UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934 [PAGE 646]

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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Cohen, Dorothy J., degree, 193 Cohen, E. E., degree, 403 Cohen, Esther L., degree, 608 Cohen, Faye, degree, 134 Cohen, H. N., degree, 197 Cohen, Jacob, appointment, 387 degree, 621 Cohen, Jacob, certificate, 263 Cohen, Jeannette L,, appointment, 624 degree, 613 Cohen, M. I., certificate, 620 Cohen, M. R., certificate, 263 degree, 265 Cohen, S. S-, certificate, 620 Cohenour, E. C., degree, 241 Cohn, A. M., degree, 621 Cohn, M. H., degree, 245 Cohn, R. G., degree, 613 Coile, Gracye P., degree, 615 Coile, V. L., degrees, 250, 602 Colbey, A. H., appointments, 37, 316, 520 Colby, A. S-, appointments, 49, 328, 532 Colby, Georgia G., degree, 249 Colby, L. E., degree, 610 Colby, W. F., C.P.A. certificate, 100 Colby, W. W., degree, 385 Cold Metal Process Company, gift, 422 Cole, A. G., appointments, 68, 347, 552 Cole, Agnes L., degree, 251 Cole, C. K., degree, 135 Cole, H. C, degree, 248 Cole, Thora P., degree, 256 Colegrove, E. B., appointment, 624 degree, 612 Coleman, A., degree, 243 Coleman, C. C , degree, 262 Coleman, E. C , appointments, 19, 174, 184, 300, 504 Coleman, H. E., degree, 614 Coleman, Mary E,, degree, 238 Coleman and Bell, chemicals purchased from, 94 Collard, C. N., degree, 607 Colleges, admission, requirements, 154 Collins, A. C , degree, 264 Collins, Elizabeth, degree, 135 Collins, Eunice, appointments, 426, 473, 561 degree, 249 Collins, R. B., certificate, 263 Collins, S. J., degree, 617 Collins, W. E., degree, .257 Collins, W. G., degree, 191 Collins, W. L., appointments, 37, 317, 520 Collins, W. R., appointments, 66, 74, 344. „ 352, 553, 5.58 . . . Colloidal materials, investigation, 412, 470 Collom, H. G., degree, 251 Collora, N. A., degree, 246 Colton, E. J., scholarship, 266 Colvin, C , degree, 460 Colyer, G. E., degree, 461 Combs, E. N., degree, 133 Combs, J. D., appointments, 25, 176, 305, 448 degree, 600 Comer, P. R., degree, 406 Comess, O- H., certificate, 263 Comings, R. C , degrees, 241, 602 Commencement, budget, 7, 289, 493 Comment, Rosalie C., degree, 403 Commerce and Business Administration, College of, admission, subjects, recommended, 157 required, 156 budget, 26, 307, 51 r second semester, 176 summaries, s6t 306, 511 degrees conferred, lists, 118, 135, 194, 242. 385, 402, 456, 607 , expendable endowment income fund, 29, 307, 511

Classics, cont'd. salary, 17, 299, 503 second semester, 174 summer session, 184, 447 fellows and scholars, lists, 266, 582 honorary, 267 Clausen, R. G., appointments, 25, 176, 186 degree, 262 Claussen, M. P., degree, 604 scholarship, 479 Clay Products Association, cooperative research agreement, paper on, 425 gift, 576 m Clay sewer pipe, gift for research, 576 research, expendable gift fund, 33 Clay working, short course, fee, 373 Claypool, C. B., degree, 261 Claypool, O. D., degree, 196 Clays, properties of, investigation, C.W.A. project, 433 approval, 462 Cleavelin, Helen C , degree, 194 Cleavelin, Ruth A., degree, 243 Cleland, W., degree, 242 Cleland, W. B., degree, 606 Clemens, J. E., appointments, 16, 174 Clement, J. A., appointments, 30, 187, 310, 449* 514 Clements, T. Faye, appointments, 75, 354 Clemmer, W. D., appointment, 129 Clendenin, E. W-, degree, 613 Clendenin, H. O., Jr., degree, .242 Cleveland, R. B., degree, 253 Clevenger, A. W., appointments, 11, 294, 497 Clevenstein, Helen A., degree, 250 Clifford, Hazel D., degree, 604 Clifford, R., degree, 247 Clifford, W. E. C , director of Athletic Association, 82, 367 CHne, Blanche, degree, 404 Cline, T. K., degree, 193 Clinical faculty, Medicine, 83, 277, 588 Clinite, Ruth, appointments, 9, 292, 496 Clinton, Eugenia M-, degree, 255 Clotfelter, D. W-, degree, 96 Clothier, Hazel L., degree, 243 Clow, Louise C , degree, 250 Cluts, E. A., degree, 405 Coal, carload lots, methods for sampling, C.W.A. project, 433 contract, 368 methods of cleaning, investigation, 207, 229 purchase, 377 Coal Mines Investigation, budget, 32, 312, 516 Coale, L. W., degree, 238 Coble, A. B., appointments, 21, 302, 448, 506 Coburn, R. A., degree, 607 Cochrane, N. C., appointments, 62, 340, 545 Cochrane, Regina H., degree, 193 Cochrun, I. A., degree, 194 Cockrell, C. F., degree, 193 Coddington, H. W., degrees, 119, 258 Coe, Lucy, appointments, 42, 321, 525 Coe, W. S., appointments, 387, 502 Coelln, O. H., Jr., degree, 119 Cofer, Leonora A., degree, 257 Coggeshall, C , degree, 619 Cohee, G. V., appointments, 387, 505 degree. 403 Cohen, A. E., appointments, 11, 58, 294, 336, 498, 542 Cohen, A, S., degree, 253 Cohen, Anne M., See Newmark, Mrs. Anne C. Cohen, B. M., degree, 172 Cohen, B. S., degree, 610 Cohen, C. L., appointments, 86, 281, 591 Cohen, Daniel, degree, 245 Cohen, David, degree, 96