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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934 [PAGE 575]

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the form of similar agreements heretofore approved by the Board and complies fully with all requirements of the Board governing such investigations. O n m o t i o n of M r . T r e e s , t h i s a g r e e m e n t w a s a u t h o r i z e d . EXTENSION OF AGREEMENT WITH THE NATIONAL WARM AIR HEATING A N D AIR CONDITIONING ASSOCIATION (23) A report t h a t the agreement with the National Warm Air Heating and Air Conditioning Association for the cooperative investigation of warm air furnace heating has been extended for another year from April 16, 1934, as provided by the terms of the agreement, and the Association agrees to provide not less than $3,500 during that period for the expenses of this investigation.

This report was received for record.

AGREEMENT W I T H THE NATIONAL ALUMINATE CORPORATION (24) A report that the arrangement with the National Aluminate Corporation for "Scale Studies" by the Engineering Experiment Station, which was approved by the Board on April 11, 1933 (Minutes, page 207), and which expired April I, 1934, has been extended for one year.

This report was received for record.

COOPERATIVE STUDY OF MILK SUPPLY AND DEMAND IN ST. LOUIS MILK SHED (25) A recommendation for approval of an agreement with Fred L. Shipley, Market Administrator in the St. Louis Milk Shed, for a study by the Agricultural Experiment Station to determine certain facts about present and potential sources of supply, seasonal variations, and potential demand for market milk, and its distribution. The Market Administrator has been assigned the duties of carrying out the provisions of the United States Milk License, effective in that area, and must interpret these provisions on the basis of available information. The object of the investigation is to make available information which can be used as a basis for making decisions by the Administrator relating to prices, transportation, production, and distribution of milk in the St. Louis area. The agreement is drawn for a period of one year beginning June 1, 1934, with provisions for its extension, and is of the form of similar agreements heretofore approved by the Board. This study is to collect and analyze certain data, and no discoveries or inventions are contemplated, so that no question of patent rights is involved. The Administrator agrees to make available $4,000 to the University to cover the expenses of the study.

On motion of Mr. Barr, this agreement was approved.

LABORATORY FEES IN THE COLLEGE OF MEDICINE (26) On December 15, 1931 (Minutes, page 107), the Board authorized the President of the University and the Dean of the College of Medicine to fix laboratory fees in that College from time to time according to the cost of laboratory materials, provided that such fees shall be within the total fees established by the Board of Trustees. A careful study has been made of all expenses which are involved in laboratory courses, and which may properly be set up as laboratory fees, and as a result a new schedule of fees has been authorized. Under the present schedule of laboratory fees for the various courses the aggregate for the four years is $132.50. The new schedule provides for total laboratory fees of $435.50 for the four years. This is a marked increase, but it represents, in the opinion of those who have been studying this matter, a proper charge for the materials and services used in the various courses. The increase does not affect the present schedule of total fees, including tuition and laboratory fees, which remains a t $200 a year for residents of Illinois, and $300 a year for nonresidents. A statement of the new revised schedule of laboratory fees is submitted for filing with the Secretary of the Board for record.

On motion of Dr. Meyer, these fees were approved.