UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934 [PAGE 700]

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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Seidl, Betty E., degree, s$2 Seidmon, £ , E. P., degrees, 134, 386 Seifert, M. H., appointments, 83, 2:77, 588 Seiler, Vera M., degree, 617 Seiver, Agnes G., degree, 120 Sejba, O., degree, 252 Seldin, S. D., degree, 406 Selicovitz, Mrs. Fanny W., appointments, 45, . 474, 529 Sehg, J. A., degree, 244 Selling, L. S., appointments, 83, 130, 278 Seltzer, L. Z., certificate, 622 Senate, State, Joint Resolution No. 36, 372 See also University Senate. Senear, F. E., appointments, 6s, 343, S48 Seniff, D. W., degree, 605 Senne, Olea H., degree, 616 Seremak, J.» degree, 622 Seron, V. M., degree, 440 Serpless, E., degree, 608 Serum proteins, investigation, 341, 377, 470, 547 Service buildings, operation, study of, 383 Service charge, deferred fees, 423 Service departments, budget, 81, 360, 566 Service fellowships, regulations, 267 Service mains, chart, 596 Services and sales, estimated income, 285, 489 Sessler, Edith P., degree, 136 Settlemire, W . L., degree, 385 Severns, S. D., degree, 403 Severns, W . H., appointments, 35, 314, 518 Sewage research, balance reappropriated, 586 expendable gift fund, 33 budget, 39, 522 investigation, extended, 230 resumed, 454 patent, abandoned, 425 application, 413 assigned, 131 royalties, 581 Sewage Treatment Plant Operators of Illinois, resolution, sewage treatment research, 454 Sewer, Lincoln Avenue, appropriation, 567 Wright Street, permission to lay, 420 Sewer pipe, expendable gift fund, 33 gift for research, 576 purchase, 413 Sexton, Audrey M., appointments, 76, 354, 560 Sexton, Meta M., appointments, 75, 354, 560 Seybolt, R. F,, appointments, 30, 310, 514 leave of absence, 450 Seyfarth, R. B., degree, 613 Seyffert, R. E., degree, 622 Seyfried, F. E., degree, 613 Seyler, E. C , appointments, 9, 292, 496 Seyler, Geneva M., degree, 609 Seymour, F„ W., degree, 440 Seymour, H. H., degree, 384 Shade, R. N., degree, 613 Shafer, W. M., degree, 606 Shafton, A. L., appointment, 68 Shagam, R. M., certificate, 621 Shallcross, G. P., degree, 246 Shallenberger, P. L., degree, 440 ShameL J. W., degree, 605 Shaner, M. H., degree, 621 Shankman, F., degree, 249 Shannon, M. R. D., degree, 252 Shannon, Margaret E., appointments, 42, 50, 51, 321, 329, 330, 5^5, 533. 534 Shapiro, A. L., degree, 619 Shapiro, B., degree, 458 Shapiro, B. B., degree, 621 Shapiro, Dorothy J., degree, 252 Shapiro, Janice, appointment, 130 Shapiro, L. B., appointments, 391. 59© degree, 97 Shapiro, S. L., appointments, 84, 278, 589

Schwartz, M. Frances, appointments, 46, 3261 530 Schwartz, S., degree, 461 Schwartzenberg, Jean A., degree, 119 Schwarz, Ruth M., degree, 353 Schweickart, Ruth L., degree, 614 Schwengel, J. S., degree, 618 Schwerer, H. M., certificate, 263 Scientific bureaus, staff members, fees for University courses, 161 Scioletich, M., degree, 602 Sconce, H. J., member of advisory committee, 128 Scopel, J. J. R., degree, 385 Scotland, Beatrice L., degree, 252 Scott, Anna J., degree, 252 Scott, C. M., appointments, 17, 299, 503 Scott, E. E., degree, 191 Scott, Hortense, appointments, 8, 291, 49s Scott, K. F., degree, 193 Scott, R. F., degree, 135 Scott, Robert A., degree, 192 Scott, Russell A., appointments, 143, 280, 590 Scott, Ruth E., degree, 254 Scott, S. J., Jr., degree, 608 Scott, W. H., degree, 194 Scott Paper Co., towels purchased, 455 Scovill, H. T-, appointments, 27, 186, 307, 511 Scoville, H. B., degree, 609 Scribner, L. R., appointment, 502 Scripps, G. L., degree, 242 Scudder, Dorothy F., degree, 240 Scuderi, C. S., appointments, 86, 197, 281, 592 Scull, M., Jr., degree, 196 Scully, J. C., certificate, 621 degree, 619 Sealey, E. T., degree, 252 Sealock, R. R., degree, 133 Seaman, Henrietta, degree, 605 Seamens, Grace A., degree, 606 Seames, Henrietta L., degree, 255 Seanor, J . G.t degree, 245 Searle, Georgia P., degree, 606 Searle, N. E., appointments, 16, 124, 173, 299 degree, 460 Searls, E. N., degree, 457 Sears, Helen, appointments, 42, 50, 163, 323, 527 Sears, 0 . H., appointments, 44, 324, 528 Sears, R. J., degree, 243 Sears, R. R., appointments, 23, 175, 185, 304, 508 Seaton, D. C , appointments, 391, 543 Sebek, L. J., degree, 609 Sechrist, A. B., degree, 194 Secondary school credits, admission requirements, 154 Secord, A. W., appointments, 18, 300, 447, 504 Secretary of Board, authority to sign bond covering purchase of alcohol, 160 delegation of signature, 200, 469 amendment, 234 elected, 200, 468 telegram to E. O. Sykes, 372 Securities, investment of trust funds, 400, lost in transit, indemnity bond, 365 McKinley endowment fund, transfer, 434 See also Bonds, Funds, and Treasurer's Reports. Seed, L., appointments, 87, 281, 592 Seely, F. B., appointments, 37, 317, 477, 520 Seely, R. W., degree, 612 Segal, S., degree, 605 Seibel, M. H., degree, 616 Seidel, A. L., degree, 249 Seidel, May H., degree, 605 Seider, Norma A., degree, 243