UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934 [PAGE 676]

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BOARD OF T R U S T E E S Larkin, Marguerite D., degree, 605 LaRoi, G. H., Jr., decree, 611 Larrabee, D. M., appointment, 497 Larsen, B. S., scholarship, 479 Larson, D. E., degree, 609 Larson, E. P., degree, 243 Larson, Hattie C , appointments, 65, 343, 549 Larson, J. A., appointment, 129 Larson, J. R., degree, 458 Larson, L. M., appointments, 20, 302, 506 Larson, R. F., appointments, 35, 315, 518 Larson, W . M., degree, 172 Laryngology, Rhinology, and Otology, budget, expense, 63, 341, 546 salary, 66, 344, 549 clinical faculty, 84, 278, 589 LaSalle-Wacker Building Corporation, bonds, Lash, A. F., appointments, 85, 279, 590 Lasher, Virginia E., appointments, 44. 324 Lashley, J. H., degree, 243 Laskov, M. H., degree, 265 Laskow, M. R., degree, 606 Latham, F. A., degree, 96 Latham, O. F., degree, 405 Lathrop, G. E., degree, 605 Latin, correspondence courses, 374 Lattimore, R., appointment, 389 Lauer, W. M., appointment, 447 Laufer, A. G., degree, 622 Laughner, Frances M., appointments, 123, 294, 498 Laurent, J. W., degree, 616 Lavicka, W. L., degree, 609 Law, College of, appropriations, special, 102, 567 budget, expense, 5, 287, 491 library, 74, 353, 559 salary, 56, 334, 539 summer session, 187, 450 degrees conferred, lists, 119, i37» 196, 248, 386, 458, 613 fees, laboratory, 364 students of other colleges, 91 time of entrance, 154 Law, G. C , appointments, 61, 178, 339, 544 Law, P. M., appointments, 179, 279, 590 Lawder, H. L., certificate, 263 degree, 137 Lawrence, E. D.f member of advisory committees, 396 Lawrence, Ethel O., degree, 616 Lawrence, F. H., degree, 619 Lawrence, Majel, degree, 249 Lawrence, W. C , C.P.A. certificate, 361 Lawrence, W. H., degree, 401 Lawrence, W. S., Jr., degree, 611 Lawson, B. C , appointment, 31 Lawson, E. H., degree, 619 Lawson, Elizabeth L., degree, 250 Lawson, H. H., degree, 456 Lawson, Mary F-, appointments, 62, 188, 339. 544 Lawson, Mildred M., degree, 132 Lawyer, Ruth, degree, 605 Laxson, Dorothy M., degree, 191 Layman, J. A., degree, 439 Leach, R. L., degree, 622 Lead sheaths, investigation, 33, 202, 516 Leader, W\, degree, 254 Learaon, E. M., degree, 384 Learner, A., appointment, 68 Leases, Frame, C. L., Dental Supply Co., 399 Irvin, H. P., extension, 399 Johnson-Randolph Co., 595 Medical Building, old, 575 Moore, E. A., 399 Percival, C. A., 94, 229, 230 Percival, Mrs. Etta L., 595 Scholl, P., 117 Speakman, C. D.f 379


Laird, C. H., degree, 402 Lake, E. J., appointments, 58, 183, 335, 449. S4i Lakin, H. S., degree, 241 Lamb, C. A., Jr., degree, 618 Lambert, C. N., appointments, 70, 348, 553 Lambert, Lucille C , degree, 136 Lambrakis, B. G., appointments, 84, 278 Lambright, J. S., degree, 610 LaMotte, C , appointment, 184 Lampe, Lola W., degree, 249 Lampert, A. L., certificate, 622 Lampert, Verla M., degree, 251 Land, Doris A., degree, 608 Land, Gallivan addition, ownership, 141 Hart, M. M., mortgage, 141 foreclosure recommended, 472 report of progress, 231 settlement, 170 Martin, W. 13., foreclosure of mortgage, -wheat allotment contract, 420 Nally, J. D., mortgage, 141 comptroller authorized to work out solution, 170 property bid in, 437 Pennsylvania Avenue, ownership, 141 title guarantee policy, 226 Percival, C. A., lease, 94, 229, 230 Percival, Mrs. Etta L., lease, 229, 230, 595 Roselawn Cemetery, exchange of lots, 309 tract west of Stadium, draining, contract, 104 University, use by unemployed, 207 See also Farms. Landa, Anna J., degree, 458 Lander, D, S., degree, 613 Lander, H. B., degree, 619 Land is, P. N., appointments, 18, 184, 300, 447, 504 Landmeier, V. O., degree, 612 Landscape Architecture, budget, expense, 56, 334, 540 salary, 58, 336, 541 curriculum, admission, 156, 158 degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts authorized, 159 laboratory lees, 364 Landscaping, committees, 201, 468 President's House, discharged, 369 Lane, P. L., appointments, 123, 349, 555 Lane, R. E., degree, 239 Lang, A. L., appointments, 44, 324, 528 Lang, D. R., appointments, 19, 174, 300, 447, 504 Lang, G. B., appointments, 22, 175, 303, 507 Lang, H., degree, 262 Lang, J. M., appointments, 85, 279, 590 Lang, W. H., degree, 402 Lange, Frances M., degree, 60s Lange, L. A., degree, 610 Lange, P., degree, 195 Langhoff, S. P., fellowship, 210 Langman, R. S., degree, 245 Langner, M. E., certificate, 620 Language and Literature, University Studies, publication of extra number, appropriation, 567 Lanham, E. T., appointments, 35. 3i5» 5*8 retirement, 283 Laning, Erma L., degree, 255 Lansford, Mrs. Louise W., appointments, 75» 354 Lansford, W. M., appointments, 37, 317, 520 Lapid, G. G., degree, 619 Lapidus, Ronia, appointments, 348, 553 Lapin, M., certificate, 620 degree, 196 Lapin, R., C.P.A. certificate, 361 Larkin, E. A., degree, 605 Larkin, L. C , certificate, 263