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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 707 Roche, A. V., appointments, 52, i6g, 315 I Rosenberg, M., appointment, 358 degree, 162 Rosenberg, T., degree, 253 Roche, J. P., degree, 621 Rosenberger,ftt.A., degree, 617 Roche, J. W., degree, 630 Rosenbloom, D., degree, 639 Rock phosphate, investigation, 151, 190 Rosenbloom, E,, degree, 627 expendable gift fund, 335 Rosenbloom, H. H., appointment, 368 Rockwell, R. G., degree, 246 596 Rosenblum, P., appointment, 369 Rodebaugh, C. S., degree, 77 Rosenblum, R., appointment, 363 Rodebush, W . H., appointments, 307, 548 Rosenfeldt, H., degree, 246 Rodeheaver, J. N., Jr., degree, 52g Roselawn Cemetery, negotiations, 11 Rodents, Canadian tundra, investigation, offer of additional lots, 120 Rodger, L. S., degree, 529 perpetual care fund, reimbursement, 552 Rodgers, J. J., degree, 380 resolution, 62 Rodin, R., degree, 380 unexpended balance reappropriated, 285 Rodkey, F. S., appointments, 312, 549 Rosenthal, F. V., degree, 244 Roe, E. B., degree, 627 Rosenthal, J., degree, 269 Roeder, C. D., degree, 258 Rosenthal, T. B., degree, 616 Roeder, J. J., degree, 616 Rosenthal, M , J., certificate, 639 Roehm, L. R., degree, 630 Rosenthal, S., appointment, 356 Roentgenology, budget, expense, 360 Rosenthal, S. R., degree, 163 salary, 363 Rosenthall, M. A,, degree, 627 Roesch, D. M,, degree, 165 Rosenstiel, H. C., degree, 639 Rogers, A. S-, degree, 625 Rosenwald Museum, gift to, 48 Rogers, C. R., appointments, 198, 3*3 Rosenzweig, H. R., degree, 248 Rogers, D. M., appointment, 327 Roskin, N., degree, 641 degree, 246 Roslyn, G. W., degree, 618 Rogers, F. B., Jr., degree, 244 Ross, E., certificate, 532 Rogier, C. F., commission, 643 Ross, F. E., degree, 637 degree, 621 Ross, H. M., appointment, 370 Rogier, E. M., degree, 627 Ross, M. I., degree, 93 Rogier, J. F., degree^ 244 Ross, O. E., degree, 252 Rogier, J. W., commission, 260 Ross, P. W., degree, 380 degree, 252 Ross, R. C , appointments, 84, 345 Rohm and Haas Company, gift, 153 degree, 265 Rohrer, C. E., statement, 144 Ross, S. E., certificate, 641 Rohret, Sister M. D. L., degree, 450 Ross, V. A., appointments, 62, 353 Rohwedder, C. F-, degree, 616 Ross, W . E., degree, 617 Rokusek, F. E., appointment, 350 Rossiter, L. H,, degree, 253 Roland, J. R., Jr., degree, 617 Rossiter, L. J,, appointments, 358, 360 Rolfe, C, W., appointment, 311 Rossiter, M . L., degree, 165 Roll, L. J., degree, 265 Rossiter, W . A., degree, 627 Roller, tests of, expendable gift fund, 323 Rossow, B. O., scholarship, 213 Roman, R. B., degree, 94 Rosy, R. A., degree, 641 Romance Languages, budget, expense, 305 R.O.T.C. summer camp, equipment, 67 salary, 315 uniforms, contract, 3, 70, 440 Rome, S., degree, 266 purchases, 372, 610 Romine Street, paving, 27 Roth, H. A., degree, 8 Ronalds, F. S., appointment, 312 Roth, H. D., degree, 164 Ronchetti, M . J., degree, 257 Roth, J., degree, 253 Roney, M. P., degree, 244 Roth, J. B., degree, 639 Ronstrom, G. N., certificate, 639 Rothbardt, A. M., degree, 616 degree, 641 Rothbart, L., C.P.A. certificate, 526 Roofing, purchase, 462 Rothbaum, R. S., degree, 257 Rooming conditions, survey, 116 Rothe, A. J., degree, 269 Rooming house operators, petition, 417 Rothenberg, H. B., commission, 643 Rosaaen,A.Jr.,degree,certificate, 526 Roper,D.H.J.,A.,appointment,643 301 Root, G.,L.,C. commission, 490 307 Roosa,J.M.,L.,appointments,for, 596 Roos, B.H.,E.,degree,257167618 298 Rose, MI.,A,degree,degree, 168, Rosche,W..J.,degree,532639 348 Rosbe,F,R.F.,A. J., appointment, Rosen.H. R., C.P.A,247 531 Rosen,WR.E.,assistance, 621 RoseberrytW., 502266629 Rosenberg, degree, \6y368 degree,S-, degree, 448 technical F., degree,257 resignation, R.,appointment, E.,J.,P.. degree,248 L. L., W., 259 . degree, 165 618appointment, C., L., 253 gift Rowley,H.B.,H.R.,degree,252639 Rowell,D.R.,L.Jr.,M.,269 329 Rounds-Trumanappointments, 342 504, 515 Rotstein,M.,W.,R.Company,267 124, 52 Roti, N.E.F.,E.,degree,531 246244 301 480, 4£>o Rubin, ,E., degree,625 Rubenstein,H., certificate, Rubel, E.,J. test 641appointment, Rozendal, 47l degree, 248 Rozen, R.J.,degree,solution, Royse, C.H., degree,degree, Royalties,618degrees, 639 32 Roy, S. E.N.,appointment, 339, Rowe,C.S.,J.,appointments, contract, Row, F.CM.patents,appointment, Rothstein,G.,appointment, 244 Rothenburger,B.,I.,degree, 315 Rothenberger,degree,616255473 Rubisoff, H., S., 485 244 degree, A., degree, phosphorus X., 624 degree, 244,
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