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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
702 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Pinkerton, R. D., appointment, 480 degree, 164, 633 Pinnell, D., degree, 244 Pinsenshaum, A., appointment, 353 Pinsley, H. H-, degree, 253 Pipe, cast iron, investigation, 469 expendable gift fund, 323 clay sewer, investigation, 188 expendable gift fund, 323 Filtration Plant, 140 steam, purchase, 439 Pipe Line Company, license, 378 permission to lay line, 232 Piper, L. R., degree, 623 Pippert, K. C., degree, 247 Pirok, J, N., appointment, 407 degree, 249 Piskur, S., degree, 251 Piszkiewicz, F. J., degree, 499 Pitman, H. R., degree, 616 Pitner, G. H., degree, 250 Pittman, G. A., appointment, 309 Pittman, V. A., degree, 627 Placek, F. J., degree, 269 Plankenhorn, W . J., degree, 249 Plastino, F. A., appointments, 333, 341 Platin, J". W., appointment, 370 Piatt, C, A , professional services, payment, 375 Pleasants, A, L., appointment, 167 Pleak, E. J., degree, 244 Plohocki, Z. K., degree, 641 Plotkin, J., degree, 641 Plum Island, archaeological explorations, 63 Plym Fellowship Committee, 106 members for 1931-32, 469 Plym Fellowship in Architecture, awarded, 218, 591 Plym Fellowships and Prizes, funds, 365 Plym Foreign Scholarship in Architectural Engineering, awarded, 280, 605 rules, 591 Podd, G. O., C.P.A. certificate, 141 Podlesak, R. F., degree, 257 Podlesak, R. W., commission, 643 degree, 622 Poggi, E. M., appointments, 168, 311 degree, 265 sick leave, 514 Pohn, E. R., degree, 616 Pohn, R. K., degree, 627 Polacek, J. J., degree, 641 Poland, L. L., degree, S3* Polen, W , E., degree, 641 Policy, educational, statutes, 418 Polk,researchL.,appointment,267360329386 186 Pollock, J.L„research 244619 expense, 305 Pollen,B..H.R.,H. fellowships, 187359515 Pollard,extended,C.P.A.24494323, 151334 PoliticalMrs.314degree,appointment,authorized, Ponzer,M.,R.,R., request, 305 trust Pontious,H.,D.,402be terminated, Ponder, researchcertificate, 357 fund, Poole,E.I.H.degree, 257certificate, Poncher,E. T.,C.P.A. fund, 328 Poison,G.C.A.,investigation, 325 Pope, W J. andtoappointment, Poor, D.A.,E.,appointment, Poppen, W.(appointment,renewal Popell,J.Science,appointment, Porcelain,H-,G., N., certificate, research I., degree, 244488 insulators, degree, loan G. H., fund,259 salary, degree, 424 renewed, degree, mortgage, degree, 487 budget, Phosphorus test solution, royalties, 3a sale of, 100 Photographs, French, gift, 494 gift to Botany Department, 129 Photography, budget, salary, 303 Physical Education, Men, budget, 349 towels purchased, 440 School of, admission requirements, 609 degree, 609 departments, 609 functions, 609 established, 609 a graduation requirements, 609 W o m e n , budget, expense, 349 salary, 352 laboratory fees, 283 Physical Plant, Chicago, budget, salary, 303 summary, 303 coal, purchase, 222 contract for lumber, 189 Extension, appropriation, aboreturn, 58 finishing several projects, 476 special, 137 budget, 304 chlorinator, purchase, 487 Storeroom, lumber, 139, 206 paper towels, purchase, 371 Urbana, budget, salary, 302 Physical Welfare, budget, summary, 349 Director, member of Senate, 418 expendable endowment income fund, 349 Physicians' extension courses, authorized, 374, 586 Physicians and Surgeons, College of, bonds retired, 487 Physics, additional equipment, contract, 206 budget, expense, 322 salary, 326 laboratory fees, 283 spectograph purchased, 153, 440 Physiological Chemistry, budget, expense, 354 salary, 359 gift for research work, 611 new department, 374 Physiology, budget, expense, 305 salary, 314 laboratory fees, 283 Medicine, budget, expense, 354 salary, 359 new department, 374 Picard, J. L., degree, 471 Pickard, T. R., degree, 627 Pickels, G. W., appointment, 324 Pickels, G. W., IV, degrees, 250, 634 Pickens, L. M., appointment, 339 Piel, H.WE.degree,appointment,297 84, 316 Picknell,G.J.,C.,degree,619249 in342 315 386 Pierce,I.L.appointments,253 61 5 169, Pickett,.F.N.rdegree,531625407 367 Pieper,R.CM.C-,W., 257253 531 334 service, Pierson,J.P.M.,appointment, Piercy,D.. E.appointment,164 35s Pike, MH.I.R.A.,appointment, Piety,G.,A.H.,degree, 530 Pietrangeli,R.,degree, 244358, Pifer, white,S-,.continuation Pilot, G. J., purchase, 265 Pillsbury, B.,O.,degree,616 Pilka, E. ,E., Jr., appointments, Pings, S. G., Pine, M., B., degree, Pillow, R. H., degree, 255 Pilger, N. J,,degree, 622 Pilchard, L.,I., appointments, T., degree, degree, D., 621 257 616 440
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