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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1934 [PAGE 149]

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no service on these securities, a saving is effected by withdrawing them from its custody.

On motion of Mr. Barr, the action of the Finance Committee was approved.

LABORATORY FEE IN CHEMISTRY (6) A recommendation that a fee of $2.50 per one-quarter unit be authorized for the laboratory section of Chemistry 123 (a graduate lecture course in qualitative analysis with laboratory work optional). This course was omitted from the schedule of laboratory fees for the current year adopted by the Board on July 13. 1932 (page 88).

On motion of Dr. Noble, this fee was authorized.

BEQUEST OF WENSEL MORAVA OF THE CLASS OF 1 8 7 8 (7) A report that the late Mr. Wensel Morava of the Class of 1878 bequeathed lo the University of Illinois $80,000 to be administered by the University for assisting students in accordance with the following provisions of his will: 1. T h e fund shall be invested and kept invested in income-producing securities, and only the income from the principal shall be used. 2. T h e fund shall be administered by the officers in charge of the Edward Snyder Loan Fund (all loan funds are now administered by Comptroller, Deans of Men and Women, the deans of the colleges of applicants; and loans are acted upon, after recommendation of these officers, by the Chairman of the Finance Committee of the B o a r d ) . 3. Preference shall be. given to at least one male student of Czecho-Slovakian descent on either side of his ancestry, to the extent that the University authorities shall use every reasonable effort to secure each year at least one student of such ancestry from a high school in Cook County, and failing that then elsewhere, who shall enter the University and shall receive assistance from the fund, the amount to be determined from time to time by the University. 4. In determining the eligibility of any student to receive benefits from the fund, particular significance shall be given to the following qualifications: good morals, 100%; cheerfulness, 100%; good health, 100%; good physique, 95-100% ; application, or "stick-to-itiveness," 95-100%; good scholarship, 85-95%; membership in some church or Sunday school; knowledge of a trade or ability to use tools; orphan or half-orphan or a child of poor parents; one who is eager for a higher education and is willing to work for it. 5. The age limits of beneficiaries shall be 17 to 22, inclusive. 6. It shall be a condition of the receipt by any student of the benefit from this fund that he or she shall agree in writing not to become a member of any fraternity or sorority during the first two years of his or her college course. Violation of this agreement shall terminate the right of such student to the benefit of such fund. 7. Mr. Morava also expresses the hope that each student receiving benefit from the fund, after graduation and when established in business or having some good position, will make similar provisions for some other young student. T h e hearing on the will is set for the latter part of December, and it is possible that the bequest may be paid within a reasonable time after that date, provided that it is accepted by the Board. T h i s r e p o r t w a s received for record. GIFTS TO THE UNIVERSITY (8) T h e following report of gifts to the University received since the last report: Carnegie Institution of Washington, sixty-one bound and unbound volumes of its publications, worth approximately $179, to the University Library. Dr. Emma G. Jaeck, 113 bound volumes of general interest, 15 unbound volumes, and 18 pamphlets, to the University Library. Midwest Canning Corporation of Rochelle, Illinois, $300 to cover the expenses involved in a study of fungi by the Department of Botany, which this corporation wishes the University to conduct. T h i s report w a s received for record.