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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
670 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Fickett, W . R.» degree, 621 Fidelity and Casualty Company, Treasurer's bond, 533 Fieg, C. W., appointment, 327 Field, R. S., degree, 242 Field, S., C.P.A. certificate, 151 Field expenses, sociology, appropriation, 460 Field and Shorb Company, contract, 152 pipe and water mains purchased, 140, 439 Field test for available phosphorus in soils, royalties, 32 Fielder, J. M., appointment, 310 Fields, D. W-, degree, 92 Fields, F. G. L., degree, 264 Fierberg, S. C , degree, 626 Fierke, M . L., appointment, 479 FiesseV, E., appointment, 452 Figlewski, B., degree, 621 Filachione, E. M., degree, 246 Filbert, C , appointment, 196 Filbey, E. J., appointments, 169, 317 Filip, J. A., degree, 268 Filippi, F. B. R., degree, 626 Fillingham, J., degree, 264 Filpi, J. A., degree, 95 Filson, M . E., degree, 619 Filtration Plant, pipe and water mains, 140 valves, contract, 152 Finance committee, members, 195, 541 Financial organization of University, report, 145 study, 76 Financial program, 1931-33, 184 Financial situation of University, report, 502, 510, 601 conference with Governor, 536 sale of bonds, 560 special committee, appointed, 510 report, 512 statement concerning, 560 Financing April salary payments, 271 Financing dormitories for men, committee, 3 79 Finch, C. E., degree, 630 Finch. D. K., degree, 623 Finch, G., appointment, 453 degree, 471 Finch, G. H., C.P.A. certificate, 526 Finder, J. G., degree, 499 Finder, L., appointment, 303 Findlay, E. K., appointments, 146, 368 Fine and Applied Arts, College of, T73 admission requirements, 186, 493 appropriation, special, 364 assistant to dean, appointed, 385 Finney,516G., 410629547 374 639 Finnegan, degree, degree,186 Finn, S.,C.A.C,M., 622619470 165 Finley,P.,E.salary,painting, 273 Finkl, G.L.R.,A.,degree, 614 614n o Finkelstein,R.,degree,623472income 196, 347 Finger,A,aims,,change,629242 309,fund, 453 Fink, M.H.degree, 347 379 degrees, F.,inappointments, curriculumL.,J., 7 major G. Cdegree, gift, R., V., 346 departments degree, department endowment dean appointed, budget, 531,1S6 degree, fellowship,degree, expendableC degree, established, included, summary, 187 G., certificate, appointment, degree, Fees, cont'd. attorney's, Hall, A. R., 57* Riley, W . B., 11, 62 exemptions, 610 extension course, otolaryngology, 387 general engineering drawing, 68 incidental, Urbana departments, 184 laboratory, bacteriology, 461 home economics, changed, 423 medicine, authority tofix,493 orthodontia, 489 pharmacy, 210, 591 Urbana departments, schedule, 1030-31, 3 i93*-32, 281 locker, authorized, 423 Medicine, 107 lying-in service, 461 military overcoats, changed, 423 non-resident, assessment regulations, 118 payment by Illinois State Board for Vocational Education, 462 registrar's report of, 33, 68, 209, 400, 442, 578 Skating Rink, admission, 423 special courses without credit, 567 University Chorus, 461 University courses, members of staff, 609 members of surveys, laboratories, and hospitals, 609 public school teachers, 610 Fchrenbacher, R. J-, degree, 614 Feicht, E. L. M., degree, 251 Feickert, C. W., degree, 253 Fei.sensun, M , GM degree, 614 Feiman, I)., certificate, 639 Fein, J., degree, 259 Feinerman, A. H., certificate, 639 degree, 95 Feinhandler, E., degree, 266 Feinhandler, H. S., degree, 638 Feinstein, M., degree, 146 Feldman, J. M., degree, 256 Feldman, J. R-, degree, 242 Feldman, L., appointment, 367 Feldspar investigation, fund, 323 Fellows, appointments, 212, 233, 586, 643 exemption from laboratory fees, 610 Fellows. J. R., appointments, 81, 325 Fellowships, budgeting. 126 Carnegie Corporation, 96 DuPont, 140, 504 funds, 365 high pressure gas research, gift, 153 history and political science, trust fund established, 186 Ferber,M.awarded,degree,146 614 141 Felter,MetalE..M.,591degree,investigation, 151, Fergason,H certificate, rock,246renewed, Fencl, C V. J.B,, appointed,614 Company, conFelts, G.A. M376M.,degree,249629 410 441 Ferrias, S., .appointment, 332 Ferrara,NealE.,443 fund,614 Ferrall, A.,W.,jndegree,endowed, Fernow,,V.S.,Manufacturing Fernholz,H.,C.P.A.degree,242 Ferguson,T).T.,Kinley, 614253 Fett.tract, J. D.,degree, 469 Ferst, Ferris,G.I.S.L,,degree,267 314 Fiatt190 phosphatecertificate, Fertilizer, „ degree, 250 Fetterolf, A., chemistry, McGovern, degree, 626 Plym, Kate expendable giftdegree, securities, Jr.,591 committee regulations,
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