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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
68o BOARD OF TRUSTEES Hopkins, Leora E., degree, 343 Hopkins. Mrs. M. R., committees, 145, 541 elected member of executive committee, 540 Hopkins, S- H., appointment, 316 Hopkins, V. H., degree, 626 Hoppe, T. A., C.P.A. certificate, 526 Hopperstad, M., appointment*, 111, 325 Hopson, M . T., degree, 623 Hora, J. L., degree, 641 Horick, E., appointment, 358 Horky, C. J„ degree, 641 Hornback, C. A., degree, 91 H o m e , W . H., appointment, 480 Horner, D. W.f degree, 614 Horner, R. M., degree, 619 Horning, E. W., commission, 259 degree, 251 Horsfall, Mrs. M . W., fellowship, 213 Horsfall, Mrs. R. B., Jr., appointment, 82, Horticultural laboratory, arboretum, 58 Horticulture, appropriation, 63 excess receipts, 25 budget, expense, 331 salary, 339 expendable gift funds, 332 laboratory fees, 283 Horton, A. L., degree, 626 Horton, H. I., degree, 614 Horvat, A. W., degree, 641 Horwitz, B., certificate, 267 Horwitz, H. A., degree, 269 Horwitz, M . R., degree, 249 Hospitals, McKinley, budget, 264 salary, 354 contract for remodeling, 441 endowment fund, 189, 220, 365 equipment purchased, 75 executive staff, 62 gifts to, 228, 374, 488 investment of endowment, 174 refrigerator purchased, 439 report, 49 request from osteopath to practice, 488 Research and Educational, agreement for operation, 487, 562 laboratory, budget, expense, 354 salary, 356 lying-in service fee abolished, 461 staff members, fees charged for University courses, 609 Hostetter, J. M., degree, 624 Hostetter, M. M., appointments, 346, 551 Hot water and steam heating, research, expendable gift fund, 323 Hottes, A. C , degree, 622 Howe, C.Z..652,degree, 626614 454 197, 315 Howarth, Lightingdegree,614 623 Howard,ofA.,W.,appointment,480300 334 First HoustonH.E., O.,degree, 617 416 Houser,B.N.CV.,appointment, 311 House E.W254R., certified 627 Company Houkom, G.absence, 186, 497 307 Houghton,M.,CN.,degree, 259 306, Houze, C.H.D.,appointments, Houston, M.F.,B.,Jr., degree, Hough,BillN.,appointment, 454 Houchens,632degree, 95470 Hottes, M J. ,degree,249 copy, degree, E.A. appointment, leave F.bonds,appointment, Fives, M.,V., 506 Power L.(, appointment, appointments, and 627 Hohenboken, A. K., degree, 623 Hohengarten, E. O., degree, 257 Hoke, D. D., degree, 243 Holabird and Root, contract, 20s Holden, K. E., degree, 247 Holden, W . H., degree, 93 Holder, J. D., degree, 619 Holder Hardware Company, contract, 97 Hollander, L. B., degree, 529 Holleman, W . W., degree, 266 Hollett, C. A., offer of land rejected, 67 Hollinger, J., appointment, 385 Hollingsworth, E. R., degree, 619 Hollister, H. A., appointment, 297 death benefit, 401 Holloway, F. L., commission, 642 degree, 621 Holloway, J. H., Jr., appointments, 51, 178, 309 degree, 636 Holmes, B. B., degree, 619 Holmes, D. F., degree, 633 Holmes, H. N., agreement, 220 Holmes, R. M., appointments, 171, 321, 348, 55' Holmes, S. A., appointments, 51, 306, 454, 547 degree, 632 Holmquist, H. T., degree, 250 Holoffe, C. C , degree, 638 Holstein, T., degree, 638 Holstlaw, F. M., degree, 473 Holston, M. M., degree, 257 Holt, B. H., appointment, 111 Holt, E. G., degree, 252 Holt, H. W., appointment, 346 Holt, P. B., degree, 629 Holton, D., degree, 257 Holton, E. M., degree, 641 Holtschlag, T. A., degree, 93 Holtzman, S., degree, 532 Holub, T. J., degree, 642 Holub, L. A., degree, 638 Holzman, H. D., commission, 642 Home Bureau Federation, Illinois, hearing, 240 H o m e Economics, budget, expense, 331 salary, 338 expendable gift fund, 332 laboratory fees, 283 changed, 423 Purnell appropriation, 204 refrigerator purchased, 439 Home Economics Cafeteria, balance reappropriated, 285 Hopkins,D. 322 E.,Education, 210 Hook, P.H.appointment,248 297patent, Honorarium,H.,appointment, 91307, 58 Honold,H.B.F-,B.,degree, 357for, Honig, M.,C.H.,degree, 614milk,339596 expense, Homer,F.R.M,.S.,degree,620£..169,178,547 Home pasteurization ofgift 618318313 330 Hood, Economicsappointments, Honour,A.expense,conferred, Honens,Day, M.,certificate, 639 H obudget,WLelia appointments,budget Hoover, S., Palmer, C. Honors E-, degree, 93251 Honoroff,Cdegrees degree, 243 HonoraryR. assistance,29494 technical 339 appointment, degree, A., budget, m 320 528 appointments, salary, P., e M., degree, W., 331 appointment,
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