Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
no BOASD OF TRUSTEES ACCOUNTANCY [February 9 A. C. Littleton, Professor E. L. Theiss, Associate Professor W. E. Karrenbrock, Associate J. W. McMahan, Assistant P. D. Converse, Professor M. F. Heslip, Assistant F. M. Jones, Assistant (J4 time) BUSINESS L A W 725 00 618 83 338 33 25000 725 00 250 00 125 00 163 00 (1 922 16) B U S I N E S S ORGANIZATION AND OPERATION (1 100 00) (163 00) 3 185 16 P. C. Roberts, Instructor (¥$ time) ECONOMICS E. L. Bogart, Professor; H e a d of Department M. H. Hunter, Professor (^ time) D. P. Locklin, Assistant Professor T. W. Bruce, Assistant L. E. Fitzgerald, Assistant M. C. Gay, Assistant H. W. Heckman, Assistant C. C. Stalnaker, Assistant P. H. Brown, Assistant Professor (y2 time) JOURNALISM 850 318 512 250 250 250 250 250 256 00 34 50 00 00 00 00 00 25 3 187 09 L. W. Murphy, Director; Professor (^ time) R. R. Barlow, Associate Professor LAW 397 91 555 00 425 425 293 425 425 716 00 00 33 00 00 25 952 91 W. E. Britton, Professor (^2 time) G. W. Goble, Professor (J4 time) A. L. Hoffman, Instructor (j4 time) M. I. Schnebly, Professor (1/2 time) W. L. Summers, Professor (54 time) G. B. Weisiger, Professor (9/10 time) Total Salaries Wages (12 months) High School Salaries TOTAL 2 709 58 75 352 66 500 00 I 000 00 $76 852 66 LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR PROFESSOR F. B. ST1VEN (6) A request from Professor F. B. Stiven, Director of the School of Music, for a leave of absence on full pay for the second semester of the academic year 1935-1936 for the purpose of study and travel abroad, under the statutes of the University. T h e School will take care of his work, or a substantial portion thereof, during his absence without additional expense to the University. T h e Dean of the College of Fine and Applied A r t s approves this leave, and I concur in his recommendation. On motion of Mr. Trees, this leave was granted. At this point, Mr. Wieland took his place with the Board. SCHOLARSHIPS IN AGRICULTURE A N D HOME ECONOMICS (7) Mr. E. E. Barrett, Chairman of the Committee on Fees and Scholarships, has submitted a report of a conference with the officers of the Illinois F a r m e r s ' Institute concerning the scholarships in agriculture and home economics with a view to changing the regulations governing the awards of these scholarships.