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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

104 BOARD O F T R U S T E E S [February 9 MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT WILLARD The Board considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. APPROPRIATION FOR BUSINESS OFFICE (1) T h e Comptroller reports that it will be necessary for him to have additional funds for the operation of the Business Office for the fiscal year 1934-35 and requests a supplementary appropriation of $2,100 for the remainder of the year in order to avoid a deficit. On motion of Mr. Barrett, this appropriation was made, by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Barr, Mr. Barrett, Mrs. Freeman, Mr. Karraker, Mr. Williams; no, none; absent, Mrs. Hopkins, Mr. Horner, Dr. Meyer, Mr. Trees, Mr. Wieland. At this point, Dr. Meyer took his place with the Board. DEATH BENEFIT DEAN M. S. KETCHUM (2) A report of the death on December 19, 1934, of Milo Smith Ketchum, Dean of the College of Engineering and Director of the Engineering Experiment Station, Emeritus. Dean Ketchum had been in the service of the University for eighteen years and was retired on September 1, 1934, because of his health. T h e death benefit payable in his case is $2,000, and the Comptroller has been authorized to make payment to the designated beneficiary. This report was received for record. DEATH BENEFIT J. R. N E W T O N (3) A report of the death on February 3, 1935, of Mr. J. R. Newton, employee in the Physical Plant Department. He has been in the service of the University since December 8, 1905, and since October 12, 1934, has been on leave of absence on one-half pay on account of physical disability. T h e death benefit in his case is $677.12. The Comptroller has been authorized to make payment to the designated beneficiaries. This report was received for record. At this point, Mr. Trees took his place with the Board. APPROPRIATION FOR HORTICULTURE BARN (4) At its meeting on October 12, 1934 (Minutes, page 61), the Board instructed the Director of the Physical Plant Department, acting in conjunction with the Dean of the College of Agriculture, to move the Horticulture Barn on Florida Avenue and put the grounds in a sanitary condition. On January 19, the Board requested the Director of the Physical Plant Department to submit plans for the construction of a new building, to cost not more than $5,000, since the present barn is not in good enough condition to justify setting it up in another location. It was anticipated that this barn would have to be replaced and a provision of $10,000 for a new barn was included in the tentative budget for 1935-37 with the expectation that the barn would be constructed during the next biennium. T h e Board has, however, directed that the barn be removed as soon as possible, but has made no appropriation for the purpose. T h e Director of the Physical Plant Department has submitted complete plans, specifications, and estimates based on the provision in the 1935-37 budget which indicate that a new barn of the type needed will cost approximately $8,000, if the structure is made to conform with the other modern barns on the south campus, erected during the past ten years. T h e Director has also submitted, at my request, an alternative proposal for a cheaper structure which will have the same capacity as the $8,000 barn but which can be erected for not more than $5,000. Naturally future maintenance costs on the modified unit will be greater than for the original design.
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