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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Goatley, G. E., appointment, 479 Gobble, J. S., degree, 164 Goble, G. W., appointments, 171, 346 Gocke, M . K., degree, 247 Goddard, R. F., degree, 95 Coder, G- A., appointment, 453 Godfrey, E. C.» degree, 253 Godsey, H. C-, degree, 247 Godwin, A. C., degree, 532 Goebel, T-, death benefit, 202 Goebel, M . T. J., appointments, 8if 308 degree, 528 Goedjen, M . H., degree, 621 Goehler, O. E., degree, 163 Goff, C. C.( degree, 264 Goff, J. A., appointment, 325 Goff, M. M., degree, 631 Goggin, E. M., appointments, 315, 557 Gogol, L. J., degree, 146 Goldberg, B., appointments, 81, 367 Goldberg, L., appointment, 357 Goldberg, M. M.f degree, 626 Goldberg, M . R., degree, 641 Goldberger, S. M., appointment, 369 Golden, B., degree, 641 Golden, D., certificate, 641 Goldenberg, G., certificate, 639 degree, 166 Goldman, H. P., commission, 642 degree, 621 Goldman, M. C., degree, 265 Goldman, M . S-, appointments, 310, 405 Goldsborough, R. V., degree, 632 Goldsmith, M., degree, 641 Goldstein, H. H-, degree, 638 Goldstein, J. M., degree, 640 Goldwasser, M., appointment, 367 Golf course, enlargement, 96, 108 public use oft 566 recommendations adopted, 133 report of progress, 145 Gollings, F. J., degree, 253 Gollub, B., degree, 250 Goltra, B. J., degree, 622 Golub, H. W-, appointment, 368 Gooch, W - I., degree, 76 Goodall, C. S-. degree, 242 Goodenough, G. A., memorial, 220 Goodheart, H. L-, degree, 256 Goodman, C., appointment, 338 Goodman, E. F., certificate, 639 Goodman, G., appointment, 299 Goodman, I. A., degree, 614 Goodman, J. B., degree, 163 Goodrich, C. H., degree, 166 Goodrick,F.189,appointment,623 514 541 545 Goodrich .onP.,O.,193,extension,with,526 502 Goodspeed,R.title,degree, Board grading, conGoodsell,adjustment,ofaccess353 medical buildGoodrich,C.P.deposit59usefundslaboratory equipGoodwin Industries, to,533248545 325 Goodwin, 600,C604onappointment, 545 Goodwill interestC.P.A.628614 to,funds, Goranson,N.W J.,,degree,24662281, Goold, alsopurchased,University Goodwine,Rubberbond,611536,old 299, Gordon, in172,S., degree,256 Goodyear,Treasurer 212242 opening,C.C.,degree,59Board, retirement, 492 degree,of salary E., A., change H.M., Company, See M Treasurer transfer of L., letter, A.,funds elected Avenue, ofcertificate, safe deposit appointments, report G., I., ment E. boxes, tract, ing, H. 675 Gordon, H. R., degree, 93 Gordon, H. S., degree, 638 Gordon, L. H., degree, 242 Gordon, N. E., degree, 146 Gorenstein, B., degree, 164 Gorodazky, R. L., certificate, 641 Gorowitz, J., C.P.A. certificate, s^6 Goshorn, R. H., degree, 633 Goslin, A., degree, 041 GosnelU M. E., degree, 618 Goss, F. H., degree, 256 Gotsch, R. E., C , degree, 163 Gotshalk, D. W., appointment, 314 Gotshalk, N. S., degree, 242 Gott, E. L., degree, 626 Gottlieb, A. M., degree, 266 Gottlieb, J. D., degree, 266 Gougler, M. E., degree, 626 Gould, A. A., degree, 629 Gould, J. S., degree, 268 Gouldj L. D., degree, 247 Goulding, H. J., degree, 24a Gourdier farm, replacement of house on, 568 Governor, conference onfinancialsituation, 526 Grading, Goodwin Avenue extension, contract, i8g Graduate scholarships and fellowships, authorized, 126 Graduate School, appropriation, special, 364 a.ssistantships, gift for extension, 441 budget, 349 Dean, member of Senate, 418 member of Council, 419 degrees, 76, 91, 161, 260, 269, 447, 470, 526, 630, 641 expendable gift fund, 349 research, balance reappropriated, 285 scholars and fellows, lists, 212, 233, 278, 403, 457, 586, 643 exemptions from fees, 610 statute governing, 593 Graduate students, subject to discipline by Dean, 418 Graduate work, members of staff, fees, 609 Graduation requirements, Engineering, 6tf8 Journalism, 608 Liberal Arts and Sciences, 561 Physical Education, 609 Gradwohl, B. E., appointment, 303 Graff, M. D., degree, 626 Graham, A. J., appointment, 369 Graham, C. M., degree, 247 Graham, E. A., degree, 94 Graham, H. E., degree, 250 GrangerI.heatingdegree, 529 300507 346, 551 Graham, andof, Artto,contract, paintings, servGrant, D.J. 64, Jr.,Galleries, 309, Grand saleC F., degree, 475 313505, Gramesley,D.,J., A,, appointments, Grais, Centralappointment, 81,64343 548 Grainger,W384A.,18degree,379 architectural Grain, J.,L..M.appointment, 335,300 552 153 Granger, releasedappointment, Gramley, R.,,general degree, 242 change R. D., degree, 165 patent T. E., 193, 278,629 55 payment, H., appointments, letter, H. B., contractor, window contractor, 614 ices, G. K., J. H. A., B. M., in appointments, G., K-, J., J., F., Bollenbacher, certificate, 641242 degree, 94 57 degree, 506 256 614628 412,
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