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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Hepburn, M . R., degree, 254 Heraux, G. C , degree, 623 Herbarium, gift of, 577 Herdman, A, W., appointments, 453, 549 Herman, A. H., certificate, 267 Herman, A. J., degree, 256 Herr, H. E., degree, 248 Herrington, L. P., appointment, 453 Herrmann, J. A., appointment, 197 degree, 449 Herrold, R. D., appointment, 360 Herron, E. D., degree, 629 Herschbach, W . O., degree, 243 Hersh, B. T., C.P.A. certificate, 526 Hershberger, M. F., appointments, 51, 33s degree, 448 Hershey, A. E., appointment, 328 Hershey, D. D., degree, 621 Hershey, N. J., degrees, 529, 638 Herstein, D., degree, 146 Hertz, W . S-, degree, 628 Hertzberg, A., and Craftsmen, contract, 515, 555 „ „ , Herweg, R. R., degree, 250 Herwig, I. G. H., degree, 249 Herzberg, D. H., degree, 530 Herzog, M. E., degree, 621 Heslip, M . F., appointments, 197, 406, 550 degree, 528 Hesmer, T. C , degree, 473 Hess, E. C , appointment, 454 Hess, J. H., appointment, 369 metabolism research, 494 Hess, T. M., appointment, 9 degree, 448 Hesselberth, W . M., degrees, 250, 634 Hessler, A. E. J., degree, 243 Hessler, R. A., degree, 164 Hested, R. E., degree, 448 Hettich, E. A., degree, 256 Hettwer, R. M „ appointment, 81 Hetzner, M . R., degree, 257 Heubaum, U., appointments, 51, 454 patent, 506, 552. 595 Heusel, F. J., fellowship, 218 Heuver, E. M., degree, 254 Hewitt, S. F., degree, 530 Hexter, E. G., degree, 91 Hey, B. M-. degree, 531 Hibbs, H. E., degree, 243 Hick, F. K., appointment, 454 degree, 380 Hick, S. K., degrees, 633 Hickerson, R. G., certificate, 639 degree, 266 Hickman,G.B„graduates626605no,327 29435931 Higgins, E.,297certificate, 639of, 117, 330151 Hicks,SchoolG.Conference, budget,314299 294 Highsalary,ofdegree, degree, i expense, Highman,W.,.admission, 631 472 field, Higginson,Claytonappointment, n 123, Higdon, A., degree,appointment, scholarship Hieronymus,B.,D.,E.,250superior patent, Highway,T., R.,degree,Experiment High-voltage appointments, 284 High-schoolW.,Senate, 529 614 Hill, D.R.J., cables, testing Hildeman,M\,degree, 626 243 Hildebrand, E.R.,degree, Hile, A. H., Visitor,619 continuationdegree, appointment, member 642 S., service, degree,H. R.D., budget, records, degree, 380 C. F. in Soil 418 R. L., appointment, E. W E. H. appointments, 679 Hill, F., degree, 614 Hill, H. H., appointment, 358 Hill, H. R., degree, 257 Hill, W . G-, appointment, 507 Hillebrand, H. N., appointments, 168, 309, 548 Hillebrand, J. G., appointment, 489 Hiller, E. T., appointment, 315 Hilliard, H. A., degree, 614 Hillstrom, G. D., degree, 618 Hi-Lo-Fosfate, contract renewed, 145, 174 sale of, 190 See Phosphorus test solution Hills, O. R-, commission, 259 degree, 249 Hilton, G. R., appointments, 177, 315 Himeleich, L, E., degree, 622 Hjndle electrocardiograph, purchase, 462 Hine, M. K., appointment, 361 degree, 642 Hinkey, W . H., commission, 259 degree, 248 Hinman, C. W., degree, 257 Hinman, I. J., degree, 614 Hinners Organ Co., contract, 25, 69 Hirsch, E. W., appointment, 370 Hirsehmann, W . B., degree, 617 Hish, J. E., contract for instruction of, 505 Histology, budget, expense, 360 salary, 361 Historical Survey, budget, 349 flistory, budget, expense, 305 salary, 312 research and fellowships, trust fund established, 186 Hitchcock, I. M., appointment, 343 Hitchcock, J. E., degree, 243 Hitt, R. G., degree, 629 Hitzelberger, H. R., degree, 641 Hixon, E-, degree, 626 Hixon, W . G., appointment, 303 Hjortland, A. L., appointments, 169, 316, 550 Hoag, M. W., appointment, 326 Hoare, B. W., commission, 642 Hoban, F. N., degree, 165 Hobart, C. M., appointment, 197 Hobbs, G., degree, 614 Hobbs, G. M., statement concerning Alumni Foundation, 128 Hoblit, N. L., degree, 77 Hoch, H. E., appointment, 406 Hocking, B. A., degree, 252 Hockenyos, G., discovery on dried blood albumen, 506 Hodges, C. M., degree, 248 Hoefling,WG.T>.,F.,appointments,614325 369 Hodges,J.,.Wdegree,degree,94248642316 549 308 Hoersch,T..R.degree,C641 268 347 Hoerr, leave.degree,530 532267 447 Hoeft,W.. R..E.,P.,Jr..624619 587197, Hoeflin,E.Sisterappointment. 368in, Hodgson,E.,R.P.,M.appointment,313, Hodgman,V.J.,J.,,degree,degree,213 123, Hogins, E. A.,degree, Hoffman,A. R-,appointment, Hofer, S.,C. 514commission, Hoenig, WF.P.,M.,degree, Hoelscher,E.K.,certificate, 618 Hoehn, E. A.J.,jr., degree, 617 Hoheisel, G.,M-, degree. Hogan, 621 C appointments, Hoffmann,528 H., degree, Hoffen, S. A., scholarship, Hoff, degree, sick appointments, fellowship, appointment, 252degree, ,
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