UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934 [PAGE 686]

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Napieralski, V. J., degree, 365 Nardine. Elizabeth G., degree, 617 Narodick, P. H., certificate, 263 degree, 196 Naseef. J. R., degree, 135 Natinchek, Olga, degree, 605 National Alumina te Corporation, agreement, Z07, 573 National Research Council, gifts, 93, 367 grants to members of faculty, 169, 596 National Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Association, agreement, extensions, 228, 573 gift, 230 Natural History Museum, budget, expense, 12, 296, 500 salary, 26, 306, 510 Natural History Survey, cooperative investigation, insecticides, 452 Nauman, A. C , degree, 457 Naurocki, W. G., 265 Naviaux, I. R., degree, 622 Naylor, W, K-, appointments, 340, 370 Neadstine, Louise I., degree, 252 Neal, Lillian L., degree, 239 Nearpass, E. E., appointments, 58, 335, 541 Neatnery, R. E., degree, 608 Nechtow, M. J,, certificate, 620 degree, 619 Nedzel, A. J., appointments, 68, 346, SST Neece, G. W., certificate, 263 Neely, K. R., degree, 609 Neer, C. J., degree, 239 Neeseman, A. C., degree, 96 Neet, A. W., degree, 120 Neff, B. E., degree, 605 Neher, Betty j . , degree, 605 Nehf, A., certificate, 263 Neikrug, D., degree, 265 Neild, H. W., appointments, 23, 175, 303, 508 degree, 459 Neiman, B. H., appointments, 83, 86, 268, 346, 390, 465, 591 degree, 193 Nejdl, Daisy V., degree, 619 Nelsen, Louise, degree, 605 Nelsen Concrete Culvert Co., sewer pipe purchased, 413 Nelson, A. C , degree, 406 Nelson, Beulah G., appointments, 71, 349, 554 Nelson, C. B,, degree, 245 Nelson, C. J., degree, 608 Nelson, C. L., degree, 247 Nelson, Catherine C , appointment, 626 degree, 605 Nelson, Ethel M., degree, 239 Nelson, Mrs. Florence, appointments, 9, 291, 495 Nelson, H. E., degree, 403 Nelson, H. L., degree, 616 Nelson, H. W., appointment, 123 degree, 261 Nelson, Hazel M., appointments, 66, 343, 549 Nelson, Helen V-, degree, 239 Nelson, Inga L,, degree, 614 Nelson, J. E., degree, 259 Nelson, J. W., degree, 193, 459 Nelson, L., degree, 608 Nelson, Mary L., degree, 605 Nelson, R. A., degree, 194 Nelson, Severina E., appointments, 18, 300, 504 Nelson, T., appointments, 84, 279, 589 degree, 193 Nelson, T. F ^ certificate, 620 Nelson, W. C., degree, 247 Nereim, T. J., degree, 439 Nesbitt, G. B., degree, 401 Nesbitt, R., contracts for instruction of, 148, 421 Nesler, D., degree, 244

Munger, Stella C., appointments, 48, 327. 53* Munn, Mary J. t degree, 256 Munnecke, R. A., degree, 456 Muno, F, J., degree, 622 Muno, R. C~ degree, 265 Munro, D, F., appointments, 20, 175 degree, 261 Munro. Edith L., degree, 244 Munsch, W., scholarship, 593 Munson, A. L. t scholarship, 266 Munson, Viola A., appointments, 151, 343. 549 Murchie, L. S., C.P.A. certificate, 430 Murdock, Betty, degree, 605 Murphy, F. G., appointments, 85, 280, 592 Murphy, G. T., appointments, 179, 28], 592 Murphy, Gwendolyn E., degree, 239, 250 Murphy, H. C , C.P.A. certificate, 100 Murphy, Iva G., certificate, 620 Murphy, J. J., degree, 262 Murphy, J. W., degree, 339 Murphy, J. W., Company, electric switchboard meters and charts purchased, 576 Murphy, L. W., appointments, 26, 306, 45°» 5io Murphy, R. E., degree, 357 Murphy, R. R^ degree, 352 Murray, Ann G., degree, 194 Murray, F. H., C.P.A. certificate, 100 Murray, L. A., appointments, 123, 174 degree, 599 Murray, W. F., degree, 608 Murray, W . G., appointments, 83, 278, 588 Murray, W. J., degree, 197 Murrell, M. T., appointments, 17. 299, 503 Museums, See Classical, European Culture, and Natural History. Music, School of, appropriations, special, 567 budget, expense, 56, 334. 54o salary, 58. 33&* 54 1 summer session, 187, 449 curriculum, admission, 156. 157 degrees, Bachelor of Science in Public School Music, 418 conferred, lists, 254, 385, 618 fees, laboratory, 364 rental of practice organs, 365 special, changes, 168 students not in School of Music, 9 1 fellowship, award, 92 pianos, tuning and repairing, contract, 378 Musical instruments, repair and replacement, appropriations, 567 Musick, A. R., degree, 608 Musick, H. T„ degree, 254 Mutimer, A. G., degree, 613 Myer, E. W., appointments, 72, 350, 556 Myers, G. E., degree, 353 Myers, H. A., degree, 60s Myers, Nellie, appointment, 56 See also McNabb, Mrs. Nellie M. Myers, S. E-, degree, 247 Myers, W. H., degree, 259 Mylonas, G. E., appointments, 17, 57, 184 Myrmel, W . A., C.P.A. certificate, 100 Myrna, R., degree, 610 Mytar, W. W., degree, 402 Naber, G. V., degree, 617 Nachman, B. M., degree, 610 Nadeau, O. E., appointments, 69, 347, 553 Naeser, C. R., appointments, 16, 173, 298, S02 degree, 258 Nagel, F. E., Jr., appointment, 85 Nagel, Sybil K., appointments, 78, 357, 563 Nakamura, F. I., appointments, 45, 325, 529 Nalefski, L. A., degree, 607 Nally, J. D., mortgage, 141 comptroller authorized to work out solution, 170 property bid in, 437