Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
193°] U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 67 3. From Dana Burks, Jr., U. S. Letters Patent Serial No. 462,221, covering an improvement in Means and Method for Freezing a Clear Ice Block (Case 2). This assignment has been recorded in Liber O 144, page 515 of Transfers of Patents. O n m o t i o n of D r . N o b l e , these assignments w e r e accepted. PATENT OF METHOD OF REMOVING SULPHUR-DIOXIDE FROM STACK GASES (20) Dr. H. F. Johnstone, Special Research Associate in Chemical Engineering, in his work on the "Prevention of Corrosion by Flue Gases" and " A Study of Stack Gases," research projects carried on with the Utilities Research Commission as sponsors, has discovered an important method of the removal of sulphur-dioxide (SOs) from any stack gases in which it m a y occur. The process is simple, efficient, and inexpensive, and has been amply demonstrated in the laboratory. It is the feeling of all concerned that the process should be protected by a patent application before experiments under practical plant operating conditions are given. I recommend that Doctor Johnstone be authorized to apply for a patent of his process on condition that the same be assigned by him to the University. O n m o t i o n of M r . Fisher, this r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s adopted. REQUEST TO MAKE THE DAILY ILLIN1 A LABORATORY NEWSPAPER OF THE SCHOOL OF JOURNALISM (21) A petition from certain senior members of The Daily lUini staff for 1929-30 requesting that the publication be made a laboratory newspaper of the School of Journalism on September 1, 1932. The petition is presented through the Director of the School of Journalism. O n m o t i o n of M r . Fisher, this matter w a s referred to the President of the University. BEQUEST OF THE LATE ROBERT HALL BABCOCK (21) The Comptroller reports that he has received a notice that the will of the late Robert Hall Babcock of Chicago, who died on June 28, 1930, contains the following provision: "To the Crerar Library of Chicago, Illinois, or to the Medical Department of the Illinois State University, or to both of them in such proportions as m y said children may select, m y medical library, after due inquiry as to the respective needs of these two institutions." This report was received for record. OFFER OF LAND FROM MR. C. A. HOLLETT (23) A letter from Dean H. W . Mumford of the College of Agriculture concerning the offer of M r . C. A. Hollett of Alvin, Illinois, to deed to the University of Illinois some 320 acres of land in Vermilion County, provided the University assume a $14,000 indebtedness on the farm and agree to pay Mr. Hollett and his wife the sum of $1,600 a year in addition. O n m o t i o n of M r . Trees, the President of the University w a s requested to send to M r . Hollett a n expression of appreciation of his offer, a n d of regret that the B o a r d cannot accept the offer at this time. RELEASE OF MILITARY HORSES AND EQUIPMENT FOR R.O.T.C. S U M M E R CAMP TRAINING (24) A request from the Commanding Officer of the Sixth Corps Area for permission to use from 40 to 50 government horses and their saddle equipment, issued to the University by the W a r Department, at the summer training camp of the Cavalry R.O.T.C. at C a m p Custer in 1931. The University is under bond to account for all such property issued to it. Colonel C. W . Weeks, Commandant of the University R.O.T.C, recommends, and I concur in the recommendation, that the University interpose no objection to the Corps Area's request, provided that should shortage occur during the time this