UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932 [PAGE 657]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1932
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U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS Brose, L., degree, 613 Brosnahan, M., appointments, 134, 295 Brothers, E. D., appointment, 355 Brough, V. F., degree, 241 V.rouillette, R. H., degree, 619 Brown, A. L., degree, 146 Brown, A. W., appointments, 314, 381, 499, Brown, B., appointment, 303 Brown, B. M., degree, 250 Brown, B. W., decree, 256 Brown, Charlotte, appointment, 306 Brown, Clara, appointment, 352 Brown, C. A., appointments, 337, 341 degree, 636 Brown, C. D-, appointment, 479 Brown, D. F., scholarship, 587 Brown, D. J., degree, 638 Brown, Donald M-, appointments, 109, 3J3 Brown, Doris M., appointment, 297 Brown, E. W-, degree, 250 Brown, Edna M., appointment, 451 degree, 76 Brown, Emmet M., appointment, 79 Brown, F., appointments, 80, 317 Brown, F. S., degree, 249 scholarship, 233 Brown, F. W., appointment, 170 fellowship, 233 Brown, G. A., letter of, 414 Brown, H. A., appointment, 324 patents, 31, 152 Canadian, 193 Brown, H. E., appointment, 451 degree, 254 Brown, H. F., degree, 474 Brown, H. W., degree, 248 Brown, J. C , degree, 241 Brown, J. L-, degree, 252 Brown, J. S., degree, 613 Brown, J. V., degree, 472 Brown, L. A., degree, 626 Brown, L. H., appointment, 451 Brown, M. B., degree, 254 Brown, M. M., degree, 92 Brown, M. V., degree, 379 Brown, P. H., appointment, 318 Brown, P. M., degree, 628 Brown, R. E., degree, 626 Brown, R. L., appointment, 328 Brown, R. M., degree, 450 Brown, R. R., degree, 527 Brown, R. S., degree, 6zi Brown, W . S., certificate, 267 Brown, W . T., C.P.A. certificate, 151 Brown, W . W., appointment, 352 Browne,G-,7E.,degree, 530certificate,321, payBrown,E.WWD.appointment,630 Chevrolet 358 422, Bruflat, Jackson, commission, Brudzinski, F.H.,633 appointment, Bruch, E., M.,L.,C.P.A. 268 Dienner, Bruce, T.S5iT.284Company, 164 171, Brubaker R.249,M., degree^ 8,404 355, sedans Brownson,..L.587degree,64 305&259 Browning,E.,M.,appointments, 363 123526 Brumley, \V\,403 appointments, Brumbach, Salesappointment, Brull, Bruhn, 470388 Boettcher, scholarship, J., degree, retirement^B.,S., fellowship, degree, degree, authorized, 163 purchased,appointments, degrees, 45i, ment


Brummett, R. D., degree, 470 Brtiner, A. M., appointments, 177, 353 Bruns, P. R., commission, 259 degree, 252 Bruton, G., degree, 620 Bryan, G. D., degree, 470 fellowship, 213 Bryan prize fund, 365 Bryant, F. L., appointment, 451 Bryant, L. R., degrees, 252, 528 Bryant, M . D., degree, 162 Buchanan, Mrs. M . D-, appointment, 301 Buchanan, R. M., degree, 621 Bucher, E. C , degree, 472 Buchheit, J. R., appointment, 316 degree, 635 Buchholz, J. T., appointment, 306 Buck, A. D., degree, 449 Buck. C. M., degree, 629 Buckhardt, H. L., appointment, 335 degree, 635 Buckler, J. B., degree, 447 Buckles, C. H., C.P.A. certificate, 386 Buckles, R. H., degree, 620 Buckley, R., appointment, 337 Buckman, C. M-, appointments, 80, 362 Budget, 1030-31, adjustments, 10, 59, 90, 118 1931-32, adjustments, 126, 137 approved, 286 comparative study of appropriations, 291 estimated income, 288 expendable trust funds, 292 salary, 293 summary of appropriations, 290 I93I-33, Legislative, adopted, 107 operating, 184 !932-33» plans concerning, 547 Athletic Association, 48, 371, 434 Capper Ketcham Extension, revised, 59 School of Music, addition, 185 Smith-Lever Extension, revised, 59 statute concerning, 419-22 Summer Session, 1931, 167 J932» 547 Budny, J. V., degree, 268 Buesinger, F. M., degree, 623 Bugayong, A. N., degree, 6x8 Building program, approved, 184 statement concerning, 132 Buildings, Chicago, appropriation for moving furniture into Medical and Dental Laboratories, 515 Journalism, sketches exhibited, 586 Buildings and Grounds, standing committees, i95. S4i Bull, TVH.A.,R.,degree,639259299109, 330to,551 Bumbalek,J..D-,L.,appointments, 233, 340 Bullions, D.appropriation 336 337 170, 351, Buky, M.L.L.,M.,,degree, 613613printing, 118 Buino,ofH.E.J.C133degree,569623referred313 600 Burdick, 633N.,degree, Burdette, 166J.,appointments, Buran, A. degree, Bunting, C. B.,degree,62693 Bundy,F-,baseballgift,262 212 Bumstead,Mappointment,596for Bumgarner,C.medical building Bullock, E.,H.,G.,field, 617 Bulletins,E.V.,fellowship, 620 Bullard, oldF.,H., appointments, 177, degree, certificate, use B. J. reports, 74,appointment, new S., degree, degree,