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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
698 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Oakleaf collection of Lincolniana, for sale, 205 committee, discharged, 403 hearing on, 279 Oathout, A., appointment, 338 Oban do, Mrs. H., appointments, 147, 455 Oberlink, B. S., degree, 622 O'Brien, G. L., degree, 629 O'Brien, N. C , degree, 248 O'Brien, P. J., degree, 639 Obstetrics, addition to budget, 90 Obstetrics and Gynecology, budget, expense, 354 salary, 358 Ocenasek, J. C , appointment, 363 O'Connell, R. J., degree, 615 O'Connor, V. J., appointment, 369 Ochsenschlager, M., degree, 450 Odell, C. Bv degree, 448 Odell, C. W., appointments, 170, 320, 321 Odell, L. E., appointments, 336 O'Dell, W \ F., degree, 165 Oden, R. J. E., appointment, 369 Oder, C. R. L., appointment, 311 Odess, G., degree, 269 Odin experimentfield,discontinued, 570 lease canceled, 605 O'Donnell, D. J., degree, 257, 635 O'Donnell, F. D., degree, 7 O'Donnell, F. M., degree, 531 O'Donnell, J. P., degree, 263 O'Donnell, Sister M . R., degree, 76 O'Donnell, T. E., appointment, 347 Oehmke, G. J., appointment, 326 Oesterling, H. C , appointment, 298 Offenbacker, F. R., degree, 615 Office expenses, appropriations, 416 Officers, administrative, statutes, 418 Ogden, F. E., degree, 77 Ogden, S. E., degree, 470 Ogden, W . L., degree, 77 Ogg, F. C , appointment, 169 Ogg, O- J., degree, 629 Ogle, D. C , degree, 7 OTIerron, R. E„ degree, 623 Ohl, B. L., degree, 617 Ohlinger, H. A., degree, 94 Oil-sulphur spray, investigation, 26 patent, 174, 526, 592, 610 Okon, S. M., degree, 269 Olander, M* M., appointments, 170, 350, 550 degree, 263 Olchoff, M-, degree, 635 Oldberg, E., appointment, 359 Oldfather, M., degree, 527 Ondrtis,T.J.L.,degree,627 615 316310 141 484 Omer, D.T.D.,, scholarship,267 455 341 Olson,A.I..77absence,certificate,169,309, Olt, H.R.J.,G-, appointment, 357 3^5 Oliver, S. F., degree,165 Olin, F. L., degree,118 212 526 Olech, R. D., certificate, 10 324 Oldham,E.S.,degree,appointments, Oldfather,E.,. degree,for, 362 336, Olson, E.,R., appointments, Olsen, V. S., degree,certificate, Olkon, J. E., C.P.A. 615 degree, M-, appointment, research CW, appointments, leave F. CC.P.A. 623 D. M., A., 635 W L., degree,244 of E., appointment, assistant 622 appointment, A., appointment, N., 619 7 618 629 Nickell, P., appointment, 407 Nickell, V. L., degree, 631 Nickerson, A. J., appointment, 327 Nickoley, E. F., appointments, 318, 550 degree, 5^9 Niebergall, V. A., degree, 357 Nieburger, E. C , degree, 248 Nielsen, C. S., degree, 248 Nielsen, P. E., appointment, 325 degree, 633 Niemeyer, J. A., degree, 618 Nierenberg, H. H., degree, 639 Niess, A. J., degree, 615 Nightingale, V. F., commission, 643 degree, 619 Nimsovitar, I. M.f certificate, 639 Nissen, E. J., appointment, 306 degree. 630 Nissen, W . F„ degree, 94 Niswonger, C. R., appointments, 9, 318 degree, 162 Nitrate of soda, effect on soils and crops, 27 research, expendable gift fund, 332 Nixon, R. J., degree, 165 Noble, A. C , degree, 619 Noble, Marion, degree, 625 Noble, Mildred, appointment, 310 Noble, S. G., appointment, 551 Noble, W . L., committees, 195, 541 elected member of executive committee, 182 Noe, M-, degree, 627 Noelck, R. A., appointments, 134, 359 Noggle, E. C , degree, 627 Noggle, W . L., appointments, 51, 300 Nolan, A. W., appointment, 322 Nonneman, M . M., degree, 257 Non-graduates of the University, certificates, 493 Non-recurring appropriations, 304 special, 136 Non-resident fees, amended, 118 Nordwall, D-, appointments, 124, 339 Norlin, E. T., degree, 255 Norris, E. N., degree, 167 Norris, G. M., degree, 260 Norris, H. M., degree, 615 Norris, R. E., appointment, 313 North Shore Coke and Chemical Company, agreement, 220, 373 Norton, E. A., appointment, 334 Norton, H., appointments, 83, 295 Norton, L. J., appointments, 318, 333, 341 Norvell, B. E., degree, 250 Norwood, A. M., degree, 625 Oakes,L.F...E.C.P.A.degree, 627 328 study Nyquist,House,E.,H. 450 7248 Medicine,362 Nylander,CM.A.,appointments, 361,240 445 Oakleaf,WJ.A.,A.,degree, g? of,361, Nystrom,A.,Mrs.removal, appointments, 112, Novak, H.Schoolcertificate, 307 to Nowokimski,R.B.,for,167 244 151 Nowak,.S.,V. W statement,of 617 Notestein, 166L.,degree, 267 267 362 Noyes, E.,M., . College 279 Nye,problem, T., degree, Nursery W F.fcertificate, Nusspickel,R. E., 641 Nursing school,appointment, Nurses, J.638 487desirability Nusbaum, ,L., degree, degree, B., £.,B., degree, degree, certificate, portrait, 371 appointments, 363 W degree, degree, appointment, President
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