UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934 [PAGE 229]

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Meridian, in partition proceedings in the Circuit Court of Champaign County, Illinois, on October 18, 1854, and blue prints submitted on April 11, 1931, by the University of Illinois showing the location of Pennsylvania or Maple Avenue. Also shown in subdivision by Thomas B. Kyle on August 29, 1877, in book " A " , page 44, and in letter from M. H. Kinch to Mayor Harmon dated April 15, 1930, as to change of name from Maple Avenue to Pennsylvania Avenue. 4. Rights, if any of the public, city of Urbana, adjoining property owners in Gallivan's Addition and Mount Hope Cemetery in and to Pennsylvania Avenue or Maple Avenue. 5. Special assessment roll for Southern Ornamental lighting District filed September 12, 1925, and confirmed March 29, 1926, for $648.21 on premises in question, payable in 10 installments, the first for $66.00 and the remaining 9 for $64.69 each, payable January 2, 1927, and annually thereafter with interest on deferred payments. 6. Special assessment roll for Mathews Avenue pavement, filed June 16, 1930, and $23,105.60 on premises in question, payable in 10 installments, the first for $2,351.69 and the remaining 9 for $2,305.99 each, payable January 2, 1931, and annually thereafter with interest on deferred payments.

This report was received for record.

I N T E R E S T O N FEDERAL. F U N D S (4) A report from the University's Comptroller that the Comptroller General of the United States recently has ruled t h a t all interest accruing on Federal funds turned over to such institutions as the University of Illinois is the property of the United States and must be set aside and paid into the United States Treasury by the respective institutions. This ruling means t h a t the interest paid to the University of Illinois by the depository bank of its Treasurer which is applicable to balances on hand in Federal funds must be paid into the United States Treasury instead of being turned in as general income of the University which has been the case in the past. The Land Grant College Association is preparing to protest, but until the ruling is changed the University must be prepared to turn over this interest.

This report was received for record. On motion of Mr. Barr, the Finance Committee was requested to study this matter.

ACCIDENT COMPENSATION FOR WILLIAM GENTRY (5) A report of the approval of a recommendation from the Committee on Accident Compensation for Employees that William Gentry, formerly employed for irregular periods at the Agricultural Experiment Station at Toledo, Illinois, who was injured on September 30, 1932, while operating a roller, be paid $100 as compensation for his injury in consideration of a full release by him to the University and to the State from all further claims, in addition to payment of medical bill amounting to $10.75. He has indicated his willingness to accept this settlement. The accident occurred before the change in the method of dealing with these cases.

This report was received for record.

L E A V E O F A B S E N C E F O R J O S E A. B A L S E I R O

(6) A recommendation from the Head of the Department of Romance Languages and the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences that Associate Professor Jose A. Balseiro be given leave of absence without pay, for one year from September 1, r 933i in order t h a t he may serve as visiting professor a t the University of Porto Rico. O n m o t i o n of M r s . H o p k i n s , t h i s l e a v e w a s g r a n t e d . SICK LEAVE FOR MISS HONORA CARRIGAN (7) A report t h a t Miss Honora Carrigan, a nurse in the University's Dispensary, has been granted sick leave for six months without pay, beginning May 1, 1933.

This report was received for record.

PLYM FELLOWSHIP AND SCHOLARSHIP APPOINTMENTS (8) The following appointments have been made to the Plym Fellowship and Plym Foreign Scholarship: Kenneth Nels Lind, 805 South Lincoln Avenue, Urbana, to the Twentieth Plym