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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1936 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
IOI8 BOARD OF T R U S T E E S Wilson, H. W., degree, 905 Wilson, J. L., degree, 412 Wilson, L. B., degree, 239, 890 Wilson, Lenore M.f appointment, 709, 772 resignation, 914 Wilson, Mildred J., appointment, 483, 705, 721 Wiley, R. H., degree, 37, *35 Wilkens-Anderson Company, apparatus purchased, 28 chemicals purchased, 457* 539 glassware purchased, 97. 769 Wilkinson, Constance I., degree, 896 Wilkinson, N., Jr., degree, 438 W-I-L-L, See Radio Station. Will, S. F., appointment, 108, 292, 685 Willard, A. C-, appointment, 276, 668 director of Foundation, 442 member of committees, 73* " 7 , 267 See also President of University. Willard, H. L., degree, 240 Willerton, Betty, degree, 8g6 Willett, P. A., degree, 248 Williams, A. E., degree, 243 Williams, A. R., degree, 906 Williams, C A., appointment, 107, 289, 681 Williams, C. M., degree, 239 Williams, Catherine G., degree, 234 Williams, D. C, declination, 202 fellowship, 197 Williams, Deloris, degree, 890 Williams, E. B., degree, 35 Williams, E. H., appointment, 10S, 304, 562, 696 Williams, Elizabeth F., degree, 250 Williams, F. M., degree, 9°9 Williams, Faith S., appointment, 429* 685 degree, 234 Williams, Florence, appointment, 280, 672 Williams, G. R., degree, 545 Williams, J. R., degree, 896 Williams, L. F., appointment, 65 declination, 641 degree, 135 fellowship, 196, 639 resignation, 914 Williams, L. W., appointment, 109, 297, 560, 690 Williams, M. J., degree, 898 Williams, Marion A., degree, 896 Williams, R- W., degree, 890 scholarship, 197 Williams, S. H., appointment, 316 death benefit, 540 retirement, 360 Williams, W. H., degree, 896 Williams, W. R., appointment, 85, 334, 732 Williams, Walter W., delegation of signature, 147, 406 director of Foundation, 442 elected President of Board, 146 member of committees, 70, 73, 555 resolution of thanks to, 554 Williams, William W., appointment, 923 Williamson, E. Rose, appointment, 349 Williamson, H. L., present at meeting, 94 Willig, F. J., appointment, 697 Williger, I. F., degree, 909 Willis, F. C, degree, 235 Willis, G., degree, 545 Willman, M. O., degree, 136 Willmann, J. M., degree, 890 Wills, J. E., appointment, 704, 714 Wills, W. J., appointment, 553, 705, 714 degree, 546 Wilmer, F. M., degree, 239 Wills, G., contract for instruction of, 458 Wills, J. E., appointment, 311> 320 Wilson, C. A., bid, 408 Wilson, C. C, degree, 137 Wilson, E. H., appointment, 348, 746, 923 Wilson, Elinor M., degree, 896 Wilson, F. S-, appointment, 373, 758 Wilson, Fannie, continuation in service, 754 Wilson, Fern E., degree, 352 Wilson, Mrs. Frances D., appointment, 16, 299, 387, 691 Wilson, H. E,, degree, 37 Wilson, N. A., degree, 249 Wilson, N. B*, degree, 240 Wilson, R, S., degree, 434 Wilson, W., appointment, 290, 683 Wilson, W. M., appointment, 305, 698 Wilson, W. S., appointment, 329, 727 Wilson and Company, bonds purchased, 497, 5i7 Wilt, G. M., degree, 905 Wiltgen, R. J., degree, 255 Wimer, D. C., appointment, 313, 706 Winakor, A. H., appointment, 281, 297, 673, 690 Winbigler, J, S., degree, 248 Winder, R. A,, degree, 911 Windsor, P. L., appointment, 109, 325, 347, 722, 744 present at meeting, 94 Windstorm insurance, Stadium, 30 Winer, A. E., degree, 253 Winget, Benita L,, appointment, 644, 720 Winkler, B. H., degree, 57 Winn, J. P., degree, 384 Winsberg, J. A., degree, 35 Winsberg, Shirley, degree, 908 Winston, H., gift, 636 Winston, P. A., degree, 911 Winter, R. L., degree, 907 Winters, E., Jr., appointment, 313, 483, 706 leave of absence, 514 Wirkus, Sister Mary L., degree, 255 Wirth, E. H., appointment, 345, 742 Wirth, L., degree, 240 Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, agreement, 82 gift, 30 Wisconsin Lime & Cement Co.t bid, 408 Wise, B. W., degree, 898 Wise, Mabre D., degree, 239 Wiseheart, Catherine S., degree, 905 Wishart, H. B., appointment, 429, 524, 699 Withers, Bertha, appointment, 142 cancellation, 385 Witkin, M., degree, 139 Witt, E. O., degree, 242 Witt, W. H., degree, 437 Wittenberg, C. E-, degree, 384 Wittert, V., degree, 58 Wolcott, P. P., degree, 239, 892 Wolf, Mrs. Charlotte K., appointment, 338 resignation, 552 Wolf, D. E-, appointment, 468, 677 resignation, 463 scholarship, 197 Wolf, Edith I,, degree, 903 Wolf, V. V., bid, 408 contract, 408, 481 Wolfe, A. G,, degree, 35 Wolfe, Kathryn I., degree, 246 Wolff, J. R., appointment, 375, 760 Wolfram, Annette M., degree, 239 Wolk, M. H., degree, 905 Wolland, Effiebelle, degree, 248 Wolland, V- L., degree, 546 Woltanski, T. L., degree, 901 Wolthuis, E., appointment, 285, 559 fellowship, 639 Womack, Madelyn, appointment, 429, 923 degree, 231 Woman's Athletic Association, gift, 520 Woman's Gymnasium, repairs, 367 terrace alterations, contract, 455, 458 Women's residence halls, appropriation, statement, 357
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