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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Furniture, cont'd. President's Office, 98 Woman's Gymnasium, 515, 555 Furry, W . H., degrees, 93, 638 fellowship, 213 Furst, E., degree, 242 Fuson,.R. C , appointments, 307, 548 Gaa, M F., degree, 247 egrees, Fuzak, W . L., degrees, 256 471 Gabby, J. G-, degree, 93, Gaberman, L., degree, Gaa, C.G.» degree, 614 268 Gaber, J., degree, 620 Gabric, Gaa, IT M. A., degree, 268 Gabris, Gabbyj V, H. M., degree, 614 Gaensslen, F. E-, degree, 268 Gage, J. C , degree, 247 Gagnon, J., degree, 474 Gaines, W . L., appointment, 336 Galantiere, E., degree, 256 Galbraith, R. U., degree, 91 Galbreath, L. F., degree, 635 Gale, F. C , degree, 622 Galesburg, City of, gift, 73 Galin, J., certificate, 639 Galinato, J. G., degree, 250 Gallagher, M., appointment, 308 Gallie, D. M., appointment, 362 Galligar, G. C , appointments, 405, 547 degree, 630 Gallivan Addition, meeting regarding, 58 survey of property bordering, 109 Galloway, A., certificate, 267 Galloway, J. M., degree, 242 Gamberg, L., degree, 499 Gandell, M., degree, 268 Gangstad, M. E., degree, 618 Gano, W . A., degree, 247 Ganster, W . A., appointments, 50, 347 Gansz, C. W., commission, 259 degree, 247 Gant, V. A., appointment, 587 degree, 528 Gantz, R. H., degree, 623 Garage, Geological Survey, 497 Garber, A. E., degree, 618 Gard, D. J., degree, 614 Gardiner, C. M., Jr., degree, 251 Gardner, H. V., degree, 626 Gardner, M. E., degree, 632 Garland, J. C., certificate, 267 Garman, F. M., degree, 614 Garner, D. S., degree, 256 Garner, J. W., appointment, 314 Garnette, R. A., degree, 258 Garretson, D. D., degree, 618 Garretson, W . G., degree, 92 Garrett, O. F., appointment, 337 Garrett, R. P., degree, 7 Garrison,investigation, fund,3°5»for329 516444 Garrigus,N.E.,O.,degree, 6223,453 I53> 441* 469 Gas expendabledegree, 2,472 323, 363 Garvey, .H.333-station, request188, tuna, Garst, Mpressure,giftappointment, 309 Garnty,B.,H.R.,J.,degree,529 99,642212, 323 Gas,fumes, W,,N., short 251 Garver, WF. O., appointment, 300 515 Gartner,F.. S. L.,appointment, 188, license, Gasul, J.F.research,476 course, Gathercoal, appointment^ 629 Gaston, Gaspanch,614 products,246 Gaskillt W., 329 fund,369 Oas apparatus degree,25469, degree, patents, methane, E. research,254 high stack, fund, \V\, commission, combustion degree, Engineering, M., K., 673 Gauen, F. A., degree, 347 Gauer. C. E., degree, 618 Gauerke, H. J., degree, 92 Gaulrapp, H. W., degree, 252 Gault, N. R., C.P.A. certificate, 526 Gay, E. D., degree, 379 Gay, M. C , appointment, 453 Gazan, M. M., appointments, 50, 295 Gazley, W\, II, degree, 629 Gbur, E. F., degree, 626 Gdalman, L., degree, 269 Gearhart, H. E., degree, 529 Gebhart, H. C , appointment, 353 Gehrmann lectureship, expendable fund, 354 Geiger, S. G., appointments, n o , 370 Geis, H. L., degree, 472 Gets, P. E., degree, 269 Geissendoerfer, J. T., appointments, 168, 312 Geissler, L., degree, 256 Geleta, W., degree, 640 Gelinas, I., degree, 624 Geller, G., degree, 473 Gelwick, C. W., appointment, 40s General Assembly, appropriation for visit, 150 General Chemical Storeroom, acids, contract, 189 chemicals purchased, 372 pyrex laboratory glassware purchased, 140, 153, 206, 439, 488 General Electric Company, contracts, 97. 127, 143 refrigerators purchased, 439 General Engineering Drawing, budget, expense, 322 salary, 325 laboratory fees, 68, 282 Generator, electric, purchase, 439 Gengler, R. J., degree, 242 Genschmer, F., appointment, 405 Genung, E. N., appointments, I77> 308 Geological Survey, garage, appropriation, 497 contracts, 402, 414, 497 housing, appropriation, 384 proposed expansion, 121, 132 Geology, budget, expense, 305 salary, 311 head of department, appointed, 274 laboratory fees, 282 George, O. H., appointment, 359 Gerdes, U. J., C.P.A. certificate, 526 Gerdl, E. V., degree, 614 Gerfen, C. A., degree, 165 Gerlach, E., appointment, 361 Gerlich, D. E., degree, 256 Gernon, ,J.,R. degree,degree,639 363 Germer,L.,F.,appointment, 479405 308 German,B.budget,M., appointment,310 Gersbacher,degree,expense, 305 326 Geymer, A.,312,Jr.,614638 161 Geyer,C. .A. H.,A., 614 626 638 Gettmann,M.,Cappointments, 81, Gershon,B.J-,E.,appointment,196, Gibson,M degree, 164 531 Gibbs, C. S-, degree, 254 Gibbons G., 166 commission, Gholson, J. degree, 253 Gher, CM.C. H., certificate, 259 Ghent,A. G. W . Jr., 617 Getz, C.,W.,J.,degree,619 degree, 265 appointments, degree, 527 , appointment, salary,249 degree, R. 269 G., L., 165
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