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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
6?2 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Friesenecker, E. M., degree, 640 Frings, C. V.f degree, 95 Frison, G. G., appointment, 311 Froehhch, R. J., degree, 242 Froggatt, A. M., degree, 351 Frohardt, R. E., degree, 77 Frohardt, W . E., degree, 628 Frost, D. C , degree, 350 Fruin, L. T., degree, 638 Fruit, G. A., degree, 614 Fruit, sale of, 23 Fruland, L. O., degree, 620 Fry, A. L., degree, 449 Fuermann, W . H., degree, 6ig Fues, R, A., degree, 245 Full, E. L.., degree, 247 Fuller, H. Q., appointment, 170 degree, 638 fellowship, 213 Fuller, J. R., degree, 614 Fuller, M . W., degree, 242 Fullerton, W . W., degree, 638 Fulton, J. M., degree, 246 Fulton, L. M., degree, 78 Fume hoods, Chemistry Annex, contract, 131 Funds, American Otological Society, 388 Baker prize, investment, 48 Bursar s petty cash, creditors' agreement authorized, 608 depository, 601 reduction, 601 report, 567 deposit, 366 emergency working, established, 216 report on, 387 endowment, budget, 365 investments, 446 Kinley memorial, 410 gift, budget, 365 McKinley Hospital endowment, investments, 189, 220 M a y Fetes, transfer, 515 petty cash, creditors* agreement authorized, 608 Stadium, report, 525 trust fund, 592 State, available, 173 See also Budget student loan, addition, 596 Alumni emergency, 577 automobile show, 424 Chicago Illinae, 372, 442 Class of 1907, accepted, 611 proposed, 494 Ebert, 494, 612 Fungicides,N.,Comptroller'scontract, 232, 475 Furniture,boiler,Dental50,604323 272, 323, 49 Furnace,attorney's2,545andgiftreports 578 s329 Furby,reports,engineering,144*614 444 27 Fuqua,giftassignment, 128 365Comptroller's Funkhouser,of536, 442fund,476funds, 400, 402, trust,C. to,Annex, degree, investment, Treasurer'sexpendableHall, 403, 506 See also L.,House, 610 26 369 Woman's andbalances,292 Mortgages Medical Residence 74, 231, ChemistryBonds, 487, 498,212, warm R. appropriation, 59126 patent,424,summary; 93 272, 273 President's E.securities, transfer,investigation, budget, degree, interest, See air, 445. Budget, emergency^1S6, fees,Laboratories, investments, G., expendable, 577 Diffenbaugh,gift44, deposit appointment, Babcock, Gifts, electrical 612 235, expendable budget, also refractories, Fox, A. B., degree, 473 Fox, h. E., degree, 632 fellowship, 586 scholarship, 233 Fox, Sister M . C„ degree, 520 Fox, N., appointments, 190, 385 Fox, R. J., C.P.A. certificate, 24, 141 Fox, W-, certificate, 267 Fox, W . E., commission, 642 degree, 619 Foxen, C , degree, 631 scholarship, 213 Fraboni, D. E., degree, 619 Fradin, T., degree, 256 Frain, Mrs. N. M., appointments, 355* 3©a Frame, B, E-, degree, hi Frame, C L., Dental Supply Company, lease, 99 Francart, G. M., degree, 530 Francis, F-, appointments, 453, 55* Francis, G. M., appointments, 333, 341 Francis, J. H., degree, 93 Francis, K. E., degree, 626 Francis, M. E., degree, 527 Francis, R. M., degree, 256 Francona, A., degree, 266 Frankel, H. J)., Jr., degree, 620 Frankenfeld, W . E., degree, 531 Franklin, L. E., degree, 256 FrankoTich, L. M., appointment, 363 Frantz, M . D., C.P.A. certificate, 151 Franzen, E. C , degree, 250 Fraser, W . J., appointment, 336 Frasier, R. C., degree, 247 Frazer, C. A., Jr., degree, 639 Frazier, J. W., degree, 622 Frazier, M. W., degree, 242 Frazin, B., degree, 370 Freas incubator, purchase, 440 Freda, V., degree, 638 Frederick, C. R., appointment, 297 Frederick, D. S-, degree, 630 fellowship, 586 scholarship, 212 Fredricks, W . H., degree, 268 Freed, E. B., degree, 256 Freedman, J., appointment, 453 Freehill, R. A., degree, 528 Freeland, E. B., degrees, 165, 527 Freeman, A. L., degree, 7 Freeman, Mrs. B. Y., appointment, 348 Freeman, G. I., degree, 242 Freeman, Mrs. R, C , appointments, 339, 342, 344 degree, 449 Freilich, .C.F.,Illinois 256 242 318 561 Freidhn,J.R.,L.,J.,ice block, 635 System, Freezingrates,degree, 24,532on 352 Freevol,cars,B.,committee566patent, 67 Freer, athleticW.,degree, 282152367 26 401 Freeman,laboratoryappropriation,public use of FreightM.M.,ofdegree, Terminal Freshman aJ.,appointment,charges, Frese,O. E.D.,degrees,640141 369 French, G.Week,appointment, Friedberg,CI., J., degree, 242 Fridkin, R.B.F., certificate, Frick, W certificate, 247,638 Frey, A. R.E. demurrage 171, Friend, W., reparations, 532 Friedman, L-., appointment, Friedlana,294 M., degree, 310 Fries, L., 532 facilities, member appointments, settlement,E.,degree,618 budget, B. degree, 626 C.P.A. T. degree, clear decree, H. , fee,529
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