UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Duff, R. A., degree, 611 Duffey, Florence B., degree, 191 Duffey, H. R., degree, 261 Duffin, R. J-, fellowships, 266, 479 Duffy, D. D., degree, 251 Duffy, D. P., degree, 457 Duffy, Mary A., appointments, 13, 172, 297, 446, 501 degree, 255 Dugan, E. H., degree, 615 Dugas, F. E-, degree, 458 Duis, W. H., degree, 196 Duleba, J. W., degree, 197 Dulin, Wilma C , degree, 457 Dumas, Kate M., degree, 119 DuMont, M. S-, degree, 439 Dunbar, Gwendolyn V-, degree, 615 Dunbar, Louise B., appointments, 31, 302, 447. 5p6 Duncan, Eleanor J,, degree, 615 Duncan, R. F., degree, 245 Duncan, R. H-, degree, 251 Duncan, Zelda Z., degree, 238 Duncan-Clark, C. G., degree, 241 Dungan, G. H., appointments, 44, 324, 528 Dunham, C. A., Company, steam valves and traps purchased, 576 Dunham, C. F., appointments, 29, 309 Dunker, J. H., degree, 245 Dunkin, P. S., appointments, 17, 174, 463 Dunlap, Carolyn A., degree, 251 Dunlap, Fanny, appointments, 76, 35$, 561 Dunlap, H. M., member of advisory committees, 12S, 396 Dunlap, J. F., degree, 611 Dunlap, R. R., degree, 253 Dunn, C. B., appointments, 17, 299, 503 Dunn, C. G., appointments, 36, 177, 316, 3&7,

520 d e g r e e , 406 D u n n , D . B . , a p p o i n t m e n t , 299 D u n n , J., h e a r i n g o n L i n c o l n A v e n u e s t o r m d r a i n , 117 D u n n , K . W . , C . P . A . certificate, 100 D u n n , M . M . , certificate, 2 6 3 D u n s e t h , C. A . , a p p o i n t m e n t s , 78, 357, 563 D u n t e m a n , E l e a n o r A . , d e g r e e , 617 DuPont, E. L, de Nemours and Company, a g r e e m e n t , 478 i n s e c t i c i d e s , 452 c o n t r a c t , 576 gift, 377 D u P o n t f e l l o w s h i p in c h e m i s t r y , f u n d , 80, 359 D u P o n t R a y o n C o m p a n y , gifts, 412, 470 D u q u e s n e L i g h t C o m p a n y , b o n d s , 400, 4 1 2 D u r a m , A . E . , d e g r e e , 238 D u r c h s l a g , B e r n i c e W . , d e g r e e , 251 D u s h k i n , M , A . , certificate, 263 D u v a l l , W . H , , d e g r e e , 610 D v o r a k , F . J. ? d e g r e e , 243 D v o r a k , L o r a i n e A . , d e g r e e , 251 D v o r a k , R . F . , a p p o i n t m e n t s , 58, 6 3 , 336, 340. 449, 542, 545 D w y e r , R. E . , d e g r e e , 253 D y a s , F . G., a p p o i n t m e n t s , 86, 2 8 1 , 592 D y e , M a r g u e r i t e J . , d e g r e e , 604 D y e r , E s t h e r D . , d e g r e e , 456 D y e r , O . D . , d e g r e e , 617 D y k i n s , F . A . , a p p o i n t m e n t , 143 d e g r e e , 261 D y n i e w i c z , J o s e p h i n e M , , a p p o i n t m e n t s , 346, •rx



Eaton, J. A., contract for instruction of, 455 Eaton, J. T., appointments, 15, 173 degree, 460 Eccles, H. C , degree, 615 Eck, L. N degree, 613 Ecker, J. H., degree, 243 Eckert, A. O., member of advisory committees, 128, 129, 396 Eckfield, D. K., degree, 613 Eckraann, H. R., degree, 254 Economics, books, gift, 93 budget, expense, 26, 306, 511 salary, 28, 308, 512 second semester, 177, 186, 450 courses, correspondence, 374 transferred from Department of Public Utilities and Transportation, 569 fellows and scholars, lists, 210, 266 Thrift Committee prizes, fund, 80, 360, 566 Economy policy, University, to he continued, Eddy, W. H., degree, 246 Edelman, M. I., degree, 439 Edelstein, R., appointment, 143 Eder, K., appointments, 203, 299, 503 Edinburg, J. J., degree, 172 Edison, M. R,, degree, 251 Edlund, L. O., degree, 194 Edlund, Vernece A., degree, 608 Edmonds, J. L., appointments, 45, 325, 529 Edmunds, Elisabeth A., degree, 604 Edmundson, Mrs. Constance H., appointments, 329, 533 Edson, R. G., C.P.A. certificate, 188 Education, College of, admission requirements, revised, 156, 157, 158 appropriation, special equipment, 567 budget, 30, 310, 513, 514 summer session, 187, 449 degrees conferred, lists, 119, 136, 194, 250, 385, 403, 457, 615 fellows, 266 graduation requirements, changed, 103 University High School, operation in summer session, 188, 433 Educational Research, Bureau of, budget, expense, 30, 310, 513 salary, 32, 312, 515 house, remodeling, 92 Edwards, A. C , degree, 612 Edwards, F. B., degree, 2$3 Edwards, G., degrees, 195, 459 Edwards, G. H., degree, 439 Edwards, H. E., degree, 612 Edwards, H. M., appointments, 8, 291, 495 Edwards, M. D-, appointment, 407 Edwards, Margaret A., degree, 251 Edwards, R. E., degree, 406 Edwards, S. M., degree, 136 Edwards, W. O., Jr., degree, 238 Effron, D. W., degree, 96 Efrussy, B., degree, 621 Eggert, F. H., degree, 265 Ehlert, W. H., degree, 259 Ehtnan, Evelyn M., degree, 192 Ehret, J. R., degree, 608 Ehrlich, J., degree, 621 Ehrlieh, L., certificate, 265 Eichelkraut, E. W., degree, 608 Eicher, Virginia, degree, 456 Eidman, L. B., member of advisory committees, 128, 396 Eighteenth Amendment, repeal, problems arising, 424 Eigsti, O. J., appointments, 14. 173, 184* 297 degree, 255 fellowship, 479 Eilers, Ella L., degree, 119 Filers, R. M., gift, 105 Eisenstein, M. W., appointments, 415, 590 Eisner, Janet E-, degree, 456 Elder, W. E., degree, 247


Dyson, Agness A., appointments, 16, 299 Dzielak, J. J., degree, 403 Eades, Helen, appointments, 387, 531 Earley, E. B., appointments, 44, 324, 528 Earnest, Margaret L., degree, 618 Eary, L. E., degree, 602 Easley, M. M„ degree, 259 Eastburn, G. S., degree, 243 Eastin, Britomarte, degree, 614