UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 [PAGE 676]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932
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BOARD OF TRUSTEES Gifts, cont'd. National Research Council, 442, 577, 596 Neal Gravel Company of Mattoon, 596 Pan-American Union, 611 Pelikan, Mrs. A. E., 371 Pharmacy, Class of 1931, 388 Class of 1932, 612 Pusey, W . A,, 577 Radiological Research Institute, 99, 221, 441 Reliance Gauge Column Company, 504 Rohm & Haas Company, 153 Sarno, M., 99 Silberman, Mrs. P., 611 Smithsonian Institution, 74 Standard Brands, Inc., 32, 189, 441, 469 Standard Oil Company of Indiana, 74 Tennessee Products Corporation, 99 Turley, F. S., 206 United States Public Health Service, 220 Universal Atlas Cement Company, 611 Western Brick Company, 74 Western Electric Company, 516 Whiting Corporation, 206 Wilson Laboratories, 371 Zapffe, F. C , 611 Giguere, Sister S. C , degree, 269 Gilbert, D. L., degree, 242 Gilby, J. H., degree. 531 Gildea, M. C., C.P.A. certificate, 526 Giles, J. C , degree, 640 Gilkerson. A. R., degree, 250 GUI, G. E. H., degree, 242 GUI, G. L., degree, 254 Gill, H. L., appointments, n o , 350 Gill, T. G-, degree, 95 Gill, T. W degree, 614 Gillesby, W . J., certificate, 267 Gillespie, S. W., degree, 77 Gillett, T. W., degree, 254 Gillis, M. J., degree, 618 Gilman, G. E., degree, 242 Gilman, L. A., degree, 621 Gilmore, G. C , commission, 259 degree, 252 Gilmore, G. H., degree, 242 Gilmore, T. A., degree, 617 Gilmore, J. H., certificate, 639 Gilmore, M . E., degree, 258 Gilmore, S. C , appointment, 51, 300 Gilson, A. J., degree, 253 Gilster, U. A., degree, 258 Giltner, O. B., degree, 379 Gimlin, F. G-, degreef 623 Gingrich, E. F., appointment, 345 Glass, L. R.N.,degree, 439269 356310, 405, Giurato,A.265A.,I.,degree, 242453 326 548 Girden,A.J.scholarship,617 168, 333, 340 141 Glenn, H. C. F.,certificate,629 Gleckler, F.S-,E.appointment, Glaysher, O.A.,S-,C.P.A. 268 Glassware,G.,,M.,degree, 246 Glasgow,. R.S.degree, 78 certificate, Gladville, E.,I.,degree,degree, Gittlestein,R„J^appointment,26792 Gingrich, C.purchase, 624253 196 24, Glossinger,degree,degree, Gloor, T., E., degree, 379 Glessner, Mrs.degree,247 Glenner,E.V. D-, degree, Glaza, WM. S. G.,degree,626474 Goan, S., degree, 640 252 Glynn,H., E., appointment, Gluesenkamp, appointments, Glover,B., J., S.,W-, 605 Glotfelty, appointments, degree, C C. J. 624 appointment,

Gibson, L. L., appointment, 324 Gibson Canning Company, agreement, 143. 161 canceled, 516 expendable gift fund, 340 Gier, J. B., degree, 379 Gieseking, J. E., appointments, 110, 335 Gieselmann, W . F., degree, 622 Gifts, Allegheny Steel Company, 221 Allerton, R., 220, $77 Alpha Rho Chi fraternity, 488 American Bridge Company, 611 American Concrete Institute, 74. 4^9 American Medical Association, 121, 206 American Society of Civil Engineers, 153 American Society for Testing Materials, Babcock, K. C, 186 Babcock, R. H., 67 Babcock and Wilcox Company, 504 Bauer and Black, 469 Bell Telephone Company, 206 Brook Hill Farm, 140 Burdick, C. B., 596 Burk, L., 206 Carr, R. F., 32 Certified Milk Producers Association, 140, 153, 44i Champion, M. E., 494 Chemical Foundation, 371, 441, 469 Chicago Bridge and Iron Works, 32, 129 Chicago Century of Progress Commission, 74, 220 Chicago Illinae Club, 442 City of Galesburg, 73 Class of 1931, School of Pharmacy, 388 Class of 1932, School of Pharmacy, 612 Cold Metal Process Company, 221 Combustion Engineering Corporation, 504 Cowan, J. M., 99 Crerar Library, 129, 504 Curtiss, R. M., 140 Detroit Illinae Club, 596 Deuss, H. O., 371 Dietetic Laboratories, Inc., 441 Diffenbaugh, H. J., 442 DuPont de Nemours « Company, 140, 504 Earle, F. B., 206 Electrical Engineering Show of 1932, 612 Electro-Therapy Products Corporation, 577 Eli Lilly and Company, 611 Ellison, L. M., 371 Ells, C. S., 504 Fairbanks Morse and Company, 596 Farm Bureau-Farm Management Service, 577 HospitalF.R. 516CellucottonFund,99, 221ComGrand &CouncilHarvesterof73,Packers,504 577, graduateGas SandandGravelCompany, 494, 504 Illinois L.M. J.AcademyGravel 99, Utilization, Huyck,JohnsonP.,andCompany, Chi, 442 Jones StateCollege of189,Company,140 Johnson,BenefitM.442Works, 140228577 Inter-StateG. Association, 441Products 596 InternationalAmericanon Corporation, 469 InstitutePress E.,HospitalEngineering, 371 Tames, D.,Chemical 488Wood 441, Lippincott,516 Electric Rho Company, Lincoln Association, Kitchell,Laughlin206 Association, Kinley, SandM-, 494 Meat106 Mutual Committee MonsantoMrs.371 Alpha Science, Manuel, of W-r 74 National Mylonas, C.t and Steel Mead, V., Association, 387 596 pany, 555 of F., Sons,