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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
704 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Quarterly reports, See Comptroller Queenan, J. W., C.P.A. certificate, 386 Quill, L. L., appointment, 167 Quillman, F. L., certificate, 267, 532 Quillman, P., degree, 641 Quindry, F. E., degree, 166 Quinn, T. T., degree, 629 Quinn, W . S^ degree, 165 Quinsey, D. L., degree, 634 Quirke, T. T., appointment, 311 Rabe, L.. degree, 473 leave of absence, 150 Rabens, G. C.» H., appointment, 456 Quisenberry, J.degree, 166 Rabens, G., certificate, 267 8uisling,I. A., appointment, 367 Rabin, R.,R., certificate, 267 uisling, degree, 617 Racks, Woman's Gymnasium, contract, 376 Radcliffe, D. G., degree, 531 Radeke, D. A., degree, 165 Rademacher, L. E., degree, 616 Radiation, effects on pollen, research fund, ,305 . Radio equipment, appropriation, 547 Radiological Research Institute, gifts, 99, 221, 441 Radiology, budget, expense, 354 salary, 359 gift for research, 577 Radio Station, appropriation, 230 special, 364 budget, expense, 294 salary, 298 report on operation, 193 Radio Station W-G-N, proposal, 403 Radio transmission, Canadian patent, 193 Radlove, S. B., degree, 245 Radner, D. B., degree, 266 Raemer, C. M., degree, 624 Rafelson, E., degree, 616 Rafferty, T. N., certificate, 639 Rafilson, J. C , degree, 472 Ragins, A. B., certificate, 267 degree, 163 Ragins, O. B., appointment, 368 Ragsdale, L. D., degree, 260 Ragsdale, M . E., degree, 257 Ragsdale, T. R., degree, 261 Rahn, H. R., degree, 77 Rahrer, G. D., appointment, 327 degree, 261 Rail Manufacturers' Technical Committee, agreement, 187 Rails, investigation, 98, 210 expendable gift funds, 323. 328 metaUographic equipment, 462 steel rails purchased, 388 testing machines, 98, 505 Railsback, I., degree, 164 Ramsey,.E.,P.,degree,degree, 456 408187, 373> Rammelkamp,fee,Jr., Museum, expense, 211 Ramp, L. S., C. 284 250 Ramey, E. .J., degree, 78 Ralston,J.Rosenwald appointment, Ralph, toWE.R.,giftH., 623 480 Rake, MD. H.,appointment, 323 degree, 322 Rainey,R.T.G., J,, degree,262, 616 Rainer,J.Engineering, honorary 48 RailwayH.J,E., degree, 262 530 557 Raish, F.R. Jr., 625 Rains, brake degrees, 472 gift expendableR., shoes, investigation, laboratoryA., appointment, salary,M., degree,530 577 327 funds, L., W., budget, 255 Public school teachers, fees charged for University courses, 610 Public Speaking, laboratory fee, 284 Public Utilities, McKinley professorship fund, 317, 319 scholarships, fund, 365 securities, status of, report, 567 Public Utilities and Transportation, budget, expense, 317 salary, 319 department established, 374 head appointed, 367 Public Welfare, State Department of, agreement, 487, 502, 562 reimbursement, 566 relations with University, 116 legislation for cooperation, 202 report, 139 Publications, general, budget, 349 history and political science, trust fund established, 186 laws and regulations, balance reappropriated, 285 soil survey reports, balance reappropriated, 285 University, catalog, appropriation, 219 Publicity, appropriation, 230 budget, expense, 294 salary, 298 plate matter purchased, 578 Publishers' Trade List, balance reappropriated, 285 Puestow, C. E., appointment, 360 Pump, Power Plant, appropriation, 476 Pump house, appropriation, 476 Pumphrey, R. W., degree, 257 Punke, H. H., appointments, 171, 321, 551 Punke, W , C , degree, 257 Purcell, E., degree, 257 Purcell, J. E., degree, 257 Purchase orders, American Blower Company, 70 American Terra Cotta Company, 70 Babcock and Wilcox Company, 70 Electric Coal Company, 70 Hecker, M . L., 161 Middle States Electric Company, 71 Mississippi Valley Structural Steel Company, 70 Paltridge Metal Equipment Company, 70 Producers Live Stock Commission Association, 71 Ryerson, J. T., and Sons, 70, 71 Standard X-ray corporation, 120 Swenson Land and Cattle Company, 120 Twin City Printing Company, 71 Putnam,A.WW. F.,degree,616505, 152, 71 Putman, A.C 340M.,glassware, 303 Company, Purves,W .V.Manufacturing Company, 189, Purnelllaboratorydegree,93139,555>331130 206, Purkms, S.R..R.,gift,Manufacturing578, 610 Purdy,E.Fund,T.,appointment,Chemical Stores, PurchasesManufacturingexpense,reports130 Pusheck, M 266degree,577 98 Pusey,othersR.,budget, 249 _ For 70 B.A.,153,488 68,244Company, 356 Pyrex J.approved, Puumala,439,439,degree, 627 354 Pyle, H. ,M.,degree, Company, Westinghouse degree, 616 321 Vilter K. N., Electric 244 327 Welch, . E., appointment, WebsterR., C., appointment, 112, requisition see appointments, purchases, H., Comptroller's degree, approved, 37i, contract, 462, 206 salary, 140 487,
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