UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 [PAGE 703]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932
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U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Pease, T. C.» appointments, 168, 312, 549 leave of absence, 560 Peavy, F, G., degree, 255 Pech, J., degree, 244 Pecha, 0. R., Jr., C.P.A. certificate, 526 Pecival, E. R., degree, 473 Pecival, R. F., degree, 165, 449 Peckmann, L. F., degree, 251 Pediatrics, budget, expense, 354 salary, 359 new department, 374 Peel, K. J., degree, 244 Peel, T., appointment, 30S Pegues, C. M., degree, 266 Pei, C. P., degree, 635 Peirce, A. S., degree, 529 Peirce, D. D., appointments, 9, 455* 557 degree, 529 Peirce, M., appointment, 311 Peirce, M . E., appointment, 83 Pekarek, E. A., degree, 244 Pelej, J,, C.P.A. certificate, 141 Pelikan, Mrs. A. E., gift, 371 Pelletier, C. M., degree, 244 Pelnar, P. G., degree, 474 Peltzer, A., degree, 624 Pelzer, D. C , degree, 619 Pelzman, L., appointments, 84, 360 Pence, P, S., degree, 627 Pendleton, K. M., degree, 262 Penfound, W . T., degree, 163 Pendergast, L. N-, degree, 625 Pendleton, W . H., degree, 627 Pengra, M . H., degree, 615 Penn, R., C.P.A. certificate, 141 Penn, V. T., degree, 615 Pennell, Z. A., degree, 627 Penney, A. J., degree, 269 Pennsylvania Avenue, 58 appropriation for survey, 219 referee suggested, 24 survey, 6, 446 survey of property bordering, 109 Penrod, B-, appointments, 52. 333» 342 Penwell, G. v., degree, 619 Peoples, H. D., degree, 250, 257 Peoples Gas, Light, and Coke Company, contract, D., Pepper, E.143 appointment, 313 Percival, S. R., appointment, 348 Percy, N. M., appointment, 369 Perdue, T. W., degree, 628 Pergande, R-, appointment, 327 Perkins, A. H., degree, 641 Perkins, A. T., degree, 632 Perkins, E. M., degree, 255 Perkins, J. W-, degree, 631 Perkins, R- A., commission, 260 degree, S. Perlstadt, 244 M., C.P.A. certificate, 386 Perlstein, M. 0., appointment, 367 Perlstein, S-, appointment, 367 Perret,B. E., appointment, 309 Perry, A. E., degree, 474 Perry, G. I., H., degree, 622 R. C degree, 621 Pertzoff, L. G., appointment, 507 Pesci, H- J., degree, 637 Peskind, S. I., degrees, 246, 633 Petefish, W . M., degree, 623 Petering^ R. E., degree, 249 Peters, P. W.,appointments, 313 329 J. E., appointment, 84, H. W., appointments, 171, Peters, W . C , appointment, 480 321, 551 Peters, R., degree, 617 Peters, M .H., appointment, 360 Petersen, A., degree, 627 Petersen, J. IX, appointment, 310 Petersen, W . F., appointment, 358 Peterson, C , appointment 361 Peterson, C. H., commission, 360 degree, 250


Peterson, E., appointment, 358 Peterson, E. E., degree, 037 Peterson, E. H., appointments, 310, 548 Peterson, G. E. 0., degree, 264 Peterson, G. H., degree, 247 Peterson, G. O., degree, 269 Peterson, I. L., appointment, 348 Peterson, L. A. S., degree, 248 Peterson, L. V., appointments, 147, 279, 296 Peterson, M. G., degree, 247 Peterson, M . M., degree, 255 Peterson, M. S., degree, 531 Peterson, R., degree, 269 Peterson, R. R., degree, 248 Peterson, Richard Forse, degree, 245, 633 Peterson, Richard Frederick, degree, 244 Peterson, Robert F., degree, 633 Peterson, T. H., degree, 244 Peterson, W., C.P.A. certificate, 526 Petition from rooming house operators, 417 Petrauskas, W . J., degree, 641 Petrick, A. C , degree, 8 Petrick, M . E., degree, 641 Petru, B. R., degree, 245 Pettee, J. C , degree, 620 scholarship, 587 Pettersen, H. P., degree, 474 Pettjcrew, Mrs. N-» appointment, 306 Pettigrew, B. C , degree, 244 Pettit, D. L., commission, 643 degree, 621 Petitti, M., degree, 627 Petty cash fund, Bursar's, depository, 601 reduced, 601 report, j}6? Pexton, H. T., degree, 94 Pezold, L. A., degree, 344 Pfander, O. J., degree, 472 Pfeiffer, R. P., degree, 250 Pflug, W . A., degree, 619 Phares, B. K , degree, 244 Phares, E. M., degree, 255 Pharmacology ana Therapeutics, budget, expense, 354 salary, 359 gifts for research on allergy, 32, 371 Pharmacy. Class of 1931, gift, 388 Class ofof, feesgift, staff members, 609 College 1932, for 612 laboratory fees, 591 School of, budget, salary, 363 change in status, 208 curriculum revised, 207 degrees, 268, 640 Ebert Loan Fund, 494 laboratory fees, 210 locker fees, 423 new curriculum, 126 survey, balance reappropriated, 285 Phelps, A. M., commission, 260 degree, 617, 244 Phelps, E. R., degree, 253 Phelps, F. W., degree, 257 L. M., Jr., appointment, 198 Phelps, C- H., appointment, 407 Phifer, R. B., 360 Philbin, T. E., commission, 260 degree, 250 Phillips, F. L., degree, 248 Phillips, F. M., degree, 621 Phillips, J. G., C.P.A. certificate, 24, 141 Phillips, Mrs. P., appointment, 84, 295 L., degree, 38-", 499 Phillips, M.,A., appointment, 305 S. degree, 255 Philosophy, budget, expense, 308 Phillips, M . 313 degree, 257 salary, E., Phipps, H. E., degree, 264 Phipps, T. E., appointments, 168, 307 Phosphate rock as fertilizer, investigation, 151, 190 research, expendable gift fund, 332