UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 [PAGE 711]

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U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Schaefer, E. G., degree, 63a Schaefer, G. H.» Tr„ degree, 248 Schaefer, L. E-, degree, 165 Schaeffer, D., degree, 167 Schaeffer, K. E., degree, 357 Schafer, W . W., degree, 623 Schaffer, O. G., appointment, 347 Scharpen, R. E., degree, 616 Schaub, E. H., degree, 344 Schauer, D. L., degree, 257 Schauer, F. R., appointment, 198 Schechtman. L, degree, 641 Scheerer, E. J\, appointments, 124, 301 Scheerer, G. C., appointment, 310 Scheffler, M. M., degree, 639 Scheick, W . H., appointments, 84* 347 Scheidenhelra, A. G., degree, 627 Scheidenhelm, E. L., statement, 128 Schell, A. D., degree, 269 Schell, M . C , certificate, 267 Schenck, D. J., degree, 250 Schenck, E. A., degree, 627 Schenck, H., appointments, 310, 318 Schenkel, D. A. L-, degree, 259 Scher, J., degree, 166 Scherer, R. M-, degree, 622 Schermerhorn, R. A., degree, 257 Schildhammer, L. E., degree, 628 Schiller, M. A., degree, 8 Schiller, Sister M . B., degree, 261 Schillings C. G-, appointments, 84, 162, 3*3 Schtlz, C. E., appointments, 308, 480, 548 Schindler, J. A „ certificate, 267 Schlarman, C. E., appointment, 335 Schlatter, C. F., appointments, 317, 374, 550 Schlegel, K. W., certificate, 267 degree, 440 Schlenz, H. E., patent, 31. 66 Schlicher, P. F., degree, 247 Schlitt, T. J., degree, 248 Schlosser, E. M., appointment, 408 Schmalhausen, J., appointment, 336 Schmalhausen, M. V., degree, 257 Schmeiske, L. H-, degree, 640 Schmidt, C. E., degree, 257 Schmidt, E. C , appointments, 142, 327 Schmidt, E. F-, degree, 246 Schmidt, H. W., degree, 530 Schmidt, T. J., degree, 530 Schmitt, E. M\, degrees, 257, 632 Schmitt, L. F., appointment, 124 Schmitz, E. M., degree, 244 Schmutzler, R,, appointment, 340 Schnapp, M. C , degree, 617 Schnauber, E., appointment, 35^ Schneider,K.E.,D.,degree,617262198,278, 403, Schnebly,F.126,L., C., certificate,from408gift55* Schnell, WS86School,605 American171, fees, 610 Schniepp,forH.,P.,certificate,577 267456 to, Schnepp,M.A.continuation,24464384,Traveling, Schochet, .M I.,T., degree,633 639 Schoch, R.A.,E. A.,exemption233, 346, Schnoor, appointments, 212,267 Schoenecker,S.,appointments, 617 Schoeman,M..H.,degree, 6x6, 260 Scholarships, E.,349 degree, Scholars, 619A.,commission, degree, L. S.,degree, Engineering, scholarship, E.degrees, 244 Anonymous,I., appointments, budget, 164 280,degree, 616 GraduateS. AHerton 622 gift J. in Civil 457, D. 212certificate, awarded, 596 V. degreer


Scholarships, cont'd. funds, 365 Mechanical^ Engineering, 320 Plym Foreign, awarded, 280, 605 rules for, 501 Wallace, E. A., appointments, 442 Scholfield, L. M., appointment, 198 degree. 440 Scholl, A. M., degree, 252 Scholl, F. R., degree, 633 Scholl, P., lease, 70, 441, 504 Schollmeyer, A. K., degree, 616 Scholz, R. R., C.P.A. certificate, 151 Schommer, C. A., C.P.A. certificate, 526 Schommer, N. C , Jr., C.P.A. certificate, 141 Schoolcraft, D. V., degree, 161 Schooley, F. E., appointments, 298, 316, 456 Schooley, R. E., degree, 629 Schools, statutes concerning, 420 See also Journalism, Library, Music, Pharmacy, Physical Education Schoonmaker, S., appointments, 171, 348 Schoonover, H. N., degree, 472 Schopf, J. M., appointments, 84, 306 degree, 632 Schori, J. W-, degree, 8 Schorr, H. C , appointments, 367, 408 Schorr, H. J., appointment, 84 degree, 8 Schour, I., appointment, 361 Schrader, H. J., appointment, 327 Schrader, Mrs. M., appointment, 336 Schreiber, R. S., appointments, 408, 480 Schreiber, S., degree, 146 Schreiber, W . I., appointments, 52, 312, 490 Schrock, E. J., scholarship, 586 Schroeder, H. C., commission, 260 degree, 251 Schroeder, M . H., appointment, 297 Schroeder, P. L., appointments, 24, 370 Schroeppel, M. V., degree, 244 Schrumpf, F. S., degree, 618 Schubert, C. E., appointment, 325 Schuck, E. C , appointments, 134, 300 Schuette, R. H., C.P.A. certificate, 24, 141 Schuetz, M . L., degree, 623 Schuller, J. C , degree, 530 Schulman, R., degree, 530 Schulte, J. A. C., scholarship, 442 Schultz, A. F., degree, 628 Schultz, E. G., degree, 246 Schultz, H., degree, 639 Schultz, J. R., degree, 244 Schultz, L., appointments, 362, 480 Schulz, W . E., Jr., degree, 621 Schumann,K.F.,L.,N., 484 246 for 639 551 Schumacher,A,A.,H., degree,248639165 327, of, Schulz, WE.A.J.,C.P.A.degree,621instruction 550 Schwartz,.E.Cappointment, 629337 147 Schwarm,William,degree,degree, 213 Schwab, C.M..CF.F.,R. scholarship, 170, Schutz, of.Wabsence,appointment, 348, Schwarzentraub, certificate,639 326 Schwarz, 642C. degree, 269 472 Schwalbe, 247H.appointment, 630 Schwaba, A.M.J.appointment, 267 Schunk, WF-, A.H.,degree, 26$629 141 leave H. ,, D., certificate, degree, G. R.,H-, degree, 462 R. F.,degree, 259 F., R.,E., J-, 361 J-, H., degree, A., appointments, contract certificate, certificate,