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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1932] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 31 Salary 2 750 2 750) 5 500) 2 1 4 1 1 3 1 600 400) 000) 600 600) 200) 200 400) I 600) 1 300 1 300) 2 600) 1 900 2 100 800 1 600 2 100 2 000 1 700 2 000 1 600 1 800 I 600 1 800 1 600 1 00b 1 000) 2 000) 800 1 320 2. H . G. Paul, Professor of Teaching of English (See English (Total salary 3. E. B. Lytle, Associate Professor of Teaching of Mathematics (See Mathematics (Total salary 4. C. C. Gullette, Assistant Professor (See Romance Languages (Total salary 5. R. T . Gregg, Assistant (See Industrial Education (Total salary 6. R. M. Holmes, Instructor (See School of Music (Total salary 7. T. R. Byerley, Teacher 8. Liesette J. M c H a r r y , Teacher p. > Teacher 10. Mrs. Edith Davis Kurtz, Teacher 11. W. E. Harnish, Teacher 12. Helen Taylor, Teacher 13. Marie J. Boysen, Teacher 14. W. Habberton, Teacher 15. Pauline E. Changnon, Teacher 16. Mrs. Frances D. Wilson, Teacher 17. Mata Smith, Teacher 18. Mrs. Mabel Rea H a g a n , Teacher 19. Mrs. E. Sullivan, Librarian (C. S.) 20. Velma I. Kitchell, Instructor (See School of Music (Total salary 21. Louise Zilly, Teacher 22. Ruth E. Dalrymple, Stenographer and Clerk (C. S.) Total, Supervision and High School Instruction AG50 AG50 AG67 AG33 DG50 DG50 EG75 EG25 EG50 EG50 E E EG50 E E E E E E E E E E EG50 EG50 EG60 D $ 37 770 Agricultural Education 1. A. W . Nolan, Associate Professor 2. B. C. Lawson, Instructor 3. H . J. Rucker, Instructor (Paid by Board of Education at St. Joseph (Total salary 4. Melvin Henderson, Assistant (Paid by Board of Education at Tolono (Total salary Total, Agricultural Education A $ D DG75 DG25 DG75 DG25 4 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 500 500 625 275) 900) 600 300) 000) $ 10 225 H o m e E c o n o m i c s Education 1. Anna Belle Robinson, Associate 2. Elizabeth Todd, Associate 3. Florence King, Instructor Total, Home Economics Education D D E $ 2 700 2 700 2 400 7 800 $ A B Industrial Education 1. A. B. Mays, Professor 2. A. F . Dodge, Assistant Professor $4750 4 000
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