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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
66o BOARD OF TRUSTEES Collins, W . L,, appointment, 327 degree, 633 Collins, W . R., appointments, 109, 356, 3C3 Colorado Fuel and Iron Company, test rails purchased, 611 Colp, K.f degree, 638 Columns, concrete, investigation, 74, 323, 469, 516 Colyer, G. E., degree, 242 Combs, E. N., degree, 247 Combs, J. D., appointment, 316 degree, 262 Combustion, gas, effect on flue piping and chimneys, 3 expendable gift funds, 323, 329 research to be terminated, 515 Combustion Engineering Corporation, gift, 504 Commandant, member of Senate, 418 Commencement, budget, 294 Commerce and Business Administration, College of, appropriation, special, 136 assistant dean, appointed, 374 budget, salary, 317 summary, 317 degrees, 78, 93, 164, 246, 449, 530, 618 department of public utilities and transportation, established, 374 expendable endowment income fund, 317, 319 Commercial Casualty Insurance Company, University automobiles, 205 Commission on Medical Education, appropriation, 91 Commissions, military, 259, 642 Committees, agriculture, members, 90, 195, alumni, members, 90, 193, 541 Alumni Foundation, appointed, 128 report, 403 vacanciesfilled,2^ 3 athletic facilities, use by public, recommendations, 566 Buildings and Grounds, members, 90, 195, 54i reports, 74, 133, 569 by-law amendments, 540, 553, 554 Chicago departments, 90, 195, 541 committee organization, 90 dormitories for men, 379 executive, elected, 182, 540 faculty, statutes concerning, 419 on patents, 116 appointed, 142 finance, acting chairman, 144 members, 195, 541 Community90,situation, appointed,47 218 294 Compensation, 403sell 90,195,247 106541 298 sold. Commons, 419 Building, 133 andChase, 90 recomCommonwealth toEdison Company, 510 Journalismbonds, streets90, 541 546 namingofwelfare, President 195, inauguration bond,90, appointed, bonds standing,members,appointed, 541 Senate, campus 133 195, salary, Plymmendations, degree, expense, financial 90.D., 560 report, Treasurer'sEnglish, securities, Students' Adviser, budget, drives, student 512 403 541 special, 299 of 183 patents, G. accident, landscaping, members, sale fellowship, authority 403 discharged, 195, report, salary, 446 recommendations, Clifton, M.. appointment, 404 Cline, F. A., degree, 146 Cline, J. M., degree, 268 Clinical faculty, 1930-31* additional, 24 1931-32, 367> 38s Clinite, R., appointment, 296 Clock, gift, 388 . , Closterium botulinum, investigation, 26, 469 Clothfelter, D. W., certificate, 267 degree, 166 Clow, C. F-, degree, 258 Clugston, E. A., degree, 254 Coal, Chicago departments, 47, 206, 222, 555, 595 Physical Plant, purchase, 70, 190, 222, 505 reparations on freight, 152 research terminated, 515 Coal Mines Investigation, budget, expense, Coal yard, retaining wall, contract, 172 Coate, W . R-, degree, 164 Coble, A. B., appointments, 313, 540 Coble, J. A-, degree, 470 Coblentz, R. I., degree, 254 Cochrane, N. C , appointment, 353 Cockrum, A. E., degree, 634 Codd, J. W-, degree, 619 Cody, E. A., degree, 242 Cody, F. L., degree, 256 Coe, C. S., degree, 165 Coe, L., appointment, 333 Cofey, Sister M . R., degree, 95 Cofresi, E., degree, 632 Cogan, H. D., appointment, 308 degree, 526 Coglon, R. B., degree, 499 Cohee, G. V., degree, 24s, 634 Cohen, A. E., appointment, 452 Cohen, A. M., appointments, 335, 451 Cohen, B., degree, 626 Cohen, B. M., certificate, 267 degree, 270 Cohen, C., appointment, 369 Cohen, D., certificate, 267 Cohen, E., certificate, 269 degree, 641 Cohen, F., degree, 164 Cohen, H. N., certificate, 641 Cohen, J., degree, 266 Cohen, M. R., degree, 266 Cohen, R., appointment, 359 Cohen, S., degree, 532 Cohen, S. H., degree, 253 Cohen, S. S., degree, 638 Cohenour, H. H., degree, 250 Cohn, B. N., degree, 618 Colby,A.process,degree,449640 etc.595 rights,205 Cokestitute,S.,F.,appointment,patent 221 inCole,Commerce,appointment,359 109 CokingCorporation,appointment,259 Agriculture, Cohn,MetalG.,G.,,Parr,247 618 339 310 sale, 49 Coleman,R..of139 Education, medico-legal Cold G.ofstatutesdegree, on Oakleaf, CollectionG.,ProcessofCompany, gift, Colleges,E.,absence,Urbana, as Collins, E.247appointment,530 419 leaveR.WM.,B., degree, 556, degree,C-, degree, 242 Sec F. P., L., commission, E. J.names letter266 T. C. E., concerning, alsoG. degree, 612 A. E. degree, colleges, B.,degree, 256 C H., Lincolniana, 626 614 49,
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