UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934 [PAGE 651]

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Dean of Women, budget, expense, 7, 289, 493 salary, 10, 293, 497 Deardorf, F. B., certificate, 620 Dearmont, Ellen, degree, 403 Death benefits, appropriations, 101, 102, 182, 202, 275 budget, 389, 493 Barton, H. J., 398 Clark, T. A., 101 Crump, F. E., 373 Dodge, D. K., 411 Fay. T. J., 146 Hedblom, C. A., 587 McClughen, Mrs. Frances, 130 Morrow, J. A., 101 Porter, Mrs. Emma, 102 Tornquist, A., 146 University statutes amended, 166 Weston, N. A., 419 Wheeler, Mrs. Virgil G., 431 White, J. M., 182 Williamson, C. S., 202 DeAtley, Ethel L., degree, 252 DeBeck, Fern E., appointments, 76, 355. S61 degree, 256 DeBoer, J., scholarship, 582 DeBourcy, H. C , certificate, 620 DeBower, Alice L., degree, 255 Decker, M. E., contract for instruction of, 138, 413 degree, 604 Decker, S. W., appointments, 97, 527, 533 Declination, Krannert, V. L., 627 See also Resignations. Deditius, L. F., degree, 241 Dedmond, F. H., degrees, 251, Cor Deem, A. G-, appointment, Z9 degree, 598 Deem, W . C., appointments, 37, 316, 520 Deere, Lora L., appointments, 387, 463, 483, 497 Deere, Mabel, appointments, 42, 321, 525, 624 Deferred fees, service charge, 423 De Filippis, A. T., degree, 254 Definbaugh, C. C,, appointments, 357, 563 retirement, 283 De Gette, J. H., degree, 456 Degrees, authority to confer, 94, 225, 272, 570 Bachelor of Fine Arts, authorized, 159 Bachelor of Medicine, fee, 570 option, 570 Bachelor of Science in Public School Music, 418 Chemical Engineer, established, 159 conferred, lists, u 8 , 131, 190, 237, 3S3, 401, 456. 597 summaries, 236, 597 Doctor of Medicine, lists, 95, 172, 386, 438 Dehn, Myrtle A., degree, 243 Deikoff, J. I., degree, 190 Dekker, H., degree, 608 DeLancy, Dorothy, fellowship, 92 DeLand, G. A., degree, 383 DeLaney, E. N., degree, 615 Delaney, J. P., degree, 264 Delaney, R. E., degree, 604 DeLano, P. J., appointments, 87, 281, 592 DeLargy, P. L., appointments, 22, 303, 507 Del Beccaro, V. J., degree, 604 Del Bianco, A., degree, 254 Delhaye, R. J., degree, 197 Dellch, Mary M., degree, 615 Dell, G. H-, appointments, 34, 3*3, 5*7 DeLong, C. C , appointments, 122, 176, 483* 495 DeLong, E. E., certificate, 620 DeLong, R. I., degree, 247 DeMar, Bertha, appointments, 68, 346, 551 Demming, L. F., appointments, 58, 187, 336, 542 DeMotte, J. A., appointment, 150 DeMoulin Bros, and Co., contract, 116*


Dempsey, E. P., degree, 246 Demski, C . certificate, 263 Demster, C. M., degree, 238 Denenholz, E. J., degree, 96 Denenholz, L., certificate, 622 Denhart, Dorothy M., appointments, 503, 521 Denneman, W. F., degrees, 264 Dennis, H. A. t appointments, 22, 175, 303, 507 Dent, Mrs. Beulah M., appointments, 35, 315, 519 Dental Building, Booths A and B, lease, 399 Dental Graduate Orthodontia, balance reappropriated, 586 budget, expense, 348, 554 salary, 351, 557 fund, unexpended balance, 82, 276 Dental History, See Ethics. Dental Illustration, budget, expense, 70, 348, 554 salary, 64, 342, 553 See also Medical and Dental Illustration. Dental Pathology and Therapeutics, budget, expense, 70, 348, 547 salary, 71, 351, 55<5 . _ Dentistry, College of, admission requirements, 206 budget, 70. 348, 554 huilding, decoration, 594 degrees conferred, lists, 137, 197, 264, 406, 461, 621 elevators, contract for examination, 435 emergency loan fund, 230 equipment, special, appropriation, 79 stolen, 435 fees, schedule, 87 staff members taking University courses, 161 summer session, 228 internes to work in state institutions, 105 library, budget, expense, 74, 353, 558 salary, 77, 356, 561 revolving fund, 348, 55,4 sales and services, estimated income, 285, 489 scholarship fund, proposed, 471 time of entrance, 154 Denton, R. O., degree, 251 Depken, G. C , degree, 251 Deposit, funds, budget, 81, 361, 567 Dermatitis, research, fund, 64, 341 Dermatology, budget, expense, 63, 341* 546 salary, 65, 343, 548 clinical faculty, 83, 278, 588 Derr, P. H., appointments, 61, 178, 338, 544 Derrough, C. E., appointments, 35, 315, 519 Dershem, H. L., degree, 615 Derwent, E. F., member of advisory committees, 128, 396 DeShane, R. E., degree, 121 DeTrana, G. E., appointments, 85, 279, 589 Detrich, J. H., Jr., C.P.A. certificate, 100 Dettloff, C. A., degree, 461 DeTurk, E. E., appointments, 43, 324, 528 Deuss, H. O., appointments, 67, 344, 550 Deutsch, M. I., degree, 621 Deutsch, N. S., degree, 461 Devins, W. P., degree, 251 DeVore, P. A., degree, 256 DeVries, J., degree, 192 Dewey, J. C., degree, 608 DeWolf, F. W., appointments, 20, 301, 505 Dey, F. E., degree, 264 Diamond, I. B., appointments, 67, 345, 550 Dianis, P. W., degree, 608 Dick, Helen, degree, 238 Dickens, Helen O., certificate, 263 Dickerson, E. S., degree, 459 Dickerson, Helen C , degree, 120 Dickerson, Hilda, appointment, 76 Dickhut, H. W., degree, 243 Dickinson, B. S., appointments, 26, 306, 510 Dickinson, C. A., certificate, 263