Mr. Armstrong, for the Committee, presented a report of progress. The report was accepted and the Committee was continued. KAISER MORTGAGE Mr. Trees, for the Finance Committee, presented a recommendation that the action of April 11, 1934 (Minutes, page 482), ordering the sale of Federal Farm Mortgage bonds received for the Kaiser mortgage, be rescinded, and that the bonds be retained as trust-fund investments. On motion of Mr. Barrett, this recommendation was adopted.