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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Porter, D. J., appointment, 198 degree, 449 Porter, F. M „ appointment, 325 Porter, T., degree, 625 Porter, J. L,, Jr., degree, 616 Porter, R. L., commission, 643 degree, 621 Portland Cement Association, agreement, 143, 161 Portraits, Davenport, E., 611 Gladstone, 206 Noyes, W . A.. 371 Palmer, A. W., 371 Parr S. W., 371 Post, G. W.j Jr., appointments, 84, 359 Postlewait, H., appointment, 328 Posvic, D. I., degree, 629 Potash, effect on crop production, expendable gift fund, 332 Potash Export Company, expendable gift fund, 335 Potatoes, sale of, 18 Poticha, J., certificate, 639 Potoclci, E. R., degree, 268 Potter, F. W., Jr., degree, 624 Potter, J. S-, appointment, 84 Potter, K. A., appointments, 52, 335 Potter, R. D., degree, 94 Pottery, gift from G. E. Rlylonas, 442 Potthoff, E. F., appointments, 52, 171, 321, 55i Pottlitzer, J. K,, degree, 164 Potts, A. E., degree, 244 Potts, Mrs. M., appointment, 297 Poultry, sale of, 19, 20 Pouzar, E. J., commission, 260 degree, 250 Powell, A. L., appointment, 314 Powell, A. R., degree, 472 Powell, F. E., appointment, 357 Powell, G. M., degree, 164 Powell farm, archeological explorations, appropriation, 492 Power, C. B., degree, 632 Power panels, purchase of, 71 Power Plant, chimney, contract, 210 chlorinator and pump, 476 Powers, C. W., appointment, 455 Powers, G. H., appointment, 328 Powers, M . M., degree, 627 Powers, R. A., degree, 253 Powers, R. M., degree, 627 Powers, W . B., degree, 78 Pownall, W . L., degree, $2q Poyer, H. C , commission, 260 Pratt, C.132,488purchases,inauguration, approPresident agreement,additional 260 sign Premuda, H.,195 121,376641 144 50 540 crediPresident'sF.House,404232 608 appropriations, degree, F., of 74, 90471 395 to election,472University, delegationon65 signature, 182, committeefixtures*606, architect's182, furnishings, statutes 252 on 540 133 contracts, Board, authority tors' of fees, committee, commission, priation, F., date, 121 145 66, concerning, 418 drives, degree, 231 extras, appointment, electric 195 report 22a recommendations, hardware, grading, G. R. discharged, 703 President's House, cont'd. furnishings. So, 144, 232, 475 interior decoration, 232 landscaping, 212 plans completed, 59 unexpended balances reappropriated, 285 President's House, Nevada Street, lease changed, 6, 424 President s Office, appropriation, special, 384 budget, expense, 294 salary, 295 Preskus, J. A., degree, 269 Press, J. H-, degree, 641 Press, M., degree, 641 Press, see University Press Presta, P., degree, 262 Presta, P. S., appointment, 52 Preston, H. D., appointment, 336 Preston, S. P., statement, 218 Pribble, J. H., degree, 164 Price, E., appointment, 301 Price, E. F., appointment, 112 Price, E. G-, degree, 257 Price, H. D., appointments, 170, 351, 551 degree, 161 Price, J. K., degree, 263 Price, R. W., degree, 248 Price, S., certificate, 267 Prices, agricultural products, 15 Primm, G. C., degree, 622 Primm, H. M., degree, 623 Prince, L. F-, degree, 616 Principals, public school, fees charged for University courses, 610 Pring, L. D., degree, 620 Print Shop, Dexter machine purchased, 439 metal-melting equipment purchased, 440 paper purchased, 221 Printing laws and regulations, balance reap. propriated, 285 Pritchard, M . A., degree, 245 Pritikin, D., degree, 268 Pritz, C. E., commission, 643 degree, 617 Prizes, budget, 365 Deuss, memorial, accepted, 371 Pelikan, materia medica, accepted, 371 Ricker, renewal for ten years, 488 Producers Commission Association, purchase from, 373 Producers Live Stock Commission, purchase order, 71 Professional services, Willard, A. C , 188 Professional work, members of staff, fees, 609 Professors, exchange, statute governing, 594 Projector,L.Dentistry, 194616proposal, resoluPropst, D.values,degree,619 expense, . Property,L.expense,283expense,357 418 561 .469 Professors,of295Adegree,286 336appropriation, Prostheticappointment,Avenue, Committee, PropertyJ-,486work,picture, 347 sale, 360 Provost, F.concerning, students, Provine, M.purchase,47budget, 305 Proteau,384W-,594street418 for Prucha, A.degree, 269 634 Psychology, members PsychologicalL.,appointment, Prusha, Springfield of 245 Prudent, I,CJ., degree, pavements, Pszota, motion Fellowship member R., appointment, Turner, 362 appointment, budget, 314 statutes H-, of Senate, hazardous J., 294 laboratory ttests tions, , purchase,budget, salary. fees, salary, Plym 58, 194
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