UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934 [PAGE 702]

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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Smith, Betty S., degree, 617 Smith, C. M., appointments, 39, 318, 522 degree, 600 Smith, C. O., appointments, 124, 280, 590 Smith, C. V-, appointments, 416, 474 degrees, 242, 602 Smith, Carl Fenton, degree, 458 Smith, Carl Francis, degree, 613 Smith, Carlton S., degree, 605 Smith Clyde S-, degree, 247 Smith, D., appointments, $7, 316, 520 Smith, D. A., Jr., degree, 240 Smith, D. E., appointment, 392 degree, 248 Smith, D. N., degree, 252 Smith, D. W., degree, 245 Smith, E. E., degree, 242 Smith, E. Evelyn, appointments, 48, 327, 531 Smith, E. G., appointments, 8, 291, 495 Smith, E. J., degree, 191 Smith, Elizabeth L., degree, 241 Smith, F., appointments, 25, 305, 509 Smith, F. K., degree, 97 Smith, G. D., appointments, 44, 324, 529 Smith, G. E., certificate, 363 Smith, G. F., appointments, 14, 298, 502 Smith, G. W., degree, 605 Smith, H. G. A., appointments, 24, 176 Smith, H. H., degree, 383 Smith, H. J., appointments, 85, 280, 591 Smith, H. S., degree, 240 Smith, Helen Louise, degree, 194 Smith, Helen Louise, degree, 458 Smith, Henry A., degree, 132 Smith, Hubert A., degree, 254 Smith, Irene, degree, 252 Smith, J. D., continuation in service, 282, 570 Smith, J. E-, Jr., degree, 248 Smith, J. M., degree, 611 Smith, Janice M., appointments, 48, 51, 327, 330* 53i, 534 Smith, Jean, appointments, 197, 321, 329, 5-25. 533 Smith, K. A., degree, 244 Smith, K. J., appointment, 85 Smith, L. H., appointments, 43, 324, 528 Smith, L. L., appointments, 34, 314, 518 Smith, L. P., degree, 616 Smith, Mrs. Mabel P., appointments, 392, 484. 564 Smith, Mary A., degree, 600 scholarship, 266 Smith, Mary H., degree, 605 Smith, Mata, appointments, 31. 3 1 1 , 5*5 Smith, Mildred L., degree, 252 Smith, P. A., degree, 609 Smith, P. B., degree, 243 Smith, P. D., C.P.A. certificate, 188 Smith, P. W., appointments, 69, 347, 552 degree, 623 Smith, R. B., C.P.A. certificate, 430 Smith, R. F., appointment, 29 fellowship, 266 Smith, R. L., degree, g7 Smith, Raymond S., appointments, 43, 324, 528 Smith, Reynold S., Jr., degree, 242 Smith, Robert Alvin, degree, 605 Smith, Robert Archie, certificate, 263 degree, 461 Smith, S. C., appointments, 8, 290, 494 Smith, S. J., appointment, 427 Smith, T. L., degree, 242 Smith, Mrs. Thelma, appointments, 66, 343, 549 Smith, V. M., degree, 121 Smith, V. T., degree, 261 Smith, W., appointments, 496, 547 Smith, W. B., degree, 135 Smith, W. G., degree, 611

Simpson, W. L, degree, 607 Sims, C. S., degree, 242 Sinay, M., degree, 440 Singer, Charlotte H., degree, 97 Singer, H. A., appointments, 66, 344* 549 Singer, H. D., appointments, 67, 345, 550 Singer, M. B., appointments, 35, 315, 519 Singer, S., certificate, 461 Singh, B., degree, 246, 602 Singh, R., appointment, 163 degree, 261 Singleton, Mildred E., appointments, 56, 334» 539* 626 Sinnock, P., degree, 613 Sippy, B. O., appointments, 72, 35o, 556 Sisam, Cora L., degree, 605 Sisson, C. C , degree, 240 Sixth Street residence, 806 South, lease, 117 Sizer, Dorothy M., degree, 256 Sjolander, H. A., degree, 193 Skartvedt, Frieda H., degree, 605 Skartvedt, Olga, appointments, 56, i77, 392> 443, 626 Skating, courses, fees, 373 Skating Rink, rental fee, 423 Skeels, D., contract for instruction of, 379 Skeels, L. E., contract for instruction of, 413 Skeels, T. A., degree, 240 Skemp, Harriet I,, appointment, 85 Skidmore, J. R-, degrees, 118, 258 Skidmore, Zana G., degree, 406 Skiles, C. E., degree, 240 Skiles, T. H., appointment, 85 Skiles, K. A., degree, 244 Skin, antiseptic properties, investigation, 413 research fund, 64, 341, 547 hygiene, research fund, 64, 341, 547 Skinner, Macie I., degree, 605 Skinner, Mildred L., degree, 616 Skogler, A. W., degree, 244 Skorodin, B., appointment, 67 Skortz, A. C , degree, 612 Skroder, C. E., appointments, 34, 314, 5 r 7 Skudstad, Margaret B., degree, 252 Sladek, W. R., certificate, 263 Sladky, L. F., degree, 622 Slate, purchase, 594 Slater, C. P., appointments, 8, 291, 495 Slater, Ruth MM degree, 255 Slatter, E. E., appointments, 45, 163, 177* 325 Slattery, J. E., degree, 245 Slaughter, D. P., degree, 262 Slavonic languages, committee, report, 574 proposal, 454 Slaw, A., degree, 619 Sleer, J. A., degree, 135 Slepyan, A. H., certificate, 621 Sloan, H. J., appointments, 45, 325, 529 Sloan, Neva D., degree, 384 Sloan, R. C , degrees, 244, 602 scholarship, 210 Sloan, W. F., degree, 244 Slobutsky, C , degree, 402 Slocum, K, E., degree, 617 Slonneger, G. R., degree, 195 Slotin, Ida, degree, 605 Slotnikov, Belle V., degree, 605 Slusser, E. K., degree, 384 Smagi, A. L., degree, 196 Small, Helen D., appointments, 56, 334, 539 Small, Lucile T., appointments, 33, 313, 517 Smart, W. H., degree, 252 Smerz, A., certificate, 621 Smiley, E. B., degree, 135 Smith, A. E., degree, 601 Smith, A. F., appointments, 60, 298, 502 Smith, Ann A., appointments, 62, 188, 339, 45o, 544 Smith, Annabel L., appointments, 76, 355, 560 Smith, B. H., Jr., degree, 613