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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 677 Hanson, J. F., lease extended, 100 Hall, A. S., attorney's fees, 571, 604 tenant on Carter-Pennell farm, 572 Hall, A. W „ degree, 614 Hanson, J. L., degree, 247 Hall, B. R., appointment, 325 Hanson, O. A., degree, 269 Hall, C. V., degree, 165 Hanson, P. A., degree, 247 Hall, E., degree, 626 Hanson, T. C , degree, 252 Hall, E. R.. degree, afio Hanss, M. J., degree, 256 Hall, H. H., Jr., degree, 247 Hanssen, G. F., degree, 351 Hall, H. R., degree, 638 Hanus, G., degree, 640 Hall, M . F., degree, 242 Hardgrove, A. J., degree, 623 Hall, M. Z., appointment, 297 Hardm, A. R., appointments, 196, 301 Hall, R. A., degree, 63s degrees, 164, 624 Hall, S. G., appointment, 325 Harding, A. A., appointments, 2q8, 348, SS' Hall, S. W., appointment, 339 Harding, F., appointment, 301 Hall, T. C , degree, 162 Hardware, President's House, 121 Hall, W . E., commission, 642 contract, 133 degree, 619 Woman's Gymnasium, contract, 97 Hallberg, B. E., degree, 626 Hardwick, E. J., degree, 626 Hallenberg, R. W., certificate, 267 Hardy, J., degree, 614 Hallett, M . E., degree, 617 Hardy, R. I., degree, 618 Hallsteen, H. P., degree, 94 Hardy, V. R., degree, 636 Halpenny, L., degree, 77 fellowship, 233 Halper, P. A., appointment, 385 Hargis, B., appointment, 300 Halperin, R. L., degree, 252 Hargis, D. B., appointment, 51 Halpern, L. J., appointment, 369 Hargis, L. L., appointment, 279 Halvorsen, L. J., degree, 251 degree, 91 Ham, C .W., appointment, 325 Hark, W . W., appointment, 453 Haman, H. W., degree, 259 Harker, O. A., appointment, 346 Hambroolc, M. E., degree, 614 director of Athletic Association, 186 Hamilton, A., appointments, 214, 31s Harkins, VV. B., degree, 242 Hamilton, Mrs. A. V,, appointment, 334 Harman, H. J., alternate for Plym fellowHamilton, C. F., degree, 471 ship, 218 Hamilton, D. L., scholarship, 213 appointments, 51, 347 Hamilton, E. V., degree, 254 Harman, P. E., degree, 165 Hamilton, G. R., degree, 91 Harmon, J., appointments, 234, 308 Hamilton, J. A., appointment, 310 Harms, H. R., degree, 76 Hamilton, M. L., degree, 622 Harms, W . T)., degree, 614 Hamilton, S. \V\, Jr., degree, 242 Harned, J. W., appointment, 385 Hamilton, T. S., appointment, 336 Harnish, B. F., degree, 242 Hamilton, T. T-, appointment, 321 Harnish, L. A., degree, 242 Hamlin, Mrs. H., appointment, 340 Harnish, W . E., appointment, 321 Hamlin, I. M., appointments, 81, 319 Harno, A. J., appointed Provost, 286 Hamlin, S., appointment, 303 appointments, 295, 346 Hamm, H. E., appointment, 297 Harper, B. M., appointment, 346 Hamm, R. R., appointment, 303 Harper, C. B,, degree, 259 Hammel, R. K., degree, 614 Harper, C. J., degree, 251 Hammersmith, R. C, commission, 259 Harper, H. R., degree, 254 degree, 250 Harper, J. L., degree, 246 Hammond, \V. C , appointment, 368 scholarship, 233 Hamp, L. H., appointments, 196, 348 Harper, R. A., degree, 614 Hampel, U. B., degree, 473 Harrell, E. K., degree, 254 Hampton, T. L., degree, 247 Harris, B. B., surety on Treasurer's bond, Hampton, K., degree 619 proposal, 606 Hanafin, F. P., Jr., degree, 242 Harris, C. O., appointments, 81, 330 Hanawalt, V. B., appointments, 110, 316 degree, 633 Handball courts, ventilating system, contract, Handler,L.W,V.,E-,appointment, 312 196 Handelman,E.,W.,appointment,170557 Hanley, F.C..N.,certificate, 250 213 Handschin,247A.,commission,639352 Handley,T.C,O.,degree,253 633 642 Hansen, M. M., appointment, Hanover,Harry F., scholarship, Hanna, Lydia degree,531 Hankner,L. N., A., appointment, Hangs, G.CR.,degree,623619 642 Hanford,A.F., degree,269448 629 Haney, H.623K.,F.,degree, 267 Hanson, T. degree,degree, Hansford,H. A., certificate, Hannah, S. J., degree,253 degree,CO. A., A., appointment, 152 Henry degree,614 Leslie commission, J. L., degree,94 618W., 641 624 Harrison,T.,S.,C.P.A. 47-347310 526 552 Harris, J.M-,M.,certificate,252322 37'.197bond, Hartlett, M.D.B.,degree, 634 Treasurer's Hart, L.,E.G.,A.,degree,252 628453 Harrowell,L.E.,degree,379 258557 Harrold,I.H.H.,appointment,144, Hartman,E.M.,Jr., degree, 626 Hartley,W F.CR.,M.,degree,2, 261 Hartig, L.O. ,M.,appointment, Harter, F.appointments, on 639 no, Hartline, .K. Cdegree,degree, Harshbarger,certificate, 256 degree, M.,213appointments, fellowship, T.appointment, proposal, 606E., certificate, M. 637 mortgage,267 L.O.W., , surety 78 N.632 degree, 320, R. J., M. W., D., degree, 248
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