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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Kubitz, O. A., appointments, 298, 314, 348, 406 degree, 265 Kudo, R. R., appointments, 316, 550 Kuebler, J. G., degree, 531 Kuehl, F. O., certificate, 367 Kuester, E. J., degree, 93 Kugler, O. E., degree, 77 Kufiar, I* V., degree, 166 Kuhl, M. T., degree, 248 Kuhlman, A, F., appointment, 337 Kunda, E. C , degree, 243 Kungle, A., degree, 619 K u m , L. £., commission, 642 degree, 615 Kunstadter, R. H., degree, 7 Kuntz, M . J., degree, 470 Kunz, L, appointments, 170, 326, 550 sick leave, 502 technical assistance, 577 Kurschner, D. M., certificate, 267 Kursek, J., degree, 269 Kurtz, J. W., appointments, 168, 312, 490 degree, 637 Kurtzon, C. K., degree, 248 Kusch, P., appointment, 406 Kusinski, J., degree, 165 Kuta, G., degree, 621 Kutchka, G. M-, appointment, 311 Kuttler, W . S., degree, 249 Kuttner, H. E., degree, 78 Kutza, M . J., degree, 641 Kwasnicki, J. M., degree, 269 Kweder, D. J., certificate, 267 degree, 166 Kyle, E. R., degree, 255 Kyle, M. J., appointment, 309 retirement, 284 Labbok, A. G., degree, 250 Laboratories, allied, fees for staff members, 609 temporary, construction, 98 Laboratory Construction Company, apparatus purchased from, 440 Laboratory equipment, Chemistry Annex, contract, 28, gj Medical and Dental Laboratories Building, 137 contract^ 177, 188 reconsidered, 17s purchases, for 1932-33, 610 Laboratory fees, Bacteriology, 461 exemptions, 610 General Engineering Drawing, 68 H o m e Economics, changed, 423 LaMoilleD.experimentfield,1931-32,480 570 Lamet,E..G.K.,281appointment, 312490 purchase, Lambrakis,L-,E.,appointment,362,354 547 3 Lambert, K.R.,degree, 627473111493 Lamar,WL.A.,L.,G.,research 167, 82, Laldn, R. L.departments,to fund,347, Lake,1931-32,E., degree,forfix,368 1930-31, Laird,R. J.,B.degree, 618schedule,3S6 Laingor, J.milk,489 162 Laing, J., C.605degree, 253 discontinued, Laidig,acidL.,authority LaFuze,J. 163N., degree,622 Ladd, M A.,J.,degree, 262 Lactic degree, 627 Lackner, E.,material Laboratory appointments, released, appointment, degree, Urbana Pharmacy, 210, appointment, Orthodontia, appointments, Medicine, appointments, 221 591 687 Land, C. B.{ degree, 253 Land, experimentfields,discontinued, 570 Mt. Hope Cemetery, balance reappropriated, 285 purchase, 129 occupancy by transmission line towers, investigation, 219, 373 offers of, 106 Abbott, Mrs. A. N., 469, 570 Abbott, W . L., 106 Bird Haven Memorial Association, 106, 443 C. A. Hollett, rejected, 67 Palestine and Spring Valley experiment fields, reconveyed, 599 Roselawn Cemetery, unexpended balance reappropriated, 285 Landee, J. E., degree, 243 Landers, P. H., degree, 640 Landis, P. N., appointment, 309 leave of absence, 118 Lando, D. H., degree, 499 Landram, B., degree, 77 Landscape architecture, budget, expense, 346 salary, 347 laboratory fees, 283 Landscaping, committee, members, 90, 195, recommendations, 133 reports, 182, 212, 379* 56*9 Lane, H.W . A., Jr., degree, 263 Laning, C-, commission, 260 degree, W . "ansford, 474 M., appointment, 327 Lane, P. L., appointment, 361 Lantz, P. 264 degree, 629 degree, K., Lang, A. F. J., degree, 629 334 Lapasso, L., appointment, Lang, D. R., appointment,627 LaPierre, D. £., degree, 310 Lang, G. B., appointment, Lappin, L. E., degree, 250 313 Lang, J. M.,A., degree, 243368 Larabee, E. appointment, Langan, P.T. R., appointments, g, 318 Larimore, T., Jr., degree, 166 Lange, C. 262 degree, 615 degree, A., Langford, M. F., degree, Large, E. M., degree, 615 252 Langhoff, ^ P., Jr., commission, 260 LaRocco. CS. degree, 269 degree, C., 634 Larsen, E.251, degree, 261 fellowship, degree, 531 Larson, A. P.,587 scholarship, appointment, 356 Larson, H. C , 213 Langhorst, A., degree, 243 Larson, I. G-, degree, 246 Langhorst, O. M., degree, 312 Larson, L. M., appointment, 165 Langohr, E. 514 L., degree, 6.29 sick leave, H. Lanfiam, E., degree, 627 Larson, N.C. H., degree, 53* Lanham, F., appointment, 325 Larson, R.E. T., appointment, 325 Laning, W263 A degree, . Lansford, W . Larson, T. E., degree, 617 Larson, W . M., certificate, 267 degree, 166 Laryngology, Rhinology, and Otology, budget, expense, 354 salary, 357 Lauder, G.F.,A,, degree, gift, 643 Laube,Americancommission,368 Lattan, F. E., certificate, Latin A.F. R-, degree, 146 611 Latham, J.622appointment, 267 Lash, degree, E., books, 257
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