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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

30 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [Juty 13 COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Summary Expense and Salaries Equipment Total Administration $1482000 $ 315000 $1797000 44 800 00 600 00 Education 44 200 00 Supervision and High School InstrucI 025 00 tion 37 770 00 38 795 00 Smith-Hughes 11 225 00 I 000 00 Agricultural Education. 10 225 00 8 060 00 260 00 Home Economics Education 7 800 00 2 OOO OO 14 650 00 Industrial Education 12 650 00 (3 260 00) (33 935 00) Total, Smith-Hughes (30 675 00) (8 035 00) (135 500 00) Sub-total (127 465 00) 1 425 00 10 485 00 Bureau of Educational Research 9 060 00 Total $13652500 $ 9 460 00 $14598500 Administration 1. T. E. Benner, Dean B Professor of Education ... A $ 2. L. W. Williams, Instructor and Secretary of Appointments Committee D 3. Lillian Hart, Secretary to Dean (Exempt) DG65 (See Industrial Education DG25 (From Summer Session DG10 (Total salary 4. , Stenographer for Appointments Committee (C. S.) D Total, Administration $ Salary 9000 3 200 I 300 500) 300) 2 100) I 320 14 820 Education 1. E. H. Cameron, Professor of Educational Psychology A $ 7 000 2. W. S. Monroe, Professor A (Salary under Bureau of Educational Research) 3. J. A. Clement, Professor A 5 000 4. R. F. Seybolt, Professor of the History of Education.... A 5 5oo 5. C. W. Odell, Associate Professor A 3 75o 6. C. R. Griffith, Associate Professor of Educational Psy5 250 chology D 3 5oo 7. 0. F. Weber, Associate Professor A 8. Mrs. Nell C. B. Johnston, Assistant Professor B 3 000 2 700 9. E. W. Dolch, Assistant Professor B 3 000 10. G. W. Reagan, Assistant Professor B 3 000 11. E. F. Potthoff, Assistant Professor B 500 12. R. B. Browne, Instructor EG25 2 500) (See Liberal Arts and Sciences (Total salary 3 000) 2 000 13. W. W. Peters, Instructor E Total, Education Supervision and High School Instruction 1. C. W. Sanford, Principal and Instructor (12 mos. from July 1, 1932) $ 44 200 F $ 2 600
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