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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Martens, M., degree, 619 Martig, R. R., appointment, 312 Martin, A. M., degree, 631 scholarship, 213 Martin, C. W., degree, 449 Martin, D. F., Jr., appointment, 319 Martin, D. V., degree, 255 Martin, E. L., degree, 252 Martin, F. E., degree, 529 Martin, J. R., degree, 627 Martin, L. E., appointment, 363 Martin, L. F-, degree, 257 Martin, L. W., appointment, 368 Martin, M., appointment, 310 Martin, M . A., degree, 470 Martin, M . E., degree, 243 Martin, M . H., appointment, 306 Martin, R. B., degree, 246 Martin, R. C , degree, 246 Martin, S. G., degree, 264 358 Martin, V. L., degree, 257 Martin, \V. B., appointment, 112 Martin, W . B., mortgage, delinquent, 445 foreclosure, 506, 586 Martin, W". T., degree, 261 fellowship, 213 Martinie, R. E., degree, 627 Marvel, C S., appointments, 167, 307, 548 Marvin, G. S., appointment, 455 degree, 472 Marx, H. J. K., degree, 52S Maryan, H. O., appointment, degree, 270 Marzano, C , degree, 269 Marzullo, S- V., degree, 641 Mascarino, M . C , degree, 262 Maske, W . B., Jr., degree, 450 Mason, D., contract, 402 Mason, M. L., appointment, 355 Mason, S. H., degree, 269 Mason, W . J., degree, 380 Masonry walls, expendable gift fund, 323 Masoj, N. A., certificate, 639 Massey, L. W., degree, 166 Massey, N. W-, degree, 627 Masters, A. K., degree, 243 Masterson, C. T., awarded Plym fellowship, S91 Masterson, L., appointment, 359 Materia Medica. see Pharmacology Materials Testing Laboratory, partitions, 413 elevators, 47, 372 Mathematics, budget, expense, 305 salary, 313 Matheny, A., appointment, 296 Matlock,A.I.W.,degree, purchased,610 Mathys,F.R.M.J.,degree,776392yt 214 MathewsJ.A.H.,degree, 63s473 486 Mathews,Mconcerning, 25s615 455 Mathew,A.Avenue,corn 422 260 335 314 Matheny,D..R.,P.,degree,624623 302 222 Matriculation,M., certificate, Mathis, B.B. M., degree, 246 639 169, Maxwell, D. A., degree,623 Maxey, A. L.,VV.,paving, Mavis, A.,CR., appointment, Maute, J.R. M., degree,264 Maufding,J. W., appointments, Matthews,D.L.tE.,appointment, 643 Maxville, 255 degree, Mauzey, 621 ,fee, commission, statute A., degree, T., 166 D. T. exemptions, 693 Maxwell, R. L., degree, 243 Maxwell, W . K., Jr., appointment, 310 May, E. H., commission, 260 degree, 248 May Fetes fund, transfer, 515 Maybach, P. M. S., degrees, 243, 630 Mayberry, B. C , degree, 472 Mayer, R. W.t degree, 471 fellowship, 213, 587 Mayeur, L. L., degree, 448 Mayneld, M., degree, 166 Mayhew, H. A., degree, 472 Mayhew, N. E., appointment, 455 degree, 627 Maynard, G. R., appointment, 455 Mayor, J. R., fellowship, 213 Mays, A. B., appointments, 171, 322, 551 Mazur, C. R-, degree, 269 Mazurek, J. M., degree, 641 Mead, C. D., appointment, 170 Mead, H. W., degree, 268 Mead, Johnson, and Company, gift, 99, 494, 577, 596 Meador, C. E., degree, 250 Meares, E., appointments, 82, 171, 352 Mearns, J. G., degree, 380 Meat, sale of, 19, 20 canned, bacteria in, 26 products, canned, investigation, 469 toxins in, research fund, 305 Mechanical Engineering, budget, expense, 322 salary, 325 expendable gift funds, 323 laboratory fees, 283 memorial scholarship for graduate students, 220 Mechanics, Theoretical and Applied, budget, expense, 322 salary, 327 expendable gift funds, 323 laboratory fees, 284 test rails purchased for, 611 Medical and Dental Laboratories, appropriation, moving equipment, 554 architectural services, 377, 384 payment, 64, 193, 278, 505 reimbursement, 552 plans, second unit, 498 auditorium^ proposed, 402 x-ray equipment, hearing boiler equipment, bids, 138on, 401 budget, expense, 354 salary, 355 contracts, building, additions to, 64, 193.278 payment on, 503, 5*5 paymentshelving,127 191aid 562, 566 177, engineering191 202, 487,132412Department, craftsmanshipsecondWelfare equipment, 275 operation,139,equipment, 502, , insurance,equipment,unit,137. 172, i7S> heating,fixtures, 143275 gas service, awards,27$ libraryequipment, laboratoryPublicrugs, elevators,28 230 229 draperies211 r43275275 x-ray steel service special, seating, services, screens, and sash, 56 55 refrigeration, museum 6464 lockers,connections lightingoncases, 229 furniture, furniture, 188 116,
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