UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 [PAGE 696]

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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Merritt, T. F., certificate, 267 Merritt, L. L., degree, 531 Merritt, L. M y degree, 634 Mershonj D. G., degree, 146 Mertz, E. T., appointments, 407, 480 Meseck, R„ death benefit, 185 Mesick, C , appointment, 361 Mesick, C. L., appointment, 82 Metabolism, gift for research, 494, 596 Metallographic equipment, purchase, 462 Metal-melting equipment, purchase, 440 Metcalf, C. L*, appointment, 311 Meteer, W . A,, Jr., degree, 243 Methane gas, research, 220, 323, 329, 373 Metterhausen, F. B., appointments, 112, 407 Metz, A. R., appointment, 369 Metzel, C. H., degree, 380 Meyer, A. K., certificate, 639 Meyer, C. E., degree, 472 Meyer, Mrs. C. R., appointments, 339, 342 Meyer, E., appointment, 363 Meyer, F. B., degree, 253 Meyer, F., and Bro. Co., contract, 54 Meyer, G. F., degree, 250 Meyer, G. I., degree, 7 Meyer, H. I., appointments, 83, 360 degree, 528 Meyer, J., appointment, 367 Meyer, O. C., degree, 623 Meyer, P. V., degree, 243, 630 scholarship, 278 Meyerhoffj R., degree, 269 Meyers, E. L., appointment, 308 Meyers, I., degree, 266 Meyers, L. B., appointments, 124, 335 Meyers, L. H., degree, 615 Meythaler, E. M., degree, 261 Michael, G. W., appointment, 296 Michael, J. E., degree, 641 Michael, V. M., appointments, 83, 336 Michaels, T. M., degree, 246 Michaels, W . H., appointment, 340 Michaud, C. R., degree, 615 Michaud, R., appointments, 136, 315 Michelmann, F. D., degree, 243 lactic acid, research fund, Michi, L., Jr., degree, 627 354 marketability, expendable gift fund, 3 Middle States Electric Company, contract, toxins, research fund, gift nutrition, investigation,354 for, 441 277 Millard, V. order, 71 purchase A., appointment, 83 Millbrook, M., appointment, Middlekauff, L., degree, 627 353 Miller, A. T. degree, 7 Middleton, F., J., degree, 243 Miller, B. L. appointment, 356 Middleton, B,, G., degree, 472 Midwest Chemical Company, agreement canceled, 138 Midwest Hardware Company, contract, 133 Military L.H.,D.,259,294 372,balance 551 Miles,home P„degree,642462, 171, MiJenski, hands,repairs,627 of,610 348, reapproMilk, priated,appointment, 313 special, 364 Mjethe, barn, J.,to R.O.T.C. summer camp, "Mies, Mrs. and285changed, 423 58 Military, R.,contract, 622529 476 horses, I.H.appointments, 240 uniforms, pasteurization overcoats,298 degree, commissions, degree,473 clothing expense,statement, budget, releaseequipment, salary, fees appropriation, 67 353 degree, 3, P. P., R. J., M. H.

Medical Building, old,fireinsurance, 595 request for use of, 600 use by Goodwill Industries, 604 Medical center, park system, 75, 123 Medicine, College of, admission, requirements, 206 appropriation, special, 136, 364 books and instruments, gift, 611 budget, salary, 355 summary, 354 clinical faculty, 1931-32, 367, 385 additions, 1930-31, 24 degrees, 95, 146, 166, 266, 477, 498, 499, ^ 532, 638 Department of Public Welfare, relations with, 116, 139, 202, 487, 502, 562, 566 departments, new, 374 electrocardiograph purchased for, 462 expendable gift funds, 354 extension course, Otolaryngology, fee, 387 fees, 107 staff members taking University courses, 609 gifts, for library, 504 research, materia medica, 371 physiological chemistry, 611 study of yeast, 469 laboratory fees, authority tofix,493 locker fees authorized, 423 lying-in service fee abolished, 461 new departments, 374 nursing school proposed, 445 physicians' extension courses, authorized, 374, 386 physiotherapist, additional, 137 prize, Deuss, 371 requirements for admission, 206 x-ray equipment, purchase, 371 Medicine, Internal,, see Internal Medicine Medico-legal institute, resolution, 139 Medley, M . C , degree, 258 Medlin, M . D., degree, 95 Medrow, Mrs. E. v., appointment, 533 Meek, A. W., degree, 631 Meetings, Board of Trustees, by-law amendment, 540, 553, 560 Megan, C. G., degree, 243 Meid, G. D., degree, 632 Meinardi, P. J., degree, 246 Meints, R. E., appointment, 197 degree, 636 fellowship, 212 Meislahn, E. J., degree, 246 Meislahn, H. T., degree, 252 Meitzner, E., appointment, 307 Men, Dean250B.,degree,220report, 424 MemorialA.contractor, 57246,260 443, Melnick,WJ. H.,for, A.,B.,251303contractor, Mellen, C.D.,J.,degree,heating632 294 Meliza, L..Stadium,379fellowship,639 519 55 Memorials,JL . Jr., J. 615 243, Memming,from letter, 250 529306, 547 Melvin; D.Kateappointment,show, 43 Mercereau, M., budget, 166 Menke, D.Deuss, degree, Meneely, L.E., Cdegree,expense, Mendel, P.S-, automofcilegift, Meling, L. O., commission, 507 Melcher,MT.G., appointments, 371 Mermel, MH.,G. degree, Mercey, 297 Neal, 253 Merrill, W., degree, 7243 income E., 478 fund, dormitories appointment, Kinley. of, Goodenough, , degree. J., degree,257 window A., salary, financing,